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1 | P a g e Affinities of Life

What is Life?

Life is what you choose to be.

Life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter including the capacity for growth, reproduction functional activity and continual change preceding death.

Aspects of life:

 Past

 Friends

 Family

 Faith

 Love

 Purpose

 Affirmatives

 Hardship

 Motivation

 Dreams

 Darkside

 Appreciation

 Care, compassion, tolerance, sensitivity.


(past is a place of learning not place of living) I grieved but a part of me felt a lightening of a burden that I had carried all my life. That I could never be worthy of them that I would always disappoint or fail them.

As an unknown slave in the fields of the baron. I know the worst was over. I had failed them. At least I could not do so again.

Those words tasted bitter but the worst part was that those were living inside me and they were leaking out of me, words where not things you could control not always.

The worst part of getting close to someone is the part when you have to miss them.

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Part of the function of memory is to forget the omni- ret elative mind will breakdown and produce at best an idiot savant who can relate a telephone book and at worst a person to whom every grudge and slight is as yesterdays.

You need to take the traumas and make them part of who you have come. To be and you need to fold the worst events of your life into a narrative of trump, evincing a batter self in response to things that hurt.


Friendship is the most beautiful relationship between two people.

We cannot think of life without having someone whom we can call friends. Isn't it? Making friends is based on how we want our friendship to be. It has to be filled with love, honesty, loyalty, and compassion towards each other. From a young age, we spend a lot of time with our friends. Friendship is something that has boundless love and care. The essence of friendship is that the mindset of people has to be the same in order to have a long-lasting relationship. In this friendship essay, let us know more about the benefits of friendship.

How well are you acquainted with the importance of friendship in your life? This feeling of friendship starts from an early age where you feel, share and care for your friend. Also, you will receive non-biased opinions and feedback from your friends.

True friendship is when you stand with your friends through thick and thin. It is the moment where you need not express yourself and your friends totally understand what you're trying to say.

Moreover, there is no specific criteria to choose your friends. If your mind and heart match, that's more than enough to become friends.

Benefits of Friendship

Friends are an essential part of your life. Good friends are hard to find, but if you have one then life is sorted. If you are confused or want to take advice from someone, you can just rely on friends. They will give 3 | P a g e Affinities of Life

the best advice and show the right path in taking important decisions in your life. Most importantly, they will be there for you no matter what.

Sometimes, you might fight for silly reasons which is also a part of friendship. Healthy friendship has mutual love, care, and respect for each other. There is no one above or below in terms of friendship.

There are many people in your life but certain friendships can only touch your personal space. Kids especially are not always comfortable with any people they come into contact with. There are few people whom they like to spend time with and share their stories. There is authenticity in the relationships that you can eventually develop with your friends. It is filled with purity and love for the other person. Here are some reasons that underline the importance of friendship in your life.

 Becoming part of social life and removing loneliness.

 Reducing stress and other tensions in life when you have good friends around you.

 Providing emotional support.

 Helping you improve personally.

 Providing strength and helping in things that are difficult for you.

 Spending quality time with your friends.

 Sharing happiness and sorrows with friends.

How to Maintain a True Friendship?

Humans being social creatures need someone to share their happiness and sorrows with. Who can be more trustworthy other than your friends? To grow your friendship, you need to maintain and protect the relationship forever.

For that, you have to inherit some qualities that will help in maintaining your friendship for a longer period of time. Friendship increases happiness and gives more meaning to your life. We expect our friends to be there for birthdays, festivals, and all other occasions.

Therefore, we tend to become stronger as a person when there are good friends around us. Needless to say, there is no age for friendship, you can make friends in every stage of your life. Here are a few things that you do to keep your friendship interesting and everlasting.

 Be available for your friends anytime.

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 Be part of their happiness and sorrows.

 Spend time with your friends on a regular basis.

 Be loyal and honest to your friends

 Respect your friends and their decisions in life

 Show appreciation and give feedback for the things that they do.

We hope this friendship essay was useful to you, check essays for kids to explore more topics.


The modern world has a different definition of family than has been the norm for thousands of years. However, the basic principle behind a family hasn’t changed - caring. No matter what the type of family unit - single parent family, nuclear family, joint family or step family

- care for each other is the foundation of family.

To further this, in order to keep families strong the relationships amongst the members of the family have to be strong too. Each member of the family is unique and has his or her own personality. The interactions each of them has with other members of the family are unique. Nevertheless, the interactions need to nurture and strengthen the bonds between family members or the family will drift apart.

What makes family relationship strong?

There are quite a few factors that help strengthen family relationships.

Some of the most important ones are:

Love - This is the factor that comes to mind first. Love is what is at the heart of the family. Everyone has the need to love and be loved and the family is where they give and receive that love first. In fact, the family is where we learn to love. Through love we learn about intimacy, privacy, belonging, caring and sharing. However, love doesn’t just come by itself; each family member has to work on it and nurture it.

Loyalty - Some would say that this is a natural offshoot of love. A family that is strong is devoted to each other. When dark times come, the family stands together to face them. They defend each other and stand up for each other when an outsider attacks. Also they cheer each 5 | P a g e Affinities of Life

other on to victories and commiserate with each other in defeats. They believe in each other.

Learning - Since the family is the first social interaction we have, this is where we have our first learning too. Families teach us about behaviour, skills and values. Strong families teach their members how to navigate the outside world but do not allow the outside world to rule them. They become examples to society of how families should be.

Importance of Family Relationships

In order for a family to be strong, the bonds amongst them need to be strong. Relationships are the bonds that keep a family together. If the family has a good relationship with its members, they will have a stronger commitment to each other. Family unity will be important.

Strong family relationships also mean better communication. The members of the family take out the time to talk to each other. The conversation could be about small things or big ones that doesn’t matter.

What matters is that the family members are connected to each other.

They understand one another and listen to what the other person has to say.

The strength of family relationships gives members the impetus to appreciate each other. After love, this may be the most sought after need in a human being. Everyone feels the need to be appreciated; it helps us feel worthwhile and boosts our self-confidence.

Stronger family bonds mean that when a family member appreciates you, it enhances your self-esteem and in turn makes it easier for you to express your appreciation.


In the end, strong relationships amongst family members are essential to keeping a family together. A family without good relationships falls apart very quickly and in doing so traumatises the family members on different levels. Too many family units falling apart and the fabric of society start crumbling. In other words, strong family relationships are the basic glue that holds society together.

Story composed by Mr. Brian Nduhukire Tinyefuza

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Faith is having complete trust in someone or something no matter what. It’s not about having hope that something will happen; instead, it’s about knowing that something will happen, because you believe that it will. Faith determines your whole outlook on life. It gives you a reason to live. If you have no faith, you will never have anything to strive for. It is involved with everything in life: from religion to family, to relationships, and even to sports. Faith is the one thing that gives you purpose.

Faith dictates how you view life. With it, faith can make your whole outlook on things positive; but without it, your view will be clouded with negativity. It helps you reach any if you don’t have faith in yourself, you will never reach those goals. Without it, you would have nothing to look forward to, and life would be an interminable bore. It would be pointless to live.

You have to have faith in yourself in order to do good in whatever you are playing. That does not mean that you have to be conceited and full of yourself. When I play baseball I am not vain, but I do have confidence in myself to make plays. I also have faith in my team. I trust them to make plays and do what they have to do in order for us to succeed. I have faith in my coaches that they will teach and instruct us so we get better and learn from our mistakes. Having faith while playing sports can determine whether you win or lose.

Life is full of faith. Everything you do involves this concept of having complete trust in someone or something no matter what. Whether it be with goals, God, family and relationships/


What is love?

1. Is an emotion that keeps people bonded and committed to one another.

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2. Is to put someone’s needs before yours e.g parents set goals to their children like teaching them about life or paying their needs and making the priorities.

Same as how people in relationship offer services to their respective partners before theirs.

However love can be summarized into 5 words. Phrases.

1. Words of affirmation

2. Acts of serves

3. Receiving gifts

4. Quality time

5. Physical touch

Love is something poor. Important in our life, without it life is somehow meaningless resulting into May situations.

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Almost every individual has experienced in this life. Whether it is in the form of parent love, sibling, and spouse love grandpapa love. It is a special feeling that can’t be put in the world.

Something that you can feel and can’t express, is love being appreciated and carried is the basic need of every human. Every person wants to feel cherished and loved. Love is a set of behaviorism beliefs and strong emotions. The interest of these emotions is powerful that it can even move mountains love brings out all the best qualities in a person.

Over whole life revolves and love. This feeling of love should be set free. It should not be associated to any person, thing or place one you associate it that’s when you find it as a burden or an attachment.

The beauty of love just vanishes and the feelings of fear, jealousy possession anger and other negative feelings croup up. Love is eternal.

True does is devoid of misery and expectation. It just need the 8 | P a g e Affinities of Life

other person to be happy. Spread love and happiness wherever you go.

It’s a feeling of mutual concern and care among people. It’s one beautiful thing that binds not just people, but also animals together. Love is omm present, its present everywhere but its form can be different. It’s an unspoken language of the heart.

It comes in many shades. It has nothing to do with the looks with the person or riches profession money and other traits.

A rich and a poor experience the same love is a feeling of affection and care that every person is best owed with. It is the life’s essence and the privilege of a human being.

Love is that emotion that each and every person long for. Love is an innate desire in every person. Without it lives will be meaningless. Love is an essential ingredient of a fulfilling life. It nurtures our emotions and keeps us alive. Love has been ingrained into us since the day we got born. It has been said, that love moves the world. It is so powerful that it can make a man conquer anything and everything in this world.

Right from the day we are born on this planet we crave love. The whole universe is born out of love, love is a simple feeling that every single creature on this planet can understand without speaking any single word. It is the language of soul. You don’t need to be rich or highly educated to experience it. There is no distinction on the ground of cast creed sect religion etc.

Yet people mistake it by taking it in a very narrow – minded way.

When you try to get a hold on love, that it when it creates issues between people.

Don’t chase love and don’t beg love, focus on how much you have given in place of how much you received. A person with a good heart always succeed in life don’t label it in the form of a relationship or any possession. The moment you start doing this it will start to disappear.

The way you interpret it, it’s the way in which you see its impact 9 | P a g e Affinities of Life

on your life. It’s said to rise in love and don’t fall in love. A narrow minded and selfish love will seat in misery where a sincere and expectations less love will nourish can emotions heal your soul and strengthen your relationship. Love has the power to bring a positive change in the personality and life of the person.

Focus on being a nice and genuine person. Let whoever come to us get inspired from our sincere love and affection. Love has the power to bring out all the benevolent traits in a person. A person who has love in his heart would never do anything to turn any other person. Such a person would have peace in his heart that wishes only good for others.

If everyone experience love in themselves and focus on giving it over receiving it, then this planet would become free from violence stress, greediness, hatred etc.

Love come in various forms it can be with your parents, grand’s, siblings, spouse, friends, animals, material things. The worth of love gives a sense of security with and appreciation to a person.

A person who has a kind nature, and a sincere heart is admired wherever he/ she goes. Love unit’s people who have selfless love in their heart that is devoid of expectations spreads their fragrance whenever they go.

Love is an emotion that we all yearn for right from the day we were born. We crave love, little babies who just enter this world are unaware about what goes on around here. If there is one thing that they understand it is love. They understand nothing else but love and crave fruit. The long to be with parents and grand’s as they can feel the love and warmth by their touch and behavior.

They cry and hesitate when strangers pick them as the quotient is lower or limes not there at all.

Love and affection are often used simultaneously. They are both essential to build long lasting relationships mutual trust honesty and care are the best relationships. These emotions are not only essential for romantic relations but strengthening familial bond.

However love and affection are two different emotions through 10 | P a g e Affinities of Life

they often overlap. While affection can be defined as a liking for another person. Owing in the qualities he/she possesses love is a deeper emotion. Loving a person means accepting them with all their vice and virtues. It involves caring for them and standing by them during their thick and thin.

True love is selfless and pure it does not demand anything in return. However a relationship where the flow of giving and receiving love is equal balance lasts longer and is more satisfying.

So where there is love there is affection and where there is affection there is affection there is room for love to perforate.

Love and affection often coincide and depend and each other.

Both are essential for a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Love is a divine energy. I had a very vague idea about love initially. As I tried to understand more about it, a completely different perspective and thinking develops that explains the true essence of love. I have come to know from spiritual iterative that love is God and God is love.

It appears too abstract in the first instance, but more we find to think of God will make us to love God and all other creations of God.

It is like energy flowing within us derived from ultimate that thinks positive and helps in inner purification.

Love is nothing but inner need and the reason for feeling happiness. Fill the requirement of soul by being in love with other person. The other person to whom you love is only an object to be loved.

It’s our own emotions that creates love for that person. People love someone to whom you love is only an object of love.

This feeling comes out of inner need. This is the reason that when the object of love is same. But still different people react to it in a different manner. A person may become an object of love for someone but similar feeling may be missing in the heart of other 11 | P a g e Affinities of Life


The feeling of love resides in us. Other person becomes only a facilitators to bring out this feeling. Irrespective of how good other person maybe, love will have to originate from you to create that loving emotion. All other things follow thereafter. These emotions come when we feel need of love as against negative emotions of anger and hate.

The advantage of giving love to the other person are essentially to fulfill our inner need and to generate happiness. If we demand love from other person, we may not be able to feel it when our inner condition is filled with negative feeling. Love is an activity of thinking good about others.

Doing all that can be done to make others feel food and acting in a manner that other person feels comfortable.

It is not something to be demanded as it cannot be preserved and we cannot take it or feel it unless we make ourselves capable for it.

Everyone feels impact of love on their life. When you think of good on other person you are in same wavelength as your inner self (soul) which makes you feel light and joyful. Such feeling is love, it is not easy for a person to love someone as it takes to understand and then develop liking of that person.

Media influences understanding of various issues in life including perception of love. Love has different conations in media which is not actual reality. The people in love as shown in media are protected somewhat special. It makes us realize incapable of offering or getting that sort of love. People often adore type of love which is without any argument, fill or sacrifices and tolerance from the other person.

The media glorifies love and shows loving couples who do so many usual things to attract each other’s attention. It affects perception of love.

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We imagine women in love as beautiful, sacrificing and never arguing. The media depicts love based in physical attraction. In actual life situations things are different. Love does not mean that there will be any differences and the other person will always remain dumb. It does not mean that a person not very handsome or beautiful will be less attractive and loving in nature.

The attractiveness of a person is depicted from overall personality. That is a combination of physical looks positive attitude and confidence.

The love stones as reflected in media and narrated by other persons do mostly narrate physical aspects of love. It does not emphasize on the emotional closeness as spiritual part of the love which is more subtle and ending.

Our preparation of love is this limited in nature Life is not always about happy and sad situations. It has its own moments of ups and downs. How to adjust in each situation and take it in stride will greatly affect the quality of life and relationship with other people.

The perception of love as being devoid in any problem trouble and pain is this misconception. People feel more and more pain and they are not able to live in relationship with all the problems that we face in unison, sort out our differences and spiritual love for other persons which gives beyond the physical attraction love is made simply of these words.


Only a small minority of people have actually figured out their life purpose so don’t feel too bad if you haven’t yet.

Purpose is not your worldly goals, is there anything more purposeful than being filly involved in living and being a decent human being.

Your life purpose and the meaning of life are interconnected you have a primary (inner) purpose that you share with all humanity and 13 | P a g e Affinities of Life

a secondary (out) purpose that is unique to you.

Purpose is a combination of finding and creating. You don’t choose your life purpose (finding) but you do choose what you do with it (creating).


Purpose isn’t selfish if your using it to gift to give back.

Purpose is less about what you do, and more about how you do it.

Purpose often comes from your heart and soul versus your head which means its feeling you can’t always out into words.

Whether you realize it or not you are already in your own hero’s journey. Now you can take the next step consciously.


I can do this

I love my life

I love my job, I work with and for wonderful people Wellness is the natural state of my body

I am courageous

Everything is possible

I am grateful for my life

I am amazing

I am capable

I find love everywhere in my life

I forgive myself for not being perfect

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I am safe

I focus on the positive

I choose joy and ease everyday

I have the courage to live my dreams.

The power of change to your life begins through conscious creation.

When you stay in reaction you stay in fear and contraction.

When you recognize your belief reflection in every experience.

Recognize your creation every experience. As a mirror to your place of being.

You can then learn from them. Growth and evolvement comes through acknowledging vulnerability.

All change comes from within you, Stop the judgment on yourself and the moment you stop the judgment on yourself about the rightness or wrongness of where you are then you will be able to be more forgiving relative to where others are, and you have to make peace with their discord you have to make peace with your own.

We don t plan our life, our life was already planned we just influence

/ effect/ trigger or break the dead locks to affect. Cause success in on lives.


Things to remember when going through hardship.

1. Everything can change

2. You have overcame challenges before

3. It’s a learning experience

4. Not getting what you want can be a blessing

5. Allow yourself to have some fun

6. Being kind to yourself it’s the best medicine 7. Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about 8. And there is always, always, always something to be thankful for Enjoy the simple pleasure in life what does this phrase really mean.

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For me, enjoying the simple things in life means finding happiness in things that aren’t expensive or occur around us naturally like the sound of your children, laughing in the back of the ear or the stars above your head on a summer night,

These things can bring us most happiness with very little effort.

Every moment of our lives is filled with this simple pleasure, if we just look for them.

It’s harder and harder to take note of the simple pleasure in life these days with all the technology we have at our figure tips.

Our noses are constantly buried in our mobile devices barely coming up for food or water. How are we to notice something when our focus is constantly pulled in different direction it’s simple really. Be more present and see the world through your own two eyes.


Life is very precious gift. Life is filled with happiness and sadness.

Most cannot taste success without tasting failure.

Happiness will not come from outside it will come from within. We should not only accept success but also failure. As we know that failure is the key to success. We should not waste our time by thinking that God. Allah gave us sadness. We should be positive and wait for the time when the sad moments will pass. Just have patience. Always keep your hope never lose hope and never lose faith in years. We should always remember that there is always a down after dark night.


Motivation plays an important role in building the personality of an individual. It provides encouragement to achieve goals in life. Needless to say, motivation is an essential part of life, which makes a person more confident to do work. It is a quality that helps in facing and overcoming hurdles. The feeling of motivation makes a person to fight during hard times and move on with life. Motivation can change the personality and perception of people. Those who are motivated tend to 16 | P a g e Affinities of Life

be stronger and more confident. Whereas, the person who lacks motivation fails to achieve success in life. Therefore, it is necessary to be motivated in whatever you do.

How can you motivate someone or get motivated? It can be achieved through speech or actions. You can speak to someone and motivate them to do something in life. Besides this, your actions can motivate people to do something good. Being motivated will help an individual to break down their barriers and explore new paths. They will overcome and try to resolve their problems sensibly and systematically.

Moreover, you can motivate people in some way or the other with a positive attitude. In this motivation essay, let us discuss a few tips to motivate people and the importance of motivation in our


Types of Motivation

The two types of motivation are mentioned below:

1. Self Motivation: This basically happens when a person does not need other people to motivate them. They are self motivated individuals who work tirelessly to achieve their goals in life.

Besides this, these people have their own strategies and perception towards things. They can take up and complete any challenging task with dedication and determination.

2. Motivation by Others: There are times when people feel low in their life. During this time, someone can motivate them and develop confidence in whatever they are doing. This is possible when they hear inspirational talks or speech from others. With this, they feel motivated and happy in their life.

Tips For Motivation

Motivation is an important tool that makes a person stronger and braver. To make someone feel motivated, there are certain things that you can follow in your life. Here are a few tips for motivation mentioned below:

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 Encourage people in whatever task they take up.

 Speak positive words to show appreciation.

 Listen to other people and their point of view.

 Give positive feedback for their performance.

 Surround yourself with people who are positive.

 Read motivation related articles and books.

 Watch videos or documentaries related to motivation.

 Seek motivation from the people who are experienced and well informed.

 Meditate to improve your mental health in order to feel motivated all the time.

 Keep upgrading your knowledge on goals that you want to achieve.

 Stay focused on things for an effective outcome

 Stay in touch with your loved ones who motivate you in every situation of your life.

 Set goals and make a checklist of tasks that you want to accomplish. This will help you to be motivated and work towards your goals.

 Stick to the things that fascinate you. This will enable you to feel motivated in doing things that interest you and you are passionate about.

 Find ways to feel motivated in your work or task.

 Track your progress on a regular basis so that you can feel motivated to know how far you have reached your goals.

 Visit places where you feel relaxed and motivated.

 Interact with people who give you motivation in everything that you do.

 Exercise to relax your mind and body.

 Be patient in achieving your goal.

Importance of Motivation

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When you feel motivated, there are abundant opportunities that come your way. It changes the way you perceive things. There is improvement in the work and desire to achieve goals in life. The importance of motivation is mentioned below:

Building Confidence: When someone influences and motivates you to do something great, there will be improvement in confidence. This will enable you to work in a systematic way.

Moreover, it will make you come out of your comfort zone and achieve success in life. For example, if someone is feeling nervous to take part in sports. In such scenarios, you can assure them by making them feel confident about the game.

Enhances Performance: The person who feels motivated will enhance their performance. They feel and think in a certain way that will be beneficial for the task. It will enable them to put their thoughts into action. For instance, if someone is doing some project work, if he or she is motivated, only then will the performance improve. It will give abundant energy to work in an effective way.

Achievement of Goal: With increased motivation, there are chances that you can achieve your goal in a systematic way. Due to this, you can improve your concentration and focus towards the task that you are doing.

Improves Efficiency: The person who is motivated will work tirelessly to give their best. If you feel motivated, there will be proper planning and systemic approach towards the task that you are doing.

Develops Essential Skills: When your motivation level is higher, there will be development of essential skills such as communication, problem solving, decision making and analytical skills while learning or doing some work.

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Motivation is an internal process that is initiated in people so that they can achieve anything in life. It is important for every individual to stay motivated in order to be happy in whatever they do. Being motivated makes a person happy, focused and confident.


1. What Is A Dream?

In simple terms, a dream is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal; but is it the same as your goal in life? In your essay, explore this topic from A to Z and state your opinion about what the word "dream"

mean to you.

2. What Are Your Dreams In Life?

This is an excellent topic for your statement or "about me" essay.

Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? Do you have a career plan? If you still haven't thought about it, maybe it's time to start thinking about your future.

3. Why Are Dreams Important In Life?

Having dreams is very important in a person's life; it motivates, inspires, and helps you achieve any goal that you have in mind.

Without dreams, we would feel lost - having no purpose in life.

Therefore, in your essay, you should be able to explain to your readers how important it is to have a dream or ambition in life.


Is the messier flawed or less pleasant side of who you are? Most of us do our best to hide this side of who we are from others and to some of who we are from ourselves. This part of us often lives deep below the surface of our awareness in the murky waters of our unconscious mind.

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Your about to meet my other half this side of me I warned you about.

Time to let the demons out it;s too late to stop me now. Welcome to the dark side.

When I fade off into the darkness that you don’t understand.

I hope you want for me to step back into the light. But if you choose not to, I will thank you. Because if you never understood the dark side of me, you certainly aren’t worthy of how beautiful my light is.

My rigid is only for the ones who never left me alone in the dark.


Take a step into the havoc, look around, this ain’t even the hatful it, walking the line between panic and losing my mind.

Embracing the madness my devils they whisper in my ear.

Deafening me with my tears I am living in a nightmare there is part of me, cannot hide.

I don’t think I have ever not had a dark side but one of the wonderful reasons why you go into this business is that half you’re live in fantasy. Which is somebody else life it’s actually a great release because you not having to deal with the itty-bitty bits of life.

We all need to look into the dark side of our nature. That’s where the energy is the passion people are afraid of that because it holds pieces of us were been busy denying.

Accept your dark side understanding it will help you to move with the light knowing both sides of our souls help us to move forward in life to understand that perfection doesn’t exist.

The worst part of it, it is you know if life is barking at an owl, the moon or a burglar, that’s one has to fight constantly every minute of the day until one dies is the worst part of oneself.

We all have a dark side most of us go through life avoiding direct confrontation which that aspect of ourselves which I call the shadow 21 | P a g e Affinities of Life

self, there’s a reason why.

It carries a great deal of energy.

Am I supposed to be a man? Am I supposed to say? its okay, I don’t mind, I don’t mind well I mind I mind big time and you know what the worst part is never learned to read.

My battered heart will always be where the oceans meet the sand I will break over and over every day. That is the best and worst part of me.

In the old days the worst part of my depression used to be the astonishment. It caused me the scandalized way in which I fought against it. Now days on the other hand. I accept it cheerfully enough like old familiar friends.

I have decoded that the worst part of loneliness isn’t being alone.

It’s being forgotten.

What sucks the worst is, this world was a gift to us. And we broke it, and part of the deal is that if we want things right, we have to fix it ourselves. But we can’t. We try, but we can’t.

Apart of me genuinely wanted to be the worst because I was so sick of every fighting to be the best.

They were very short, the golden years are when you sit back, hopefully and exchange memories and the worst part is no body to exchange bad memories with.

I hope my worthy is my dying. I hope I can maintain myself. That I wouldn’t become pathetic and needy and the worst part of myself come out in adversity but in not afraid of it. It would be such a silly thing to do. To run the life you by fearing it’s ending.

The worst part is doubt. When you doubt yourself, which we are taught to do, you get lost.

22 | P a g e Affinities of Life


If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life.

If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate? It’s the only tool you would ever need to predominantly look you up with who you really are.

That’s all you’d need.


People have developed indifference towards others because of religion cultural, national and economic differences and disparities.

This has made people to hate and hearts are filled with bad feelings towards others if affects generally feeling of love and literacy for other human being. We remain unconcerned about others love and tender feelings do not come easily, we believe other human being are different and not close to us.

The present environment is conducive and in these conditions special efforts by cleaning a heart from bad feelings towards others are required it requires a genuine felling of love, affection and concern of other human beings. Hardly any great personality at this time either in the social political arena preaches universals love and brotherhood.

23 | P a g e Affinities of Life