The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism Part 11 by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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Barack Obama and the Black Panthers




As soon as Donald Trump was elected, Cuba announced military drills. See Time Magazine “Military Drills Have Been Announced in Cuba After Donald Trump’s Election Victory”, November 2016.


Cuba is a very old enemy of the United States. Fidel Castro is financed by the oil of Venezuela and by the cocaine of the communist narco-terrorists of FARC in Colombia. In the old days, in order to send his cocaine to Fidel Castro, Pablo Escobar was using as his aid the Communist author, and Nobel Prize winner, Gabriel Garcia Marques (One Hundred Years of Solitude).


Gabriel Garcia Marques was not simply an Escobar’s postman, he was also a snitch of Fidel Castro. See Frontpage Mag “Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Castro's propagandist & snitch”.


Image Fidel Escobar



See also Business Insider “Pablo Escobar's top hit man claims literary icon Gabriel Garcia Marquez worked with El Patron”, October 2015.


Cuban soldiers were transporting the cocaine shipments to Florida, because Miami was, and it still is, one of the most important trafficking points of Escobar and Fidel Castro. See XPAT Nation “How Pablo Escobar Ran His Drug Empire While In Exile With The Help Of Fidel Castro”, September 2015.


Map Cuba-Florida




Map Gulf of Mexico



During the Vietnam War, together with the Soviets and the Chinese, Fidel Castro was financing the communist gangs of Black Panther, who were revolting against the American government, demanding a US withdrawal from the Vietnam War. They were also demanding that black Americans did not serve in the American army.


In the end the United States had to abandon their allies, and the Communists of Vietnam, who were supported by the Soviets and the Chinese, won the war. Fidel and the communist gangs of Black Panthers played a crucial role in defeating the United States.


Image Black Panthers



Today it is not the Communists of Black Panthers attacking American people, but it is instead its off-spring, the Communist terrorists of Black Lives Matter.





I guess that both the Black Panthers and the Black Lives Matters are not simply supported by Fidel, but they must have also been important parts of his drug network.


Barack Hussein Obama, a leftist black Muslim, or at least the son of Shiite Muslim from Kenya, whom the American people chose as their president, says that racism is on the DNA of American people, and he is travelling from country to country apologizing for the United States, like if everything that goes wrong on this world is the fault of the United States.


Barack Hussein Obama abolished the economic sanctions against Iran and Cuba, and also pushed for a legalization of the FARC Communist narcoterrorists in Columbia. Note that in the end the peace between the Colombian government and the Communist narcoterrorists of FARC was rejected by the Colombian people.


Barack Hussein Obama did that even though he new that Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Hezbollah and FARC, would now find it much easier to smuggle cocaine in the United States, in order to finance their terrorist organizations like the Black Lives Matter who are killing American policemen, and who are now trying to overturn the legally elected President Donald Trump.


The Communists who are trying to overturn Donald Trump are also financed by the Arabs of the Gulf i.e. Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc, who were hopping for the election of Hilary Clinton in order to push for the Qatar-Turkey Pipeline. Actually they preferred the leftist Jewish Bernie Sanders who has promised them, as the also did to the dictators of Latin America, to forbid fracking in the United States. That would also make the lobby of green energy very happy and would earn Bernie a few dollars. See Reuters “Billionaire green activist Steyer not ready to back Clinton, open to Sanders”, January 2016.


Many other billionaires have invested billions in the green energy sector too i.e. George Soros, Bill Gats, Marc Zuckerberg etc.


Donald Trump has pledged to make life easier for American coal and oil producers, and as soon as he was elected the shares of the coal producers sky rocketed, while the shares of green companies lost their value. See Washington Post “Trump victory batters solar and wind stocks, bolsters coal shares”, November 2016.


So the anti-Trump protests are financed by so many sources i.e. FARC, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the American lobby of green energy, and by Americans who have their companies in China, in the Persian Gulf, in Mexico etc.











“Military Drills Have Been Announced in Cuba After Donald Trump’s Election Victory”, November 2016


“Pablo Escobar's top hit man claims literary icon Gabriel Garcia Marquez worked with El Patron”, October 2015

1, 2, 3

John Jairo Velásquez Vásquez, working as one of Pablo Escobar’s top hit men, killed at least 300 people and was implicated in the deaths of 3,000 more.

Velásquez, aka Popeye, was a key functionary in Escobar’s Medellin cartel. And, as he claimed in an interview earlier this month, his duties extended to meeting with Latin American luminaries and national leaders on behalf of the cartel.

Speaking with Puerto Rico’s Wapa TV, Popeye said that he hand-delivered letters from Escobar to Colombian literary icon Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who then passed the letters on to Fidel and Raul Castro.


“How Pablo Escobar Ran His Drug Empire While In Exile With The Help Of Fidel Castro”, September 2015

23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

The world’ greatest businessmen never rest after gaining success. On the contrary, they refuse to rest on their laurels and work even harder. Pablo Escobar belonged to this breed. He was always scheming new ways of expanding his network. If one of his trading routes was eliminated, Pablo had two more routes as a backup.

While in Nicaragua, Pablo thought it convenient to approach Fidel Castro. Cuba was a strategic trading point, since it had severed its ties to the U.S. Also, Cuba was close to Miami, one of the cartel’s biggest markets. One of Pablo’s connections in Miami was a drug lord named Jorge Avendano “The Crocodile”. The Crocodile had partied along the flamboyant Ochoa brothers at their wild Miami orgies. The Ochoas had mingled with the crème de la crème of Miami and knew some influential Cuban-Americans. This is how, through a third party, they were able to reach Fidel Castro.

Pablo ordered The Crocodile to relay a business proposition to Fidel. Fidel, busy with his own work, delegated the job to his brother Raul. It was through the intervention of Raul, that Escobar made a deal with Fidel. The Crocodile traveled to Havana to seal the agreement.

The Drug cargo would sail in various ships from the Buenaventura port in Colombia. The ships would reach Mexico ports and the cargo (approx 26,455 pounds per shipment) would be transported to a Mexican airport. Mexican planes would fly to Cuba and unload the cargo in the island’s coasts. Fidel assigned two of his closest associates for the job: Cuban general Arnaldo Ochoa and colonel Tony La Guardia.

As part of the deal, Cuban soldiers would take the cocaine in small boats to Miami. The cargo would be delivered to one of Pablo’s drug lords, a man known as “Mugre” (The Dirt). Mugre hid the cocaine in the mansions of the Ochoas, in the luxurious neighborhoods of Kendall, Boca Raton and Cayo Hueso. Fidel Castro made around 3,000 dollars for every cocaine pound Cuba delivered. Jorge Avendano stayed in Cuba to make the payments.

Pablo Escobar said that it had been a pleasure to work with Castro. Due to Castro’s great work ethic, Escobar made lots of money. Fidel Castro and Escobar had never seen each other. But they regularly wrote letters which were delivered by “special emissaries”. The Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of them. Garcia Marquez and Fidel Castro had a close friendship. In one occasion, Escobar sent Popeye to Mexico (where the writer lived) so that he could give Garcia Marquez a letter for Fidel Castro.


“Garciarcía Márquez: Castro Stooge”




“Iran invites families of black men shot by police to a Tehran anti-discrimination conference”, September 2015


“Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas”, July 2016


“BLM Leader Says Clintons Only Use Blacks For Photo-Ops”, August 2016


“Between Police And Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton Walking A Fine Line”, August 2016


“Police union attacks Hillary Clinton for inviting Black Lives Matter speakers to convention”, July 2016


“Black Lives Matter supporters march against Hillary Clinton: ‘Hard to trust”,July 2016


“Trump: Black Lives Matter has helped instigate police killings”, July 2016


“Beyoncé is a powerful voice for Black Lives Matter. Some people hate her for it”, July 2016


“Trump victory batters solar and wind stocks, bolsters coal shares”, November 2016


“Understanding The Clintons' Popularity With Black Voters”, March 2016


“Billionaire green activist Steyer not ready to back Clinton, open to Sanders”, January 2016

1, 2, 3

Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer said he is not ready to endorse Hillary Clinton, and he would be open to supporting her main rival, Bernie Sanders, if he becomes the Democratic nominee for president.

One of the biggest Democratic donors, Steyer could help Clinton boost her standing among environmentalist activists who are a key constituency within the Democratic Party. Clinton is locked in tight races with Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire, which both have early nominating contests.

"Our real goal has been not to support any one candidate, but to emphasize and highlight the issue (of climate change) so that the candidates can lay out their solutions and so the American people can have a chance to make a decision," Steyer said in a telephone interview on Tuesday.


“Tom Steyer : Keystone Pipeline”

Keystone Pipeline

After holding several conversations in the summer of 2012 with environmental writer Bill McKibben, Steyer decided to focus much of his attention on the Keystone Pipeline. That October, Steyer officially left Farallon. He was criticized by some Republicans for attacking the pipeline even though he himself held some investments in the fossil-fuel industry, including stock in Kinder Morgan, which had its own pipeline connecting the Canadian tar sands to a port on the Pacific, which could be seen as a rival to the Keystone pipeline. Steyer promised to fully unload his holdings there within a year.[44] In September 2013, Steyer appeared in a series of commercials in opposition to the proposed pipeline.[44]

In a November 2015 interview, Steyer described the Obama administration's decision to reject the Keystone pipeline as “fantastic.”[74]


“The FARC and Colombia’s Illegal Drug Trade”, November 2014


Another estimate released in 2012 by the Colombian Attorney General’s Office put the FARC’s annual income—including drugs and all other illicit activities—at $1.1 billion.46 General José Roberto León, who was then director of Colombia’s national police force, told Reuters in 2013 that the FARC controls about 60 percent of the nation’s drug trade and earns about $1 billion per year from the industry.


“Iran Trains Terrorists in Venezuela”, Μάιος 2011

3, 4, 5

Tehran is already preparing for this scenario with the help of Latin American countries such as Venezuela. Al-Seyassah has published reports about Iranian training camps on the border between Venezuela and Colombia, where Shiites from the Arab world are taught to make bombs, carry out assassinations, kidnap people and transport hostages to other locations. These training camps are run by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in cooperation with Hezbollah and Hamas.

The newspaper reports that the Shiite trainees fly to Caracas via Damascus, probably on the Venezuelan airline Conviasa, which covers the Caracas-Damascus-Tehran route. The weekly Conviasa's flights to Tehran are a cause for concern in Washington, due to the lack of transparency about what or whom they might be transporting.. The Kuwaiti paper mentions as well the trainees' presence in Colombia. The Iranian government allegedly enjoys in Latin America the support of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Colombian group, the FARC, which derives its primary source of income from drug trafficking. It is not a coincidence, therefore, that Al-Seyassah mentions that Iran finances its militias through narco-trafficking.

Iran's support in Latin America should worry the US. The Iranian regime is expanding its ties and its influence in the US's backyard, and helping groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas finding new safe havens for their terrorist activities. Recently, Uruguay also showed strong interest in strengthening relations with Teheran. The Uruguayan Foreign Minister even went so far as to hail Iran's role in the promotion of human rights in the world.


“Cuba’s Support for Terrorism and the Venezuela-Iran Nexus”, May 2014

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Iran, Cuba and Venezuela have developed a close and cooperative relationship against the U.S. and in support of terrorist groups and states. The three regimes increasingly coordinate their policies and resources in a three way partnership aimed at counteracting and circumventing U.S. policies in the Middle East and Latin America. Within this relationship, Cuba plays a strategic role in terms of geography (proximity to the U.S.), intelligence gathering (both electronic eavesdropping and human espionage) and logistics.

In addition to its proven technical prowess to interfere and intercept U.S. telecommunications, Cuba has deployed around the world a highly effective human intelligence network. The type of espionage carried out by Ana Belén Montes, the senior U.S. defense intelligence analyst who spied for Cuba during some 16 years until her arrest in 2001, has enabled the Castro regime to amass a wealth of intelligence on U.S. vulnerabilities as well as a keen understanding of the inner-workings of the U.S. security system. Such information and analysis was provided to Saddam Hussein prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq and is being provided to a strategic ally like Iran. 


Current and former members of Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA), a Basque terrorist organization continue to reside in Cuba. While some of these terrorists are on the island as part of an accord between the Cuban and Spanish governments, others are hiding in Cuba, fugitives of Spanish justice.

12, 13

On January 24, 2014 the Castro government decreed that it would now begin to freeze bank assets affiliated to Al-Qaeda in Cuba. The Castro regime tacitly admitted that they had been facilitating financing of terrorism.

“Hezbollah in Cuba,” the Hamas-funded Turkish “charity” known as IHH continues to operate in Havana. IHH is a member of the “Union of Good,” an umbrella organization that financially supports Hamas.


“Hezbollah ‘Moving Freely’ in U.S. with Cuban-Made Venezuelan Passports”, February 2016


Members of Iran’s terror proxy Hezbollah “are moving freely” within the United States and Latin America, courtesy of Venezuelan passports issued by a Cuban company hired by Caracas, reports the UK-based Asharq Al-Awsat.


“The Iran-Cuba-Venezuela Nexus”, November 2014


Regular readers of this column will remember that in July the U.S. asked local officials here to arrest Venezuelan Gen. Hugo Carvajaland to extradite him on suspicion of drug trafficking with Colombian guerrillas. He was detained but the Netherlands stepped in, refused the extradition request and let him go.

7, 8

In Venezuela and Bolivia, Iran has moved to the next level, developing a military presence through joint ventures in defense industries. In Venezuela, the state of Aragua, where Mr. El Aissami is now governor, is ground zero for this activity.

Havana applauds this Islamic intervention. Since the rise ofchavismo, Cuba has supplied intelligence services to Venezuela and its regional allies, notably Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador. Mr. Humire says it has also supplied passport-information technology to allow these countries to process individuals from the Middle East, hand out new documents and maintain the secrecy of true identities. Cuba has used this capacity to exchange information with like-minded nations, including Russia and Iran.


“Venezuela Helped Argentina Protect Iranian Terrorists with Fake Passports”, March 2015


The Veja report, translated from Portuguese to Spanish by Argentine news outlet Infobae, cites several officials described as “ex-members of Hugo Chávez’s cabinet” who now live in exile in Washington, D.C., after defecting from the current regime of President Nicolás Maduro. Those interviewed claim that “Argentine government representatives received large quantities of money from Iran,” and that Iran explicitly requested Argentina’s help in protecting Hezbollah terrorists responsible for the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israel Mutual Association (AMIA), an attack that left 85 dead and dozens wounded.


“Obama lands in Cuba as first US president to visit in nearly a century”, March 2016


“Iranian-Sponsored Narco-Terrorism in Venezuela: How Will Maduro Respond”, April 2013

14, 15, 16, 17

Farah produced a research paper for the U.S. Army War College in August 2012 about the "growing alliance" between state-sponsored Iranian agents and other anti-American groups in Latin America, including the governments of Venezuela and Cuba.

This alliance with Iran uses established drug trade routes from countries in South and Central America to penetrate North American borders, all under a banner of mutual malevolence toward the U.S.

The results of this access are largely secret, though security experts who spoke with U.S. News believe the attempted assassination of the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington, D.C.'s Georgetown neighborhood was carried out by Iranian intelligence operatives.

"Each of the Bolivarian states has lifted visa requirements for Iranian citizens, thereby erasing any public record of the Iranian citizens that come and go to these countries," wrote Farah of countries such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and Panama.