Bai Tho Junks  Profile

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1st January 2001

Bai Tho Junks offers luxury Halong Bay cruise on traditional Vietnamese boats. Set sails in Halong Bay since 1991, Bai Tho Junks have been leading the way in providing unforgettable experiences in this natural wonder. Bai Tho Junks consists of sub-brands: Victory Star Cruise, Victory Cruise, and Treasure Junk, a fleet of traditional Vietnamese boats, unique and authentic way to experience the beauty of Halong Bay.
Hotline: 0945231999
Our address: 05 Le Quy Don str, Bach Dang Ward, Halong City
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#baithojunk #victorycruise #victorystarcruise #treasurejunk #halongbaycruise #halongbayjunk