Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung - HTML preview

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fantastic a thing. But when it happened, I was not surprised at al ; I

felt it was perfectly natural, something I could take for granted

because I had long since been acquainted with it.

I could not guess 'what string within myself was plucked at the sight

of that solitary dark hunter. I knew only that his world had been mine

for countless mil ennia.

Somewhat bemused, I arrived around noon in Nairobi, situated at

an altitude of six thousand feet. There was a dazzling plethora of

light that reminded me of the glare of sunlight in the Engadine as

oue comes up out of the winter fogs of the lowlands. To my

astonishment the swarm of "boys" assembled at the railroad station

wore the old-fashioned gray and white woolen ski caps which I had

seen worn or worn myself in the Engadine. They are highly

esteemed because the upturned rim can be let down like a visor in

the Alps, good protection against the icy wind; here, against the

blazing heat.

From Nairobi we used a smal Ford to visit the Athi Plains, a great

game preserve. From a low hil in this broad savanna a magnificent

prospect opened out to us. To the very brink of the horizon we saw

gigantic herds of animals: gazel e, antelope, gnu, zebra, warthog,

and so on. Grazing, heads nodding, the herds moved forward like

slow rivers. There was scarcely any sound save the melancholy cry

of a bird of prey. This was the stil ness of the eternal beginning, the

world as it had always been, in the state of non-being; for until then

no one had been present to know that it was this world. I walked

away from my companions until I had put them out of sight, and

savored the feeling of being entirely alone. There I was now, the first

human being to recognize that this was the world, but who did not

know that in this moment he had first real y created it.








overwhelmingly clear to me. "What nature leaves imperfect, the art

perfects," say the alchemists. Man, I, in an invisible act of creation

put the stamp of perfection on the world by giving it objective

existence. This act we usual y ascribe to the Creator alone, without

considering that in so doing we view life as a machine calculated

down to the last detail, which, along with the human psyche, runs on

senselessly, obeying foreknown and predetermined rules. In such a

cheerless clockwork fantasy there is no drama of man, world, and

God; there is no "new day" leading to "new shores" but only the

dreariness of calculated processes. My old Pueblo friend came to

my mind. He thought that the raison d'etre of his pueblo had been to

help their father, the sun, to cross the sky each day. I had envied

him for the ful ness of meaning in that belief, and had been looking

about without hope for a myth of our own. Now I knew what it was,

and knew even more: that man is indispensable for the completion

of creation; that, in fact, he himself is the second creator of the

world, who alone has given to the world its objective existence

without which, unheard, unseen, silently eating, giving birth, dying,

heads nodding through hundreds of mil ions of years, it would have

gone on in the profoundest night of non-being down to its unknown

end. Human consciousness created objective existence and

meaning, and man found his indispensable place in the great

process of being.

By the Uganda railroad, which was then being built, we traveled to

its provisional terminus, Station Sigistifour (sixty-four). The boys

unloaded our quantities of equipment. I sat down on a chop box, a

crate containing provisions, each one a man's head- load, and lit a

pipe, meditating on the fact that here we had, as it were, reached

the edge of the oikumene, the inhabited earth, from which trails

stretched endlessly over the continent. After a while an elderly

Englishman, obviously a squatter, joined me, sat down, and

likewise took out a pipe. He asked where we were going. When I

outlined our various destinations, he asked, "Is this the first time you

have been in Africa? I have been here for forty years."

"Yes," I told him. "At least in this part of Africa".

"Then may I give you a piece of advice? You know, mister, this here

country is not man's country, it's God's country. So if anything should

happen, just sit down and don't worry." Whereupon he rose and

without another word was lost in the horde of Negroes swarming

around us.

His words struck me as somehow significant, and I tried to visualize

the psychological state from which they had sprung. Evidently they

represented the quintessence of his experience; not man but God

was in command here in other words, not wil and intention, but

inscrutable design.

I had not come to the end of my meditation when our two

automobiles were ready to set off. Our party piled in with the

baggage, eight men strong, and we held on as best we could. The

shaking I received for the next several hours left no room for

reflection. It was much farther than I had thought to the next

settlement; Kakamegas, seat of a D.C. (District Commissioner),

headquarters of a smal garrison of the African Rifles, and site of a

hospital and fantastical y enough a smal insane asylum. Evening

approached, and suddenly night had fal en. Al at once, a tropical

storm came up, with almost incessant flashes of lightning, thunder,

and a cloudburst which instantly soaked us from head to foot and

made every brook a raging torrent.

It was half an hour after midnight, with the sky beginning to clear,

when we reached Kakamegas. We were exhausted, and the D.C.

helpful y received us with whisky in his drawing room. A jol y and oh-

so-welcome fire was burning in the fireplace. In the center of the

handsome room stood a large table with a display of English

journals. The place might easily have been a country house in

Sussex. In my tiredness I no longer knew whether I had been

transported from reality into a dream, or from a dream to reality.

Then we had stil to pitch our tents for the first time. Luckily, nothing

was missing.

Next morning I awoke with a touch of feverish laryngitis, and had to

stay in bed for a day. To this circumstance I owe my memorable

acquaintanceship with the "brain-fever bird," a creature remarkable

for being able to sing a correct scale, but leaving out the last note

and starting again from the beginning. To listen to this when one is

down with a fever is to have one's nerves strained to the breaking


Another feathered inhabitant of the banana plantations has a cry

which consists of two of the sweetest and most melodious flute

tones with a third, frightful sour note for an ending. "What nature

leaves imperfect..." The song of the "bel bird" however, was one of

unal oyed beauty. When it sang, it was as though a bel were drifting

along the horizon.

Next day, with the aid of the D.C., we rounded up our column of

bearers, which was supplemented by a military escort of three

Askaris. And now began the trek to Mt. Elgon, whose fourteen-

thousand-foot crater wal we soon saw on the horizon. The track led

through relatively dry savanna covered with umbrel a acacias. The

whole district was densely covered with smal , round tumuli between

six and ten feet high old termite colonies.

For travelers there were resthouses along the track round, grass-

roofed, rammed-earth huts, open and empty. At night a burning

lantern was placed in the entrance as protection against intruders.

Our cook had no lantern; but as a compensation he had a miniature

hut al to himself, with which he was highly pleased. But it nearly

proved fatal to him. The previous day he had slaughtered in front of

his hut a sheep that we had bought for five Uganda shil ings, and

had prepared excel ent mutton chops for our evening meal. After

dinner, while we were sitting around the fire, smoking, we heard

strange noises in the distance. The sounds came closer. They

sounded now like the growling of bears, now like the barking and

yapping of dogs; then again the sounds became shril , like shrieks

and hysterical laughter. My first impression was: This is like a comic

turn at Barnum and Bailey's. Before long, however, the scene

became more menacing: we were surrounded on al sides by a

huge pack of hungry hyenas who had obviously smel ed the sheep's

blood. They performed an infernal concert, and in the glow of the

fire their eyes could be seen glittering from the tal elephant grass.

In spite of our lofty knowledge of the nature of hyenas, which are

al eged not to attack man, we did not feel altogether sure of

ourselves and suddenly a frightful human scream came from behind

the resthouse. We snatched up our arms (a nine-mm. Mannlicher

rifle and a shotgun) and fired several rounds in the direction of

those glittering lights. As we did so, our cook came rushing panic-

stricken into our midst and babbled that a fizi had come into his hut

and almost kil ed him. The whole camp was in an uproar. The

excitement, it seemed, so frightened the pack of hyenas that they

quit the scene, protesting noisily. The bearers went on laughing for

a long time, after which the rest of the night passed quietly, without

further disturbance. Early next morning the local chief appeared with

a gift of two chickens and a basketful of eggs. He implored us to

stay another day to shoot the hyenas. The day before, he said, they

had dragged out an old man asleep in his hut and eaten him. De

Africa nihil certum!

At daybreak roars of laughter began again in the boys' quarters. It

appeared that they were re-enacting the events of the night. One of

them played the sleeping cook, and one of the soldiers played the

creeping hyena, approaching the sleeper with murderous intent.

This playlet was repeated I don't know how many times, to the utter

delight of the audience.

From then on the cook bore the nickname "Fizi." We three whites

already had our "trade-marks." My friend, the Englishman, was

cal ed "Red Neck" to the native mind, al Englishmen had red

necks. The American, who sported an impressive wardrobe, was

known as "bwana maredadi (the dapper gentleman). Because I

already had gray hair at the time (I was then fifty), I was the "mzee"

the old man, and was regarded as a hundred years old. Advanced

age was rare in those parts; I saw very few white-haired men. Mzee

is also a title of honor and was accorded to me in my capacity as

head of the "Bugishu Psychological Expedition" an appel ation

imposed by the Foreign Office in London as a lucus a non lucendo.

We did visit the Bugishus, but spent a much longer time with the


Al in al , Negroes proved to be excel ent judges of character. One

of their avenues to insight lay in their talent for mimicry. They could

imitate with astounding accuracy the manner of expression, the

gestures, the gaits of people, thus, to al intents and purposes,

slipping into their skins. I found their understanding of the emotional

nature of others altogether surprising. I would always take the time

to engage in the long palavers for which, they had a pronounced

fondness. In this way I learned a great deal.

Our traveling semi-official y proved advantageous, since in this way

we found it easier to recruit bearers, and we were also given a

military escort. The latter was by no means superfluous, since we

were going to travel in territories that were not under white control.

A corporal and two privates accompanied our safari to Mt Elgon.

We could not help the chief by hunting the hyenas, and continued on

our way after the adventure. The terrain sloped gently upward.

Signs of Tertiary lava beds increased. We passed through glorious

stretches of jungle with huge Nandi flame trees flaunting their red

blossoms. Enormous beetles and even larger bril iantly colored

butterflies enlivened the clearings and the edges of the jungle.

Branches were shaken by inquisitive monkeys as we advanced

further into the bush. It was a paradisal world. Most of the way we

stil traversed flat savanna with deep red soil. We tramped mostly

along the native trails which meandered in strikingly sharp turns.

Our route led us into the Nandi region, and through the Nandi

Forest, a sizable area of jungle. Without incident we reached a

resthouse at the foot of Mt. Elgon, which had been towering higher

and higher above our heads for days. Here the climb began, along

a narrow path. We were greeted by the local chief, who was the son

of the laibon, the medicine man. He rode a pony the only horse we

had so far seen. From him we learned that his tribe belonged to the

Masai, but lived in isolation here on the slopes of Mt. Elgon.

There a letter awaited us from the governor of Uganda, requesting

us to take under our protection an English lady who was on her way

back to Egypt via the Sudan. The governor was aware that we were

fol owing the same itinerary, and since we had already met the lady

in Nairobi we knew that she would be a congenial companion.

Moreover, we were under considerable obligation to the governor

for his having helped us in al sorts of ways.

I mention this episode to suggest the subtle modes by which an

archetype influences our actions. We were three men; that was a

matter of pure chance. I had asked another friend of mine to join us,

which would have made a fourth. But circumstances had prevented

him from accepting. That sufficed to produce an unconscious or

fated constel ation: the archetype of the triad, which cal s for the

fourth to complete it, as we have seen again and again in the

history of this archetype.

Since I am inclined to accept chance when it comes my way, I

welcomed the lady to our group of three men. Hardy and intrepid,

she proved a useful counterpoise to our one-sided masculinity.

When one of our party came down with a bad case of tropical

malaria, we were grateful for the experience she had acquired as a

nurse during the First World War.

After a few hours of climbing we reached a lovely large clearing,

bisected by a clear, cool brook with a waterfal about ten feet in

height. The pool at the bottom of the waterfal became our bath. Our

campsite was situated about three hundred yards away, on a

gentle, dry slope, shadowed by umbrel a acacias. Nearby--that is,

about fifteen minutes' walk away was a native kraal which consisted

of a few huts and a boma--a yard surrounded by a hedge of wait-a-

bit thorn. This kraal provided us with our water bearers, a woman

and her two half-grown daughters, who were naked except for a belt

of cowries. They were chocolate-brown and strikingly pretty, with

fine slim figures and an aristocratic leisureliness about their

movements. It was a pleasure for me each morning to hear the soft

ding-clang of their iron ankle rings as they came up from the brook,

and soon afterward to see their swaying gait as they emerged from

the tal yel ow elephant grass, balancing the amphorae of water on

their heads. They were adorned with ankle rings, brass bracelets

and necklaces, earrings of copper or wood in the shape of smal

spools. Their lower lips were pierced with either a bone or iron nail.

They had very good manners, and always greeted us with shy,

charming smiles.

With a single exception, which I shal mention shortly, I never spoke

to a native woman, this being what was expected of me. As in

Southern Europe, men speak to men, women to women. Anything

else signifies love-making. The white who goes in for this not only

forfeits his authority, but runs the serious risk of "going black." I

observed several highly instructive examples of this. Quite often I

heard the natives pass judgment upon a certain white: "He is a bad

man." When I asked why, the reply was invariably, "He sleeps with

our women."

Among my Elgonyis, the men busied themselves with the cattle and

with hunting; the women were identified with the shamba, a field of

bananas, sweet potatoes, kaffir (grain sorghum), and maize. They

kept children, goats, and chickens in the same round hut in which

the family lived. Their dignity and naturalness flow from their function

in the economy; they are intensely active business partners. The

concept of equal rights for women is the product of an age in which

such partnership has lost its meaning. Primitive society is regulated

by an unconscious egoism and altruism; both attitudes are wisely

given their due. This unconscious order breaks up at once if any

disturbance ensues which has to be remedied by a conscious act.

It gives me pleasure to recal one of my important informants on

family relations among the Elgonyi. He was a strikingly handsome

youth by the name of Gibroat the son of a chief, charming and

distinguished in manners, whose confidence I had evidently won. To

be sure, he gladly accepted my cigarettes, but he was not greedy

for them, as the others were for al sorts of gifts. From time to time

he would pay me a gentlemanly visit and tel me al sorts of

interesting things. I felt that he had something in mind, some

request that he somehow could not voice. Not until we had known

each other for some time did he astonish me by asking me to meet

his family, I knew that he himself was stil unmarried, and that his

parents were dead. The family in question was that of an elder

sister; she was married as a second wife, and had four children.

Gibroat very much wanted me to pay her a visit, so that she would

have the opportunity to meet me. Evidently she fil ed the place of a

mother in his life. I agreed, because I hoped in this social way to

obtain some insight into native family life.

"Madame etait chez el e" she came out of the hut when we arrived,

and greeted me with utter naturalness. She was a good-looking

woman, middle-aged that is, about thirty. Aside from the obligatory

cowrie belt, she wore arm and ankle rings, some copper ornaments

hanging from the greatly extended ear lobe, and the skin of some

smal game animal over her breast. She had locked her four little

"mtotos" in the hut; they peered out through cracks in the door,

giggling excitedly. At my request she let them out; but it took some

time before they dared to emerge. She had the same excel ent

manners as her brother, who was beaming joyful y at the success of

his coup.

We did not sit down, since there was nowhere to sit except on the

dusty ground, which was covered with chicken droppings and goat

pel ets. The conversation moved in the conventional framework of

semi-familial drawing-room talk, revolving around family, children,

house, and garden. Her elder co-wife, whose property bordered on

hers, had six children. The boma of this "sister" was some eighty

yards away. Approximately halfway between the two women's huts,

at the apex of a triangle, stood the husband's hut, and behind that,

about fifty yards away, a smal hut occupied by the first wife's

already grown son. Each of the two women had her own shamba.

My hostess was obviously proud of hers.

I had the feeling that the confidence and self-assurance of her

manner were founded to a great extent upon her identity with her

own wholeness, her private world made up of children, house, smal

livestock, shamba and last but not least her not-unattractive

physique. The husband was referred to only in an al usive way. It

seemed that he was sometimes here, sometimes not here. At the

moment he was staying at some unknown place. My hostess was

plainly and unproblematical y the embodiment of stability, a

veritable pied-a-terre for the husband. The question did not seem to

be whether or not he was there, but rather whether she was present

in her wholeness, providing a geomagnetic center for the husband

who wandered over the land with his herds. What goes on in the

interior of these "simple" souls is not conscious, is therefore

unknown, and we can only deduce it from comparative evidence of

"advanced" European differentiation.

I asked myself whether the growing masculinization of the white

woman is not connected with the loss of her natural wholeness

(shamba, children, livestock, house of her own, hearth fire); whether

it is not a compensation for her impoverishment; and whether the

feminizing of the white man is not a further consequence. The more

rational the polity, the more blurred is the difference between the

sexes. The role homosexuality plays in modern society is

enormous. It is partly the consequence of the mother-complex,

partly a purposive phenomenon (prevention of reproduction).

My companions and I had the good fortune to taste the world of

Africa, with its incredible beauty and its equal y incredible suffering,

before the end came. Our camp life proved to be one of the

loveliest interludes in my life. I enjoyed the "divine peace" of a stil

primeval country. Never had I seen so clearly "man and the other

animals" (Herodotus). Thousands of miles lay between me and

Europe, mother of al demons. The demons could not reach me

here there were no telegrams, no telephone cal s, no letters, no

visitors. My liberated psychic forces poured blissful y back to the

primeval expanses.

It was easy for us to arrange a palaver each morning with the

natives who squatted al day long around our camp and watched

our doings with never-fading interest. My headman, Ibrahim, had

initiated me into the etiquette of the palaver. Al the men (the women

never came near) had to sit on the ground. Ibrahim had obtained for

me a smal four-legged chiefs stool of mahogany on which I had to

sit. Then I began with an address and set forth the shauri, that is, the

agenda of the palaver. Most of the natives spoke a tolerable pidgin

Swahili; and I for my part would manage to speak to them by

making ample use of a smal dictionary. This little book was the

object of unwearying admiration. My limited vocabulary imposed

upon me a needful simplicity. Often the conversation resembled an

amusing game of guessing riddles, for which reason the palavers

enjoyed great popularity. The sessions seldom lasted longer than

an hour or an hour and a half, because the men grew visibly tired,

and would complain, with dramatic gestures, "Alas, we are so


I was natural y much interested in the natives' dreams, but at first

could not get them to tel me any. I offered smal rewards,

cigarettes, matches, safety pins, and such things, which they were

eager to have. But nothing helped. I could never completely explain

their shyness about tel ing dreams. I suspect the reason was fear

and distrust. It is wel known that Negroes are afraid of being
