The Discreet Charm of the Islamic Caliphate by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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The Charm of the Islamic State Revisited


From all the above it is clear why many terrorist organizations are rushing to pledge their allegiance to the Islamic State even though ISIS is retreating in Syria and Iraq. The reason is that the idea of the Islamic State is promoted by the strongest military power of the Muslim world, i.e. Turkey, and it has the support of another great power i.e. Russia.


Moreover the notion of a united Muslim World which will protect Islam and will fight the Crusaders is a great bed time story for the low educated Muslims.


The idea of the Caliphate suits both Erdogan and Putin, obviously for different reasons. For Erdogan the Islamic State is a great idea because he is the ideal leader of the Caliphate. Who else could be the Sultan (Caliph) of the Caliphate?


For Putin the idea of the Caliphate is great because it really scares the Europeans, who will have no choice but to ask for Russia’s protection. Until now the Europeans were trying to reduce Putin’s influence by importing natural gas from the Middle East, the Caspian Sea and West Africa i.e. the Trans-Saharan pipeline (Nigeria-Niger-Algeria).


Map The War for Europe



Putin is trying to reestablish the Soviet Union and that really scares the Europeans. But no matter how much Putin scares the Europeans, he looks really sweet when compared to a rising Islamic State. If there is an Islamic State Europe will start begging Russia for her protection.


That’s why both Putin and Erdogan see with in a very positive way the idea of the Caliphate. The Russians also think that due to their nuclear weapons they will be able to beat the Ottomans if they have to fight them in the future.


The deal between Putin and Erdogan, which gave Putin Europe and Erdogan the Middle East, is the Molotov-Riebentrop Pact of the 21st Century. Under the original Molotov-Riebentrop Pact the Communists (Russians) and the Nazis (Germans) forged an alliance against the West, and they split Eastern Europe in zones of influences i.e. the Nazis (Germans) took half Poland, the Communsts (Russians) took the other half of Poland, plus the Baltic States and Finland. Moreover the Communists agreed to supply the Nazis with oil, iron, wheat and other raw materials, and the Nazis agreed to supply the Communists with manufactured German goods.


Map The Molotov Riebentrop Pact



The agreement between Putin and Erdogan is that Erdogan will leave Europe to Russia, and Russia will leave the Middle East to Turkey, plus that Russia will supply Turkey with cheap natural gas.


Map The New Molotov Riebentrop



Obviously Putin and Erdogan will have to reach an agreement for North Africa too. The obvious intersection of interests is to fight the Trans-Saharan pipeline i.e. Nigeria-Niger-Algeria, and to jointly fight the French, the Spanish, the Italians and the Algerians if they dare to go ahead with the project.


If Erdogan was the Sultan of North Africa he would have a motive to promote the Trans-Saharan pipeline, but obviously the Islamic State as it is described by the Islamic propaganda lies more to the fantasy than the real world. At least that’s how things are for now. Because the Muslims are very strong in United States too, and they have almost taken France, since 10% of the population in France are Muslims.


If the Putin-Erdogan propaganda is appealing to the stupid European and Americans studentss, imagine how appealing they it is to the poor Muslims, who are a lot more stupid than the stupid young people you find in Americans and European universities. Besides the American and European universities receive generous funding from the Muslim world, and that’s why most academics in Europe and the United States talk like they are the most fanatic Islamists.


Map Natural Gas (red) and Oil (black) of the Middle East



Richest Countries in Natural Gas



Richest Countries in Oil
