The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism Part 6 by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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The Kurds VS Iran


The Kurds of Iran (KDPI) say they are ready to face the Iranian army. The Kurds of Iran are fighting for their independence since 1918, and I guess if at some point they are given the chance, they will try it once more during the current turmoil. The only Kurds who are very rich in oil and gas are the Kurds of Iraqi Kurdistan (North Iraq).

Map 1 Kurdistan


The United States have common interests with the Kurds of Syria and Iraq, the Russians have common interests with the Kurds of Turkey, Iran, and maybe the Kurds of Syria, as long as the Kurds of Syria stay away from the Mediterranean Sea, the Turks have common interests with the Kurds of Iraq, the Iranians have common interests with the Kurds of Syria, maybe with the Kurds of Turkey too, as long as Kurds of Turkey do not mess with their pipelines to Turkey, the Israelis have common interests with all the Kurds, and the Arabs of the Persian Gulf have common interests with the Kurds of Iran and Turkey.

The United States would like to see an independent Kurdistan in Syria and Iraq, the Russians would like to see an independent Kurdistan in Turkey and Iran, the Israelis would like the whole Kurdistan to be independent, while the Arabs, the Turks and the Iranians do not want an independent Kurdistan at all.

Even the Kurds themselves are not sure about the independent Kurdistan they want. The Kurds of Iraq, who are very rich in oil and gas, would like to have some form of autonomy, in order to control their oil and gas. The Kurds of Turkey, Syria and Iran, who are very poor in oil and gas, would like a very strong central authority, in order to control the oil and gas themselves.

There are approximately 11.5 million Kurds in Turkey, 2.5 millions in Syria, 4-5 millions in Iran, and 6.5 millions in Iraq. Therefore, with a very strong central authority the Kurds of Turkey, who have a strong influence over the Kurds of Syria, would control the oil and gas of the Iraqi Kurdistan. But the Kurds of Iraq would not like that.


“Kurdish groups say they are ready to repulse Iranian army”, February 2016

“Kurdish separatism in Iran”