The Financing of Hollywood's Socialist Propaganda by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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Hollywood’s Financiers


But let me go back to the politics of oil and natural gas. The Muslim countries, but also Russia and China, do not have the military power required to threaten the United States with conventional war. It is true that they can use terrorism, and they do use it extensively, but the United States has a strong counter terrorism intelligence service, and unless the Islamists manage to launch a nuclear terrorist attack the United States will remain powerful.

The most efficient way to hurt, or threaten the United States, is by hiring socialists within the United States, in order to spread socialist propaganda. I have to say that Russians are not using communists any more, but national socialists instead. Both Communists and Nazis are socialists, but Communists are internationalists while Nazis are nationalists. Therefore it is more useful for the Islamists to hire American and European Communists, in order to flood Europe and America with Muslim immigrants, whom they can later hire as soldiers and carry terrorist attacks.

One of the reasons, but not the only one, that all these countries have a motive to finance socialist propaganda in the United States is that the United States is undermining their oil and natural gas exports. The new production techniques that were invented in United States (fracking), allowed the production of oil and natural gas from the American and Canadian shale reserves, and they were a real disaster for the Arab, Iranian and Russian oil and gas exports. The increased oil and gas production also put downward pressure on oil prices.

As you can see at the following Energy Information Administration diagram, the United States overtook Saudi Arabia and Russia as the top producer of oil and natural gas in the world.

Image US, Russian and Saudi Oil (dark color) and Natural Gas (light color) Production

Image 5


As you can see at the following map, the Arabs, the Iranians and the Russians hold most of the conventional global reserves of oil.

Image 6 Map of Global Reserves of Conventional Oils


The Arabs and the Iranians were very lucky with conventional oil reserves, but they are very unlucky with shale reserves, as you can see at the following map from Energy Information Administration, because they do not have any. Russia was not as unlucky as the Iranians and the Arabs, because Russia is the richest country in shale oil reserves, and the ninth richest in shale gas reserves.

But Russia does not have the American technology to produce oil and gas from shale, and anyway she is also deeply hurt by the falling oil and gas prices. When you are a net exporter of energy you want high prices, and when you are a net importer of oil and gas you want low energy prices.

Image 7 Map Global Shale Oil Reserves


At the following table you can see the richest countries in shale oil and shale gas (conventional reserves are not included). You can see that the Iranians have not shale reserves.

Image 8 Table Richest Countries in Shale Oil and Shale Rock


Another country that is really directly and indirectly hurt by the increased American production is Venezuela. Venezuela is directly hurt because her oil exports to the United States are falling, as you can see at the following diagram from Energy Information Administration. Venezuela is also indirectly hurt by the American production, because the lower oil prices reduce her revenues from other countries too.

Image 9 US Imports from Venezuela


Venezuela is the richest country of the American continent in oil reserves, and actually the richest one in the word. But Venezuela is a socialist country, and socialist countries are always very corrupted and poor. The richest person in Venezuela is the daughter of the ex socialist President Hugo Chavez, so you can imagine how the socialists do business. See Breitbart “Hugo Chavez’s Favorite Daughter Is Richest Person in Venezuela”, August 2015.

Image 10 Oil Reserves of Venezuela


Due to geographic proximity Venezuela counts on her US oil exports as you can see at the following EIA diagram. Unfortunately the data I have refers to 2011.

Image 11


Nigeria is another major exporter of oil which is hurt by the United States’ increased production. The Arabs, the Iranians, the Venezuelans, the Russians, and all the countries that are hurt by the American production, are supporting socialist propaganda in the United States. For example, Bernie Sanders, the Jewish candidate who was supported by the Qataris and the Iranians, promised to ban production from shale rock (fracking) if he was elected.

Hilary Clinton on the other hand said she would not ban fracking, and that she would allow foreign countries to buy the American technology, in order to exploit their own shale reserves. See Huffington Post “Bernie Sanders Will Ban Fracking. Hillary Clinton ‘Sold Fracking to the World”, February 2016.

Bernie Sanders is also very aggressive towards Israel, even though he is a Jew. Actually the Jewish voters of New York voted mainly for Hilary Clinton. See Haaretz “Hillary Clinton Takes Jewish Vote in New York Primaries”, April 2016.

You can see the Arab support for Bernie Sanders when you read the articles of the Arab news networks. See for example the articles of the Qatari state-owned Al Jazeera network.

“Why women should support Sanders not Clinton”, February 2016

“Why I will vote for Bernie Sanders”, February 2016

“Muslims for Bernie Sanders”, April 2016

Or read the Saudi Al Arabiya “Only Bernie Sanders can stop Donald Trump”, March 2016.

Bernie Sanders is also really likened by Evo Morales, the communist leader of Bolivia. See Guardian “Profile: Bolivia's President Evo Morales”, February 2016.

Evo Morales, a former coca-grower, was a close friend of Hugo Chavez, the Communist leader of Venezueal.

Image 12


Oil and gas exports account for approximately 50% of Bolivia’s exports.

Image 13


For more details on Bernie Sanders, the Arabs and oil money see “American Politics in the Age of Oil: The Phenomenon of Bernie Sanders”.

The cost of production for shale oil varies from 40 to 90 dollars per barrel, depending on the particular deposit. The cost of production for conventional oil varies from 10 to 40 dollars per barrel. Therefore, when the price of oil is above 40 dollars per barrel, frackers can enter the market, and they make it very difficult for the countries of the international oil cartel (OPEC) to synchronize (reduce) their oil production in order to boost prices. See Bloomberg “OPEC Unsure How It Can ‘Live Together’ With Shale Oil”, February 2016.

For the production cost of shale and conventional oil see Investopedia “The Cost of Shale Oil Versus Conventional Oil”.

From al the above you can understand why it is so important for the Arabs, the Iranians and the Russians to support socialists in order to undermine the United States and promote their interests. During the Cold War the Soviets were supporting communists in the United States. After the collapse of the Soviet Union it is the Muslim countries that support communists in Europe and United States, even though they do not like communists in their countries. The Russians now mainly support national socialists.

The Canadian-American Oil Pipeline

The Keystone Pipeline is a planned Canadia-American oil pipeline, which will carry every day 800.000 barrels of oil from Alberta in Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

Image 14 Keystone Pipeline


This pipeline will be a disaster for the oil exporting countries of South America, like Venezuela and Bolivia, but also Mexico. Oil exports account for more than 10% of Mexico’s exports.

Image 15


Remember that the pro-immigrant Bernie Sanders does not want a fence on the Mexican-American borders, and he also wants to give citizenship to illegal immigrants leaving in United States. See “Bernie Sanders Tells Latinos He Backs Immigration Reform at NALEO”, June 2015.

Anyway, the Keystone Pipeline hurts many countries, and again Bernie Sanders is very strongly opposing it, supposedly for environmental reasons. Hilary Clinton was in favor of the project. See Huffington Post “Bernie Sanders Is Against Keystone XL. Hillary Clinton Was ‘Inclined’ to Approve It. Why the Difference”, July 2015.

The Keystone Pipeline was raised by socialists and became a key issue of the primary elections and Hilary Clinton had changed her stance and opposed it. See CNN “Hillary Clinton opposes Keystone XL pipeline”, September 2015.

Note that one of the major environmental groups of the United States, the Sierra Club, which is a major opponent of the Keystone Pipeline, openly admitted that Saudi Arabia is one its major allies in the fight against the pipeline. See the site of Sierra Club “Our best ally in the fight against Keystone XL: The House of Saud”, January 2015.

Obama vetoed the construction of the Keystone pipeline in 2015, citing environmental change. See New York Times “Citing Climate Change, Obama Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Oil Pipeline”, November 2015.

In 2014 Obama had said that there was little benefit for the United States from the Keystone pipeline, because it would have a negative impact on the environment, and it would be used only for exporting Canadian oil from the Gulf of Mexico. See Political Fact “Obama says Keystone XL is for exporting oil outside the U.S., experts disagree”, November 2014.

As a final note I have to say that the market of renewable energy is a multi-billion dollar market, and it is the one that can be very well represented by environmentalists. Green energy is great of course, but the problem is that it is a lot more expensive than the energy produced from oil, natural gas and coal. See for example “The Islamist-Environmentalist Alliance”, November 2011.