The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism Part 4 by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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The European Division Over Nord Stream 2


As you can read at the following article from the Russian state-owned news agency RT (Russia Today), the Russians accuse nine countries of the European Union for trying to “bury” Nord Stream 2. The Russians are saying that Bulgaria might also help these nine countries. That’s 10 countries in total, which according to the Russians are trying to burry Nord Stream 2. Nord Stream 2 will carry another 55 billion cubic meters of Russian gas to Germany through the Baltic Sea, doubling the volume of the Russian gas that travels each year to Europe through the Baltic Sea.


The big advantage of the German-Russian pipelines is their increased security and safety, something which the Turks and the Greek communists of SYRIZA are trying to “cure”, by sending hundreds of thousand of illegal Muslim immigrants to Germany. A rise in radical Islamism will sooner or later reduce the safety of the Russo-German pipelines. Of course that’s not the only reason the Greek communists are working with the Turkish Islamists in orded to send hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to Northern Europe but also to Greece, causing the immense immigrant crisis that is tearing the European Union apart. The Greek communists also want to put pressure on Northern Europeans in order to block the reform and transparency that the Northern European are demanding, and which make the corrupt Greek political elit sick. In addition, these poor Muslims will soon be voters of the Greek left parties. Finally, Qatar, and the Arabs in general, are paying very generously European politicians who promote illegal Muslim immigration to Europe, since in the long term it means increased influence for them.

As you can see at the following map, the 10 countries accused by the Russians for trying to bury Nord Stream 2 are countries hurt by Nord Stream 2, and they fall into 3 main categories.


The first category includes the countries that are earning significant commissions and discounts from the current Russian pipelines, which run through Ukraine and Belarus, before reaching Germany, Italy and France. This category includes Poland, the Check Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. It also includes Ukraine and Belarus of course, but these two countries are not members of the European Union.

The second category includes the countries that fear that Nord Stream 2 will make it harder for the Turk Stream (Russia-Turkey-Europe) and Southern Energy Corridor (Caspian Sea + Middle East – Turkey – Europe) to be constructed, and they fear that they will lose the commissions and discounts they will gain from these pipelines in the future. This category includes Greece and Bulgaria. It also includes the so Former Yoguslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. But these countries are not members of the EU.

The third category includes the countries that fear that the German-Russian pipelines will sooner or later lead to an alliance like the one between the nazis and the communists in 1939 (Molotov-Riebentrop Pact). In 1939 the German nazis and the Russian communists agreed that the communists would send the nazis oil from Russia, and in exchange the nazis would send the communists manufactured goods from Germany. This alliance was broken by the nazis two years later, in 1941, because the oil sent to Germany by Stalin was not enough to feed the German army. Therefore Hitler decided to take control of the oil of Baku and invaded Russia. But he failed.

Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland are afraid that the breaking of NATO and the European Union will lead to a German-Russian alliance, and they will be crashed by the Germans and the Russians, in the same way they were crashed in the Second World War, in order for the Russians and the Germans to form a common frontier in order to fight the Westerners. On the contrary, the Germans, who have to pay billions to sustain the socialist economies of the European South, believe that the cheap Russian gas is of vital importance in order to keep the German economy competitive and the German products cheap in international markets.

Actually things became a bit complicated because the Russians gave a 10% share in Nord Stream to the British Royal Dutch Shell, and another 10% to the French state owned ENGIE, making the English and the French seeing Nord Stream 2 in a positive way. I am not saying that there will be a Third World War, but it was geopolitical mess like the one we see today that led to the first two world wars.

For the RT (Russia Today) article see:

 “Nine EU countries want to bury Nord Stream-2”, December 2015

1st, 2nd and 3rd Paragraph

A group of Eastern European countries has sent a letter to the European Commission calling to block the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany bypassing Ukraine. They say it goes against the EU’s energy diversification and security policies.

The countries against Gazprom’s deal with Berlin are headed by Slovakia and Poland who are believed to have initiated the campaign. They are supported by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Greece. Bulgaria was planning to sign the document, but walked away, according to the FT. The EU has confirmed receiving the letter. 

Greek Energy Minister Panos Skourletis said Athens did not sign a petition to block Nord Stream-2. He confirmed this to Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak during a meeting on Wednesday according to the Ministry.

“EU leaders to clash over Nord Stream 2 at summit”, December 2015

3rd Paragraphs

The countries whose energy ministers signed a letter to the Commission in which they oppose Nord Stream 2 are Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Romania. Greece has also reportedly joined the initiative.