Which Party - Candidate should I vote by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Whom (Which party and Which Candidate) should I Vote / not Vote?

Elections change the parties in power but the condition of the common man remains the same ever since independance. Why is it so?

Our leaders learnt (from the British colonial rulers) the art of Dividing the people and ruling over them. In other words, Our native leaders have developed a colonial mind-set.


Untrained minds are like Monkeys.

We are no different from monkeys



Like the monkeys do, we do not let go of anything that we catch.


They catch anything given and won't let it go! You can read the story how the Monkey traders catch the monkeys without a mechanical trap and sell them to zoo parks in different countries.


Bottles with a narrow entry is loaded with some peanuts are left in the forests where the monkeys move about. The bottle entry is so narrow that when the monkey takes the peanuts in its hand will not be able to take its hand out of the bottle. The monkey will remain with the bottle for hours and traders catch them and export. The loose their freedom and remain behind the Cages in Zoo Parks for its entire life.


Our people were given Caste, Religion and languages as a bait. Those who caught them are trapped. They are exploited by the Leaders.


Politics has nothing to do with religion. When people let go of what they caught, they will be freed from exploitation.


I will not vote for a party:

1. which seeks my vote in the name of Caste, Religion, Language or ethnicity.

(a) Politics - administering a nation - has nothing to do with Caste, Religion, Language or ethnicity. The actions of the Government should benefit one and all in the society.

(b) No other developed country discusses and debates on such divisions among its citizen.

(c) Dividing the people is a technique used by British in the societies they colonised. Divided people are made to fight within and the rulers can get away looting both warring group. Countries were divided (North Korea - South Korea, East Germany- West Germany) and exploited by richer nations.

I will not vote for a party who against other religion / caste / language, even if they were otherwise good.

I will not vote for a party:

2. which talk about reservations on caste / religion / language / ethnicity.

Promising reservation is criminally dishonest on the part of Leaders and it is Criminally foolish on the part of people who believe reservations will make every one in their caste / religion / region prosperous.

Reservations had meaning in young India. (a) There were very less opportunity for education. There were many jobs and fewer people suitable for employment. (b) Several people who were Socially and Economically backward in the society remained so for several centuries. Reservations in education and employment in Government helped them join the mainstream.

Now there are several crores of Educated people remain unemployed. The number of jobs created annually are too few. How reservations could help? How to understand it?

Assume that the government gives a lottery ticket each to all the members of a particular Caste . Out of several Crores of citizen, one of them might get rupees One Crore in the draw, a few others get smaller amounts. For the majority of the Lottery ticket holders, it is just a piece of paper. The cunning and schemy leaders make the voters to believe that they have made the lives of people prosperous with reservations.

Out of the thinking disabled voters some are very happy that their communities got reservations. The others become angry and unhappy they did not get reservations!

I will not vote for a party:

3. That did not bring a strong LOKPAL (the anti corruption Ombudsman), with all the necessary infrastructure. Why ?

Before the elections, political parties accuse each others of corruption. All are true. The fact can be Cross-checked in internet clicking CAG Website.

After elections, the ruling party demits office and all their sins are washed-off. The new ruling party indulges in corruption.

Very few cases of large scale corruption came to public attention. CBI and agencies launch investigations. After several years, no one is found corrupt!

Defense deals are huge government purchase. Invariably every political party is corrupt. They need huge money to splurge during elections. Organise Rallies. Every participant to rally are paid some cash, food and liquor beside transport expenses.

Out of several hundred cases registered. may be one gets punished. That too after, say 20 years. The worst part is

they are allowed to retain their stashed public wealth. Often on bail.

Some thinking disabled voters feel Corruption by party A is okay and not Party B.

Corruption is like a cancer in a society. While the rich benefit from corruption the poor suffers.

I will not for a party:

4. That allows bulk of the nation's wealth cornered by Rich and Super Rich in the society. ( a few Rich and Super Rich corner the wealth of the nation). Why?

In a few countries around the world the divide between the Rich and Poor is growing Rapidly. This is because these countries have Spiritually degenerated leaders. They practice Crony capitalism.

One of the most important duty of a government is wealth distribution of the nation's wealth equitably across the society. They are many who contribute to creating wealth in the form of services and products which are accounted for as wealth of the society and called GDP. This number is menetised by the government and spent along with the Tax income. Governments spends the money in various projects from time to time. While doing so, the wealth goes back to people. The common man invariably produce wealth and elite acquire them.

The Economic theory suggests that at least 20% of nation's wealth should reach 80% population comprising of Poor and middle class.

For years on, Government after Govt cause a very small population - the Rich and Super Rich - who form a mere 1% population gets away with nearly 73% nation's wealth. A mere 27% wealth is left for 99% population. This explains the agrarian crisis. (Our farmers contribute 16% of GDP.)

How do I know which Govt is causing it?

There are international NGOs studying the data in public domain and bring the disparities to light. Most Educated are unaware of them. Look at OX-FAM UK report.

It is because common man, the voter, is unaware of these truth they continue voting one party or the other who is working overtime against us.

I will not vote a candidate:

5. Spiritually degenerated, as my MLA/MP. Instead selecting those who are spiritually inclined. Why?

Spiritually awakened people understands that amassing wealth is foolish.

  • Wealth does not come with us.
  • They have learnt Vedanta Dindima, the poem by Adi Shankara. Those who have heard that Mother father son daughter are Maya . (They are not really anything to do with us. Everyone is an independent soul on its own journey. Earning and amassing wealth for them is not only foolish but sinful too)!

I will not vote a candidate:

6. who have had a Criminal background or criminal cases pending against!


I will consider voting for a party

7. that which Promise to deliver the following:

( If they fail to deliver, never vote them again).

A. Judicial Reforms - introducing perjury in every case - for falsely implicating people / organisation with forged documents and false witnesses. Cutting down redundant processes that takes litigation too long!

B. Electoral Reforms - Stopping rallies and long campaigning thereby cutting down the influence of money in elections.

C. Solution to Farmer distress - The wealth due to Farmers (Esp -Small, marginal and tenant farmers) is knocked off by the Leader - Trader Mafia, armed with commodity market. Loan waiver helps only Rich farmers who will be funded by Nationalised Banks! Every Government comes up with Loan-waiver not the real solution.


I will not vote a candidate / party

8. Offering Bribe /freebies to vote


Do not Vote for Parties that ...

9. Which implement people welfare schemes through INSURANCE. More than 50% of such money goes to the money bags of CORPORATE.

Health scheme for common man or Farmer protection through insurance is a loot by insurance firms. The cronies are everywhere to loot the nation. Do not vote for them.


Do not vote for parties

10. Governments fund MNCs in the form of subsidies to MNCs for Genetically Modifying the seeds.


The agents of MNCs appear in the garb of great economists and futurists predicted that in the next few decades World will have 50 billion population and GM Seeds are a must.


This is a sheer nonsense!


In order to make profit these MNCs and its agents use poison to mutate the seeds from germinating.

The G M seeds are traced to be the root cause of CANCER and TUMOUR in our country.


Do not vote for Governments which fund and support the deadly diseases.


Common man is unaware of these problems and most NGOs in India are silent on this horror.


The readers may suggest more points through a comment!!!


Chapter 01

WHOM I Vote and Why?


India is rich

But the majority of Indians are poor - Why


That is because, We elect wrong persons to lead our nation.

How do the voters decide on a party or candidate to power?

We give our individual power to think and decide the course of our country. How do we decide our leader?

  1. Some vote for party appealing for votes on Religion
  2. Some vote in favour of one caste or the other!
  3. Some votes whosoever give cash!
  4. Some leaders gives cellphone and other gadgets to get the vote.

We are tolerant to several wrongs of political parties.

  1. Political parties put-up their candidates with Criminal back ground, and also someone with Criminal cases pending against.
  2. The MP /MLA taking our vote on one party shifts their loyalty to another party. Obviously, for large sums of money offered by the opposition party. Is this not a shere breach of trust?! Both candidates and parties who are engaged in horse trading, not once but several times.
  3. Parties donot keep their promises made prior to election! They come again seeking out vote.
  4. For over 50 years political parties delayed and denied an Ombudsman for corruption for our country.(Obviously, no thief likes a strong cop around. The investigating agencies such as ED and CBI are declared Cagged parrots by supreme court. For several decades, these institutions did not succeed to bringing accused to book. Even those proved corrupt are let go off their loot).
  5. Mostly investigative agencies are used to quell the people opposed to the ruling party not the corrupt leaders and government employees to book.
  6. Judicial reforms and Electoral reforms are long over due. The corruption and sluggish processes turns judiciary an instrument of extorion by ill-willed, affluent and the evils in the society. Litigants with false cases, cookedup records/ documents go scot free.

Will a country with such reasons for voting can a country ever get the right leaders to lead a country?


Can any one tell?

I asked my friends, with professional education and economically well to do to give me a small list of:

  • What any one, as a voter, expect from a person as a Leader to govern the nation?
  • What the party / leader should do and should not (as a responsibile team / head of a State or Country)?

Large number of Voters are blind to Truth

I found, not much difference between an educated and an uneducated person in most of the decision making.

The leaders are intelligent than the voters. That is the reason they are leaders and others follow.

Various political leaders put Blinders (Like we put for the horses) to their followers in such a way that they do not see the whole truth about themselves.

Most citizen do not understand the others. Especially the political leaders, their nature, their intent and action.

Some people are tolerant to some corruption of Party A and some others, Party B and yet others, the Party C.

India is Rich

But majority of Indians are poor. Why?

We are all aware that India is rich with Minerals and several such natural wealth. Worlds' rich War hardware manufacturers compete to befriend India. We buy very expensive war harware from developed world. Our leaders are hugged and praised by World Leaders!

Our engineers and scientists are of world class. Our achievments in space technology in unique. Our contribution to World's technology and science is significant. But, yet!

I always wondered why we have world's largest population of Poor!

Some of the reasons traced are:

1. Indian was under foreign rule for over 1200 years. This pushed majority population into slavery, deprivation and povery. This has turned majority voters learning resistant & thinking disabled. They end-up electing Spiritually degenerated people as leaders.

2. Spiritually degenerated leaders are not patrotic. The look at political office as an opportunity to misuse their position and build personal wealth instead of enriching the society.

3. Successive Governments failed to discharge their responsibility to distribute the wealth among the citizen equitably. Instead, enabled the Rich and Super rich in the society, the Industry and trade leaders to corner bulk of the nation's wealth.

We will discuss these issues in the following chapter.



Chapter 2

Whom should I vote and Why?


Whom (Which party and Which Candidate) should I Vote / not Vote?




Elections change the parties in power but the condition of the common man remains the same ever since independance. Why is it so?


Our leaders learnt (from the British colonial rulers) the art of Dividing the people and ruling over them. In other words, Our native leaders have developed a colonial mind-set.


Untrained minds are like Monkeys.

We are no different from monkeys






Like the monkeys do, we do not let go of anything that we catch.


They catch anything given and won't let it go! You can read the story how the Monkey traders catch the monkeys without a mechanical trap and sell them to zoo parks in different countries.


Bottles with a narrow entry is loaded with some peanuts are left in the forests where the monkeys move about. The bottle entry is so narrow that when the monkey takes the peanuts in its hand will not be able to take its hand out of the bottle. The monkey will remain with the bottle for hours and traders catch them and export. The loose their freedom and remain behind the Cages in Zoo Parks for its entire life.


Our people were given Caste, Religion and languages as a bait. Those who caught them are trapped. They are exploited by the Leaders.


Politics has nothing to do with religion. When people let go of what they caught, they will be freed from exploitation.


I will not vote for a party:


1, That political party which seeks my vote in the name of Caste, Religion, Language or ethnicity.

(a) Politics - administering a nation - has nothing to do with Caste, Religion, Language or ethnicity. The actions of the Government should benefit one and all in the society.

(b) No other developed country discusses and debates on such divisions among its citizen.

(c) Dividing the people is a technique used by British in the societies they colonised. Divided people are made to fight within and the rulers can get away looting both warring group. Countries were divided (North Korea - South Korea, East Germany- West Germany) and exploited by richer nations.

I will not vote for a party who against other religion / caste / language, even if they were otherwise good.


I will not vote for a party:


2. which talk about reservations on caste / religion / language / ethnicity.

Promising reservation is criminally dishonest on the part of Leaders and it is Criminally foolish on the part of people who believe reservations will make every one in their caste / religion / region prosperous.

Reservations had meaning in young India. (a) There were very less opportunity for education. There were many jobs and fewer people suitable for employment. (b) Several people who were Socially and Economically backward in the society remained so for several centuries. Reservations in education and employment in Government helped them join the mainstream.

Now there are several crores of Educated people remain unemployed. The number of jobs created annually are too few. How reservations could help? How to understand it?

Assume that the government gives a lottery ticket each to all the members of a particular Caste . Out of several Crores of citizen, one of them might get rupees One Crore in the draw, a few others get smaller amounts. For the majority of the Lottery ticket holders, it is just a piece of paper. The cunning and schemy leaders make the voters to believe that they have made the lives of people prosperous with reservations.

Out of the thinking disabled voters some are very happy that their communities got reservations. The others become angry and unhappy they did not get reservations!


I will not vote for a party

3. That did not bring a strong LOKPAL (the anti corruption Ombudsman), with all the necessary infrastructure. Why ?

Before the elections, political parties accuse each others of corruption. All are true. The fact can be Cross-checked in internet clicking CAG Website.


After elections, the ruling party demits office and all their sins are washed-off. The new ruling party does not use the state / central anti-corruption sleuths

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