No platitudes, no feel-good mantra. Getting more for life, for me, just seems to be the only words to describe that gut feeling I get when I think life, for me, seems
about what I want to do on this earth. And considering the roughly ten to be the only
thousand readers following the blog, I don’t think I’m the only person who words that
shares this gut feeling.
describe the gut
feeling I get
This blog started as a 17-year old kid, bright-eyed with equal doses of when I think
enthusiasm and naïvety wanting to share this gut feeling. Today, it’s a 21-about what I want
year old kid, with probably about the same amounts of enthusiasm and naïvety.
to do on this
No, I don’t have all the answers.
No, I don’t follow my life philosophy perfectly. I’m human and I make mistakes.
Yes, I’m 21. I’m not a guru. Just a person like you, often struggling to figure everything out.
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