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The Theory Of Evolution Is An Imposed Social-Communist Lie

Feigning Natural Justification For Its Mandated Economic System

By H.L. Dowless

The Fallacy Of Darwin's Thinking Pattern

A primary individual who deeply affected the thinking pattern of scientist into our own time, as well as future political agenda, was Charles Darwin. There is no doubt on part of this author, that the logic presented inside this work will be questioned, if not outright condemned along the lines of Darwinism’s well established repor inside scientific research universities and circles. As a result of our anticipation in the approach destined to be taken by our adversaries, we are forced to ask the ever prevailing question of “who,” who was Darwin? To be more precise, though not intending to interject any element of sarcasm; who was Darwin to ever question any line of thinking that liberated intellectuals may deductively determine for themselves?

Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on the twelfth of February 1809, at his family home, called The Mount. He was child number five of doctor and wealthy financier, Robert Darwin, and his wife Suzanne Darwin. He was the grandson of two prominent abolitionists; Erasmus Darwin and Josiah Wedgwood.

Both families were Unitarian, where Charles attended the Unitarian Chapel with his mother. To grasp more of a lever on our comprehension and for the purpose of understanding the impact of its potential influence, we are forced to examine the ideology of the Unitarian.

The ideology of Unitarianism is that the concept of God as one being, rather than three, was accepted to be held up as an epitome. This view differed markedly from the general ideology of Catholicism, which endorses the holy trinity, of God in the Father, The son, and The Holy Ghost. Christ is perceived as being human, rather than divine. They believe that Christ in his moral instruction, was inspired by God, so therefore he qualifies as savior, but is not God himself.

From a quick scan in regard to the background of Charles Darwin, we can glean information indicating that Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus, had already proposed ideas of evolution inside his medical journals, which young Charles in company with his father, had avidly read. He also spent time helping his father give medical treatment to the poor of Shropshire, England. He attended the University Of Edinburgh Medical School, maybe the most prestigious Medical School in Great Britain at the time, with his brother, Erasmus, but he found surgery disgusting and his studies boring. Instead, he seems to have preferred spending time in the company of an ex-slave named John Edmonstone, studying taxidermy for one hour a day, in what became a forty day stint.

It has been purported that Edmonstone had been born in Guyana, South America, where he moved to Glasgow with his master, Charles Edmonstone. Edmonstone, the slave, taught taxidermy to a number of students, including young Charles Darwin. Edmonstone has also accompanied Charles Waterton, whom he had learned taxidermy from, in the South American rain forests. It appears that Edmonstone and Darwin spent much time conversing in regard to the large variety in animal and plant life found there; as may deduced from the later actions of Darwin, and his own time spent in Galapagos.

Other than the fact that Darwin originated from those who had a life founded inside privilege and wealth, had a grandfather who had conceived the ideology of evolution and was a well respected advocate, was raised by family who held religious views that were in dissension from the standards of their day, and disliked surgery, preferring to study taxidermy over engaging in the act of surgery; what else of importance to our claims of prejudice and fallacy locked away deeply inside the mind of Darwin, was it that highly influenced his later conclusion regarding any origin of life species?

We must delve deeply in our studies to identify the threads of solid prejudice. Already we have notated a dissension with the established church as being the environment in which Darwin was raised up. We may have no problem in accepting that he overheard both of his grandparents and his own parents making personal, condescending remarks in regard to the established church and it's shortcomings; maybe even going as far as to openly criticize the idea of holy trinity in privacy of the family home. Our response to the statements already concluded upon, lending us the question that we are forced to ask in reply to what has already been stated is; simply “yes” to what has already been said, but was there more that held a solid direct bearing on young Darwin's influence?

It appears that there may well have been a personal prejudice against not only church ideology, but even the central theme of the ideology itself. In simple terms, what we are seeking to answer is the question of whether or not Charles Darwin was outright atheist, or something very close to it in his personal convictions; and if he was, in reality were his published conclusions a veiled attempt to destroy the validity of a supreme being from beyond influencing the development of life here on Earth, and in doing so even the very foundation of the church itself?

When we dare to question appropriately, and subsequently back this questionnaire up with solid investigation, the truth always reveals itself. His father, Robert Darwin, was a member of the Freethinker Society of England. When we examine the issue of this society, what we may conclude is that the platform of this association, was one that primarily held in disregard the idea of any supernatural body, or the possibility for it. Matter of fact, part of their theology even declared such beliefs to be “dangerous.”

A free thinker is defined as a person who forms his or her own opinions about important subjects (such as religion and politics) instead of accepting what others say. Freethinkers are heavily committed to the use of scientific inquiry, and logic. The skeptical application of science implies freedom from the intellectually limiting effects of confirmation bias, cognitive bias, conventional wisdom, popular culture, prejudice, or sectarianism.

Regarding religion, freethinkers often hold that there is insufficient evidence to support the existence of supernatural phenomena. According to the Freedom from Religion Foundation, "No one can be a freethinker who demands conformity to a bible, creed, or messiah. To the freethinker, revelation and faith are invalid, and orthodoxy is no guarantee of truth" and "Freethinkers are convinced that religious claims have not withstood the tests of reason. Not only is there nothing to be gained by believing an untruth, but there is everything to lose when we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition. Most freethinkers consider religion to be not only untrue, but harmful."

In lieu of it's own proclaimed definition, while we agree that men should be free to think as they deductively choose, what we cannot accept are conclusions made and continually held in direct contrary to observed facts. As discussed heavily in volume one of my most recently published work, “Reflections On The Loss Of The Freeborn American Nation,” when we observe a prevailing concern for the uninterrupted continuation of life on planet earth, locked away inside the very movements of earth, activities of the sun, the moon, and the planets beyond, then we are forced far beyond logic justifying resistance, to conclude that this observed “concern” possesses an originating source.

The mathematical complexities of planetary movement patterns conjuncting with both the radiance of the sun and the biorhythms of life on planet earth, could never have resulted from the act of random chance in absence of outside intelligence, no matter how much wealthy manipulating people may try and convince us otherwise; and when they do, we are forced to question the manner in which they and their self-serving intentions will be accommodated through our new conviction.

When we dare to question and inquire, there are many more truths that are revealed, and at often times, not to the liking of our central bankers and the enslaving systems of government that they fully intend to impose upon the plebeian citizens of planet earth, as is evidenced in both the facts of history and events emerging on the ground in our own time. We find astonishing examples of the circumstance, when government agenda is married with ideology feigning verification via the scientific process, that later on would be imposed upon the people of earth, to include even the people of the Western World at large..,if we only dare to question what is being pushed ardently as conclusive verified fact, then search for answers with clear, open intellectual minds.

Let there be no doubt or question that Karl Marx was deeply influenced by Charles Darwin, and vice-verso. When we dare to inquire and search, we discover examples of Marx exchanging letters with Darwin regularly, with Darwin congratulating him on the publication of his recent volume, “The Communist Manifesto,” and it's anticipated success. It is also fact of history known that Marx was well aware of Darwin's lectures of the day regarding his claim of specie origin, communicating with him regularly, both directly and indirectly.

What this author proposes is the contention that the two not only met at least on a few occasions, but may very well have even worked closely together in formation of Darwin's scientific theory on life's origin, and he on the political theory of Marx; if not directly with Marx himself, then through Engels who was known to regularly attend Darwin's lectures in Darwin's early years, much closer than our official history allows us to know of. 

Therefore it is here where we may observe the poisoned 'taint' of political agenda in this purposed “scientific” analysis, locked away inside the suggested conclusion put forth by hard facts, which only to a much more intense degree, serves to tell us otherwise! Even to this very day, the theory of evolution severely lacks hard proof, yet this unsupported theory is still pushed ardently as absolute fact inside Western educational institutions. 

Although there is no mention of Darwin in The Communist Manifesto (published 11 years prior to Origin of Species), Marx includes two explicit references to Darwin and evolution in the second edition of Das Kapital, in two footnotes where he relates Darwin's theory to his opinion about production and technology development. In the Volume I, Chapter 14: "The Detail Labourer and his implements", Section 2, he referred to Darwin's Origin as an "epoch-making work", while in Chapter 15, Section I he took on the comparison of organs of plants to animals and tools.

In a book review of the first volume of Das Kapital, Friedrich Engels wrote that Marx was "simply striving to establish the same gradual process of transformation demonstrated by Darwin in natural history as a law in the social field." In this line of thought, several authors such as William F. O'Neill, have seen that "Marx describes history as a social Darwinist 'survival of the fittest' dominated by the conflict between different social classes" and moving to a future in which social conflict will ultimately disappear in a 'classless society'", while some Marxists try to dissociate Marx from social darwinism.

Nonetheless, it is evident that Marx had a strong liking for Darwin's theory and a clear influence on his thought. Furthermore, when the second German edition of Capital, was published (two years after the publication of Darwin's Descent of Man)), Marx sent Darwin a copy of his book, with the words:

Mr. Charles Darwin

On the part of his sincere admirer

(Signed) Karl Marx.

— London, 16 June 1873

Darwin wrote back to Marx in October, thanking him for having sent his work and saying "I believe that we both earnestly desire the extension of knowledge".

According to scholar Paul Heyer, "Marx believed that Darwin provided a materialistic perspective compatible with his own", although being applied in another context; while Alexander Vucinich, in his book "Darwin in Russian Thought" (1989), claims that "Engels gave Marx credit for extending Darwin's theory to the study of the inner dynamics and change in human society".

Thus what is revealed are the true reasons why the OTS agenda is pushed so heavily in American/Western schools. Readers of my latest work, “The Stairway To Tyranny,” should be very aware of the connection upon immediate notice, and understand it's implications in their totality. It is here with this merger between the persons of Darwin and Marx, that we shall observe the link in the coming American styled fascist, Social-Communist system, where a style of socialism strikingly resembling Communism will soon be forced upon the American public in finalization, in lieu of a marriage between the central bank, the corporate world, and the entire US representative body which has already taken place upon conclusion of the US Civil War. This situation and the coming potential dangers that this insidious movement possesses, intending to literally transform the entire American system and freeborn way of life, is explained in great detail inside my prior work notated above.

Readers of my latest work, “The Stairway To Tyranny,” may also recall the historical fact of Karl Marx being second cousin to Nathan Rothschild. As we are forced to recall, Nathan Rothschild assumed virtual investor ownership and a resulting absolute control of the Bank Of England. The Rothschild banking family has been noted as being the wealthiest family on the face of the earth, other than the family of Mordechai, whom Rothschild literally bows down before.

Our greatest universities are receiving their funding directly from the central bank or indirectly via investment funds conjunction with sponsor corporations and organizations, in addition to a number of straw man entities through indirect financing from the family of Rothschild; which upon our understanding of the link between the persons of Darwin, Marx, and the banking family of Rothschild , explains as to specifically why this OTS agenda is pushed so ardently inside western public schools and society, apparently with “supposed” scientific support, even to the very moment of this writing. The pure and simple explanation is the reality that when enough money is shelled out, his hard won status position then threatened, even the greatest of hardline scientific experts will claim virtually anything asked of him.

Unfortunately, an ever prevailing truth is that building an institutional career simply consumes far too many resources and time to refuse affirmation of the supreme financier's request for politicised ideological validation in spite of any contradicting specifics, especially when the reward is one of indefinite historical renown conjunction with a possible huge financial gain. The opportunity to make a respected name on such levels of greatness are very few and far between for any young, ambitious institutional expert to concern himself with sentimental notions of moral or religious convictions; and should the first institutionally employed expert reject the offer, then most certainly another will merrily accept it!

Hardline rejection for the financier’s gracious offer of historical renown also bears the powerful possibility to lead one down the path of career ruination, all taken with the details above serving to secure both a heavy professional and institutional embrace of the proposed ideological conception, no matter what undeniable facts may reveal in contradiction.

What we are forced to conclude in this analysis is that the potential for financing an OTS agenda is far greater than that of any other opposing ideology in regard to the origin of life on earth due to its financiers, and that it also stands firmly in conjunction with any fascist/social-communist agenda being serviced back down upon the masses of planet earth. Denial of a supreme deity creates a void that the financier obviously intends to fill with one of his own, at some unannounced day in the future.

If a majority of citizens were to accept this absolute authority as valid, then their dedication would be one of altruism in the utmost, a state of implicit being that virtually every national leader desires from his citizen subjects. For this reason the founding fathers of America established a system of checks and balances to regulate this covert desire of ruling authority.

The manner in which any central bank and corporation that it finances, anywhere on the face of the earth, benefits, is revealed in the fact that all three eco-social political agendas are in actuality age old slavery repackaged, where only an elitist few at the top end of the system profit, and to a tremendous extent! Like possum to apples halves on trays in boxes with opened ends, the bait that draws the people into the trap is the eternal lie, that the basics of life can be obtained with no form of exchange in equal or more value. The additional implications through relationships already discussed are simply far too many for those of a truly liberated intellect to categorically ignore.

In brief, what we are forced to accept upon our study of life's origin is that governments of the earth for the last two hundred years have held to social-political agendas of one sort or another. We could begin with the nation of France during the time of the revolution right on through the reign of Napoleon. In England and most of Europe before that time and beyond, it was church agenda serviced via Catholicism primarily. In America, it was liberation of the freeborn individual and individualism, until conclusion of the US Civil War.

During the time of the National Socialist movement in Germany, it was the deity-destined rule of planet earth by the great Aryan race, a form of nationalism merged with a weighted degree of both historical and archeological fact. To support this ideology, a host of German scientist were sent out into the ends of the earth for the purpose of collecting specimen to give backing to their political agenda of the day. When isolated elements suggesting possibility were discovered, their scientific myth makers could spin a tale that would tie all of the lose ends together into a pattern that would appear logical to the plebeian masses of their day, whom they sought to rule in the absolute, while donned in the cloak of justification.

In the Western world today, the new social-political order of the day is an all-inclusive, secular humanism, and the enveloping Utopian creation of an “egalitarian” national society, if not a New World Order of such, where the individual person is sacrificed upon the altar of “progress” from the group. The true intention is that a few ultra-corrupt individuals wish to control the resources of the earth and the people thereon, in the absolute and to their own sole advantage. The new all-inclusive religion of this coming economic order is “Theory Of Evolution,” coupled with the founding “bible” of this new world religion being Darwin's “Origin Of The Species.”

In our own time, just as the National Socialists did for their social-political theories of their time, our government endorsed scientists move forward over the face of the earth to collect isolated specimen, from which to spin their tale of fantasy for the purpose of giving false justification to their self-serving New-World political agenda of our own time. As always, when we bear witness to government sanctioned “scientific” claims smacking of giving valid support to an all-inclusive agenda of “political correctness,” we among the liberated intellectuals of the world are instantly called upon to give solid question, intending to reveal the hard bitter truth which will always serve to condemn what amounts to a form of politicized pseudo science being forced down upon citizen masses.

The Most Famous Example Of The Lie In Our Present Day

In 1974 a scattering of ancient bones was almost impulsively discovered by Donald Johanson in Hadar, Ethiopia, in company with two other investigative experts. One of these experts was none other than Mary Leakey, wife of the renowned scientist, Louis Leakey, who was already accomplished in the line of authorization on the distant history of humanity, another story in and of themselves. As these bones were collected from the earth strata inside what was once an archaic stream bed, an assembly of what amounted to forty percent of an entire skeleton was made.

While the skull was fragmentary to an extreme, the hands and feet were missing, with both knee joints discovered in opposite directions encompassing nearly a mile in distance from the primary mass of bones. The pelvis itself proved to be another point of conjecture with professionals future from the time. A number, including Christine Berges making use of high tech analysis methods, later claiming that the pelvis could only support a biped walking upright for short periods of time, as primates do, not as humans.

One member of the discovery research team, Bill Kimbrel, stated in a 1994 PBS documentary titled, In Search Of Human Origins, that “ the facial bones of Lucy appeared very ape like.” What happened to the claim regarding her being human? Still, this motley grouping of timeworn, fragmented, weathered bones, was publicly hailed as a revolutionary discovery in regard to the history of mankind.

The announced conclusion was forwarded on that day to the world abroad, that the bones of a three feet tall female primate was the “mother,” the “Eve,” if you will, of all humanity. This “mother” represented the great transition from base primate, into the first ascending stage of human development, according to the lyceum promotional voice. With the uninhibited support from America’s most prestigious universities and scientific investigators, naysayers who could not verify their opposition with equal institutional prestige and professional backing, were callously cast asunder into the bleak void of insignificant voices.

The ultimate question that we, of truly liberated intellectual minds are to ask at this point and time in the story, is one of “what;” what exactly are we to make of it in conjunction with the entire range of facts that were so conveniently neglected on the day of this transformational announcement?

This monumental discovery was labeled forever inside the annals of evolutionary science as “Lucy.” What the claim supporting the discovery amounts to is that this piecemeal skeleton represents the supposed diversion from base primate toward humanity. This detail has been preached as indisputable fact inside both public and private schools, especially directed toward the youngest citizens, and the most impressionable. Some major church organizations have even embraced this discovery as conclusive.

In other words, these well-meaning people accept the possibility that man and all of life on planet earth originated from base materials in the environment such as space dust, and has been in a state of continual ascension, at sheer random chance, ever since. Thus, these stated facts betray the solid effectiveness of well designed indoctrination, when all intellectual questioning is held in disregard on the assumption that the institutional investigators are giving us a total composite of details leading us toward factual, conclusive information.

Donald Johanson, the individual who received credit for discovery of the “Lucy” skeleton assembly, was an associate professor at Case Western Reserve University, and he was also curator at the Cleveland Museum Of Natural History, at the time of the discovery and the claim that followed.

Case Western Reserve University formed when Western Reserve University merged with Case Institute Of Technology. The merger came about in 1967 with the idea that combining the two educational entities would allow for acknowledgement at the national level, and consequently, more financing. Already some notable financiers included Carnegie Corporation, Cleveland Foundation, and The Greater Cleveland Association Foundation.

CWRU is a private Doctoral University, that primarily sustains itself via donations, as noted above, as do virtually all Universities at the national level. Today CWRU is distinguished as one of Cleveland’s Ivy League Universities.

The Case University system has produced a number of distinguished alumni over the years. One of those alumni was Henry Dow, who graduated from the Case School Of Applied Science. He later went on to form Dow Chemicals. Today Dow Chemicals is third in the ranking among worldwide chemical companies.

James T. Pardee was secretary and vice president of Dow Chemical, as well as being a chief financial backer of the corporation in it's earliest days. Later on in his career, he was also one of the largest contributors to the Case School Of Applied Science.

The money contributions tended to flow both ways as time passed. A chief Dow Chemical investor was also Cady Staley, president of Case School Of Applied Science.

The Case Museum Of Natural History in which Johanson was once curator, was established in 1920 by a man named Cyrus Eaton, to perform research in Archeology, Anthropology, Astrology, Botany, Geology, Paleontology, and Zoology.

Cyrus Eaton was a Canadian-American investment banker and businessman. Eaton was an early associate of John D. Rockefeller, after meeting him in a local parish. He often is noted as working on Rockefeller’s personal estate. Eaton also worked in a Rockefeller owned firm known as The East Ohio Gas Company. He was noted as being one of the most powerful investors in the American midwest. It is interesting to behold that Eaton was an associate of Russian Communist, Nikita Kruschev, who gave him the treatment of royalty on a visit to Moscow in 1958. Eaton also associated with a number of Cuban Communists. He was a financial supporter of Case Western Reserve University.

In 1916 Eaton joined Ottis And Company Banking Firm. He established a trust known as Continental Shares. Eaton formed the third largest US steel corporation known as Republic Steel. Eaton was also director of the Chesapeake And Ohio Railway. Eaton was Board Chairman of the West Kentucky Coal Company in 1958.

Revealing The Connections

At this point in our present work, what is being done is to reveal the connections between Communist ideology and the theory of evolution, the Federal Reserve and the European central bank, systemic designed indoctrination conjunction with regulatory transformation on the ground dictating the lives of rank and file citizens.

We begin our odyssey into the suppressed truth, by observing the connections between Darwin and Karl Marx, the founder of Communist ideology and author of The Communist Manifesto. The two personalities literally labored together in the production of their ideologies. Interestingly enough, Marx was also second cousin to Nathan Rothschild of the Rothschild banking dynasty, the chief financier to the central bank of England.

Chief financier to the Federal Reserve are the three families of J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Paul Warburg, chief architect of the Federal Reserve. All three families are intermarried to the family of Rothschild, but none more so than that of Warburg.

Cyrus Eaton formed the Case Museum Of Natural History in Cleveland Ohio. Eaton was the most powerful banker-investor in the midwestern United States. Eaton was also a close associate of John D. Rockefeller, who was even once employed by him; and no doubt, engaged in time consuming intellectual conversations we are free to presume, since the two had similar interests and stood on similar socio-economic plateaus, and Eaton was also noted as taking great pleasure in entertaining intellectual company. Johanson, the discoverer of “Lucy” was also curator of the CMONH; thus we are free to observe the thread of connections running through Johanson into the CMONH, directly into the Federal Reserve and directly into the banking dynasty of Rockefeller himself.

There is more evidence of linkage with the Rothschild banking dynasty and the US Federal Reserve, and some of the largest corporations whose donations are transferred from, into the educational institutions carrying along with them the order to find proof of evolutionary ideology, no matter what the contentious evidence speaks in contrary.

Case Western Reserve University, where Johanson was employed as an associate professor, was born from a merger between Western Reserve University and The Case Institute Of Technology. This merger was intended to elevate the university standing from the state level into national recognition, soliciting far greater realms of financial donations.

A school that was part of the case system was the Case School Of Applied Science, and was where Henry Dow graduated, w

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