Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 by Havelock Ellis. - HTML preview

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[98] Bossi, _Annali di Ostetrica e Ginecologia_, September, 1896;

summarized in the _British Medical Journal_, October 31, 1896. As regards

the more normal influence of the ovaries over the uterus, see e.g.

Carmichael and F.H.A. Marshall, "Correlation of the Ovarian and Uterine

Functions," _Proceedings Royal Society_, vol. 79, Series B, 1907.

[99] Beuttner, _Centralblatt für Gynäkologie_, No. 49, 1893; summarized in

_British Medical Journal_, December, 1893. Many cases show that pregnancy

may occur in the absence of menstruation. See, e.g., _Nouvelles Archives

d'Obstétrique et de Gynécologie_, 25 Janvier, 1894, supplement, p. 9.

[100] It is still possible, and even probable, that the primordial cause

of both phenomena is the same. Heape (_Transactions Obstetrical Society of

London_, 1898, vol. xl, p. 161) argues that both menstruation and

ovulation are closely connected with and influenced by congestion, and

that in the primitive condition they are largely due to the same cause.

This primary cause he is inclined to regard as a ferment, due to a change

in the constitution of the blood brought about by climatic influences and

food, which he proposes to call gonadin. (W. Heape, _Proceedings of Royal

Society_, 1905, vol. B. 76, p. 266.) Marshall, who has found that in the

ferret and other animals, ovulation may be dependent upon copulation, also

considers that ovulation and menstruation, though connected and able to

react on each other, may both be dependent upon a common cause; he finds

that in bitches and rats heat can be produced by injection of extract from

ovaries in the oestrous state (F.H.A. Marshall, _Philosophical

Transactions_, 1903, vol. B. 196; also Marshall and Jolly, id., 1905, B.

198). Cf. C.J. Bond, "An Inquiry Into Some Points in Uterine and Ovarian

Physiology and Pathology in Rabbits," _British Medical Journal_, July 21,