The Servant of the People: On the Power of Integrity in Politics and Government by Muel Kaptein - HTML preview

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22. Integrity demands the most exemplary behavior from those with the most power


The more power an SP has, the more model behavior is required, because others (1) identify more closely with more powerful SPs, (2) are more dependent on them, and (3) follow their behavior more critically. SPs whose power grows should make sure their integrity grows too.


In the previous chapter we saw that model behavior is expected of SPs because they have power. Model behavior does not apply to every SP to the same extent. It depends on the level of power an SP has. The greater the power, the more model behavior is required, in the sense of being stricter (less latitude between standards and behavior), more proactive (taking the lead in moral development), and more visible (so that others know, see, and experience the model behavior). There are at least three reasons for this.


Firstly the more power SPs have, the more people feel attracted to them, the more they identify with them, and the more SPs integrity becomes their own integrity. The higher SPs climb in the hierarchy, the more people there are below to look up to them, the more representative their function, and the more their behavior is seen to represent what they stand for. The more power an SP has, the more others identify with him or her and feel that he or she is a part of them, because a powerful SP has more influence on them, and they then receive back some of the power they have given this SP. This is why very powerful SPs are often seen as public property, increasing the expectation that they act as role models.


Secondly, the more power SPs have, the more others depend on them, and the more there is at stake. This makes SPs integrity all the more important, raising  expectations. A single misuse of power can have far-reaching consequences, so every doubt and hint of abuse must be avoided. The more power SPs have,  the more is left to their discretion, and the easier it is for them to act without others knowing or being able to take preventive measures, making confidence in their integrity all the more important. As in the case of tall trees, the more power SPs have, the more exposed they are to the wind, not only because they are more prominent, but also because the damage is greater if they fall.


As a result of people identifying with and depending on more powerful SPs, the more power they have the more critical their integrity, leading people to follow their integrity more critically too. On the one hand such SPs often seek publicity to gain prominence, thereby maintaining or increasing their power. On the other hand they occupy a position of publicity, whether they like it or not, so that the public get to know their characters, and so that their actions can be  followed and  inspected for integrity. This makes lapses more visible and, because they cannot afford  as many slip-ups, there is an increased chance that they will be  discredited. The fact that SPs  in high positions are more often discredited than SPs  with less power is sometimes explained by the claim that such  SPs are power-crazed maniacs who do not flinch from abusing their positions.117 Regardless of whether this  is true, it is the case that more power leads to higher expectations, closer attention for their behavior, and harsher judgments on their mistakes.


In short, the more power SPs have, the greater the need for model behavior, not only in the sense of behaving with  integrity, but also  in the sense of doing  so  visibly. Model behavior stands or falls by its visibility to others. This means that SPs who gain power in their careers, for instance through a higher or more responsible position, must realize  that they cannot simply maintain their integrity as it is; they must be ambitious as regards their integrity too, allowing it to grow with their position and fulfill higher demands.