Hop noi cap ha the 3M Profile

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1st January 2001


Hop noi cap dien la loai vat tu khong the thieu dung de noi cac soi cap lai voi nhau giup cho he thong truyen tai dien nang duoc hoan thien. Act Hung Phat la dai ly phan phoi hop noi cap dien co nhiet, hop noi cap dien do keo resin... san pham duoc nhap khau chinh hang 3M, san toan, de thi cong lap dat, co day du CO, CQ, Hoa don VAT
Website : https://thietbidienhp.com.vn/hop-noi-cap-ha-the
Hotine/Zalo: 0868.146.135
Dia chi: thon Duc Noi, xa Viet Hung, huyen Dong Anh, thanh pho Ha Noi