The worlds shortest book on Brexit by Dame DJ - HTML preview

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BREXIT is one of the most divisive issues since The Civil Wars, which ended in the execution of Charles 1 and the rise of Oliver Cromwell dividing families, villages, communities, faiths and social classes.

Like BREXIT one group was diametrically opposed to the other and had no interest in being ‘subjugated’ to their rule or paying a high price in moral, financial, political, security, legal, trade, power and self determining affairs.

We will never get another chance to get out of Europe.

This is like a divorce.

Both paths will have short term loses but only one will lead to a glorious, strong, independent, worthwhile, and robust future.

David Cameron offered this referendum to the nation as a condition of his reelection and he now seems to be regretting it because of his commitment to ‘leave’.

Why has he not remained neutral? Given both sides of the argument? Left it to the British people to decide with out threats and instilling fear?

Why doesn’t he think Great Britain is capable is self-determination? It’s not about size - it’s about intelligence.

This short book offers comments, truth, questions, ideas & solutions; in fact everything we have been thinking about for years.


There is nothing to fear but fear itself.


The right to self govern is a birthright and once lost its called ‘slavery’


Betfair said, "Both sides have everything to play for,"


Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove told his interviewer, "I'm glad that all these organizations are not on my side … People in this country have had enough of experts."


The experts made clear that they did take these concerns seriously Prime Minister David Cameron renegotiating the terms of Britain's EU membership, his concerns about sovereignty, democracy and immigration at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 


Davos experts' inability to grasp the concerns of British voters interpreted this question about why ‘experts are so disconnected from popular concerns’ but as a question of why British voters are so stupid?


The average stake on a bet to remain is £450, compared to £75 on a bet to leave."


Jim Sinclair said, “ Our children’s children will talk about this collapse”


That £31 billion deficit WAS not caused by Brexit…it’s always been there.


If Brexit had not exposed the deep liquidity and debt problems the UK has what would have?


When would that huge financial whole be exposed? Or are they waiting for the markets to crash on their own?


When did the Brits need the unelected bureaucrats to make decisions for them?


If David Cameron got himself voted IN by offering a referendum why is he now so hysterical when people take an opposite view?


If Putin had done this world would be screaming what a terrible man he is.


If any other dictator offered their country a referendum and then whined everyday how they should vote we would depose them.


David Cameron does not want to go down in history for causing a world crash, as he knows all those banks are now inter linked.


He might end up a hero after it’s all sorted out but that way way way down the line.


The USA are very nervous of contamination and exposing their huge CDS positions.


This will probably take Deutsche Bank down.


This will probably take Santander down.


This will probably take Well Fargo down.


This will probably take Barclays down.


Take out cash and keep it under the mattress.


Stock up on food, medicines and water.


Mark Carney of BOE has no right to be making judgments on political events and trying to influence people. He’s running a bank not the country.


Mervyn King his predecessor had the dignity to keep quiet but his thoughts on Carney would be very interesting.


Mark Carney is a Goldman Saks man…say no more.


Why does David Cameron NOT want the price of housing to reduce???


Why does George Osborne NOT want the price of housing to correct??


WHEN do they want the price of housing to stabilise?


They obviously don’t have any intention of controlling housing so WHAT will they do with all the homeless people who cannot afford rent?


Why have so many UK based industries been totally removed and dismantled?


Why do we import foods, salads, fruits, fish and ingredients that we can produce very well at home?


Why can we ever benefit from bumper cheap harvests of over seas foods?


Why do green beans form Kenya cost 5.00 euros a packet in a supermarket?


Because the EU makes sure they do.


Why have we not heard encouraging news from ANY other country that would be delighted to trade with us?


Why have we NOT heard any messages of encouragement from the rest of the world?


Why don’t we hear from Greece who regrets being in the EU?


And Spain and Portugal and Cyprus who are stuck with ever-increasing food prices?


George Soros has warned the Guardian Sterling will collapse after the vote


Who is shorting the GBP?


There must be someone out there who will make so much money shorting the market its in their interest we leave and the GBP devalues.


The Chinese devalued the RMB to stimulate exports what wrong with UK doing the same?


What perceived strength is there when you hold the most expensive currency at the cost of everything else?


Why didn’t David Cameron just pretend to be bipartisan?


Cameron could have ‘leaned’ subtly towards the Remain party, which would have put him in a better light and won them more votes.


No one wants to be told what to do.


Why does the average man I the street have to care what the city want when we all know all the wealth has floated up to the 1%?


How much longer will that go on for?


A total collapse will not affect those with several houses, cash, houses over seas, or any other large assets as much as it will affect those with less than a month’s money.


Did David Cameron really think this was not going to come down to the question of immigration?


He either doesn’t understand that which makes him stupid or he didn’t take care of the numbers several years ago.


The Remain campaign use the words “stay and reform’ as if they can.


Don’t they understand we CANNOT reform which is why out is the now the only way.


No one trusts David Cameron any more as he has been shown to be manipulative.


No one sees Norway, Iceland or Switzerland desperately trying to join the EU.


Who trust George Soros? Because he’s rich? And has a big stake in what happens in Ukraine?


Why do about five companies now control all the media?


When we joined Europe the world and UK was a different place.


Illegal immigrants who live in the UK are also saying “you have to close your boarders” as they realise we are at breaking point.


German people are not pleased with what Angela Markel has done.


Why does the public NOT know the EU reduced our bank guarantee scheme for an individual from £85,000 down to £75,000?


Where is that headline in a newspaper????


Apart from fear what else does David Cameron offer?


Great Britain needs a huge shake up and to establish its strengths not to hide under the skirts of the EU who couldn’t care less about us.


Do you think the Germans and the French have suddenly become so attached to us?


Do you know both German and France did not take in the Polish workers only the UK? In which case the UK is actively encouraging a cheaper labour force.


Leaving the EU is NOT about banishing good overseas workers who benefit Britain. Give them a visa and quickly and let them stay and work? Why not?


The EU would force Britain to choose between a depression and an emergency exit, which would be very contentious.


This is like a divorce…some has to look long term and think of the future


Why should the man in the street should have to foot the bill or suffer the consequences for the benefit of the 1%.


The Scots might get another referendum if they vote Brexit, which must be the best news to at least 40% of them.


The EU will punish us if we leave but will also punish us if we remain.


Why has it all gone so quiet regarding the Turkish demands for their right to travel to Europe?


Why is the stock market having emergency meetings? If it’s so urgent why haven’t they dealt with the problem sooner?


What are they not telling us?


Its like being told “you can never leave home because they will kill you out there”


What does the Queen think?


During the Queens birthday celebrations the Leave camp were gaining ground and we had found some personal pride.


If a UK bank goes down the EU regulators will arrive and can declare there will be a bail-in no bail out. That means depositors money will disappear.


That’s what they did in Cyprus.


 David Cameron will no longer be in charge of a banking collapse and might be removed from the negotiating table.


Why hasn’t he told us that?


Boris Johnson is more interested in Britain’s future than David Cameron is.


Total government debt is over 1.2 Trillion.


Government bond yields haven’t ben this low since 1871.


That will mean more than $8 trillion of government bonds will have a negative yield.


Will the UK print the GBP if it comes under pressure?


Do the Brits want to invoke Article 50 in the 2007 Lisbon Treaty?


I have every faith in the British people.


Great Britain has nothing to prove to the world…it already did that the last 500 years.


Great Britain can choose its trading partners and the future is China, India and the Bricks not Europe.


There is a rumour if southern Europe gets much more expensive and problematic Germany might leave and dump the lot.


Some one already knows the outcome on Friday but we have to wait and see.


The human being is a ‘solution based animal’.

God bless.



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About the Author


Dame DJ

www. DJBooks.Club

Dame DJ describes herself as "married young, divorced young, had two children young, starved young & lived in different countries to learn about life"


Downsize to Freedom’ FREE Part 1 (Part 2 out now) eBook was written after liquidating, removing all financial obligations, selling overpriced assets and “downsizing” - to everyone’s horror.

     AUDIO BOOK to be released in June 2016

Gourmands on the Run! FREE Part 1 (Part 2 out now) Is a diary of an English woman on a car journey through France, from Paris to Monaco visiting the best hotels & restaurants and illustrated with her original watercolors.


     AUDIO BOOK by Sharon Hoyland.

To be, or not to be Single. That is my Question?’  FREE Part 1 (Part 2 out now) eBook is about going in, and coming out of relationships, with some damage control.

     AUDIO BOOK by John Bico

‘Percy the Pea and Other Friends’ FREE eBook is a children’s eBook about healthy eating and illustrated with her own watercolor paintings.

     AUDIO BOOK for kids by Dorothy Deavers.

‘Behind the Wall’ FREE PART 1 (Part 2 & 3 out now) is a factual eBook story describing an English woman’s t revelations about moving into a luxury Florida gated golf community.

     AUDIO BOOK by Frankie Wyck

The Dope Diet’ new FREE Part 1 (Part 2 out now) Ebook

The ‘The Dope Diet’ is an intimate diary of a young English man David Grey and his struggles with smoking dope.

Tragically he lost more than 8 kilos, money, family, friends and nearly his sanity during his journey, crusade for legalization and acceptance.



Our guest author is


New book


A Pot Delusion.

David Grey gives us a very personal and revealing account of his two-year drug habit in The Pot Hole as he describes his marijuana use, its potential addictiveness and consequences many pot smokers are likely to suffer. David’s honest insight into his conflict of wanting to advocate the legality and end prohibition of marijuana whilst struggling with the personal conflicts brought on by the dependence on a destructive drug habit. The Pot Hole gives us a fascinating intimate glimpse into the mind of a pot user and illustrates the conflicting perspectives of addiction and the powerful seduction of this forbidden plant. Following him for two years from his initial introduction by his pretty girlfriend CC in romantic Barcelona to isolation in a French mountain village we journey with him along a bumpy route all too familiar with drug issues.


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