Studies in the psychology of sex, volume VI. Sex in Relation to Society by Havelock Ellis. - HTML preview

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volume iv of

these _Studies_, "Sexual Selection in Man," Sect.

III.) In

Catholic days theological influence worked

wholesomely in the

same direction, although the theologians were so

keen to detect

the mortal sin of lust. It is true that the Catholic


on the desirability of simultaneous orgasm was

largely due to the

mistaken notion that to secure conception it was

necessary that

there should be "insemination" on the part of the wife as well as

of the husband, but that was not the sole source of


theological view. Thus Zacchia discusses whether a

man ought to

continue with his wife until she has the orgasm and


satisfied, and he decides that that is the husband's


otherwise the wife falls into danger either of

experiencing the

orgasm during sleep, or, more probably, by self-

excitation, "for

many women, when their desires have not been

satisfied by coitus,

place one thigh on the other, pressing and rubbing

them together

until the orgasm occurs, in the belief that if they

abstain from

using the hands they have committed no sin." Some theologians, he

adds, favor that belief, notably Hurtado de Mendoza

and Sanchez,

and he further quotes the opinion of the latter that

women who

have not been satisfied in coitus are liable to

become hysterical

or melancholic (_Zacchiæ Quæstionum Medico-legalium

Opus_, lib.

vii, tit. iii, quæst. VI). In the same spirit some


seem to have permitted _irrumatio_ (without

ejaculation), so long

as it is only the preliminary to the normal sexual


Nowadays physicians have fully confirmed the belief

of Sanchez.

It is well recognized that women in whom, from

whatever cause,

acute sexual excitement occurs with frequency

without being

followed by the due natural relief of orgasm are

liable to

various nervous and congestive symptoms which

diminish their

vital effectiveness, and very possibly lead to a

breakdown in

health. Kisch has described, as a cardiac neurosis

of sexual

origin, a pathological tachycardia which is an

exaggeration of

the physiological quick heart of sexual excitement.

J. Inglis

Parsons (_British Medical Journal_, Oct. 22, 1904,

p. 1062)

refers to the ovarian pain produced by strong

unsatisfied sexual

excitement, often in vigorous unmarried women, and

sometimes a

cause of great distress. An experienced Austrian


told Hirth (_Wege zur Heimat_, p. 613) that of every


women who come to him with uterine troubles seventy

suffered from

congestion of the womb, which he regarded as due to



It is frequently stated that the evil of incomplete


and absence of orgasm in women is chiefly due to

male withdrawal,

that is to say _coitus interruptus_, in which the

penis is

hastily withdrawn as soon as involuntary ejaculation


impending; and it is sometimes said that the same


prevalent practice is also productive of slight or


results in the male (see, e.g., L.B. Bangs,

_Transactions New

York Academy of Medicine_, vol. ix, 1893; D.S.

Booth, "Coitus

Interruptus and Coitus Reservatus as Causes of

Profound Neurosis

and Psychosis," _Alienist and Neurologist_, Nov., 1906; also,

_Alienist and Neurologist_, Oct., 1897, p. 588).

It is undoubtedly true that coitus interruptus,

since it involves

sudden withdrawal on the part of the man without

reference to the

stage of sexual excitation which his partner may

have reached,

cannot fail to produce frequently an injurious

nervous effect on

the woman, though the injurious effect on the man,

who obtains

ejaculation, is little or none. But the practice is

so widespread

that it cannot be regarded as necessarily involving

this evil

result. There can, I am assured, be no doubt

whatever that

Blumreich is justified in his statement (Senator and


_Health and Disease in Relation to Marriage_, vol.

ii, p. 783)

that "interrupted coitus is injurious to the genital system of

those women only who are disturbed in their

sensation of delight

by this form of cohabitation, in whom the orgasm is

not produced,

and who continue for hours subsequently to be

tormented by

feelings of an unsatisfied desire." Equally

injurious effects

follow in normal coitus when the man's orgasm occurs

too soon.

"These phenomena, therefore," he concludes, "are not characteristic of interrupted coitus, but

consequences of an

imperfectly concluded sexual cohabitation as such."


likewise, in his elaborate and authoritative work on

_The Sexual

Life of Woman_, also states that the question of the

evil results

of _coitus interruptus_ in women is simply a

question of whether

or not they receive sexual satisfaction. (Cf. also


_Health and Disease in Relation to Marriage_, vol.

i, pp. 232 _et

seq._) This is clearly the most reasonable view to


concerning what is the simplest, the most

widespread, and

certainly the most ancient of the methods of


conception. In the Book of Genesis we find it

practiced by Onan,

and to come down to modern times, in the sixteenth

century it

seems to have been familiar to French ladies, who,

according to

Brantôme, enjoined it on their lovers.

Coitus reservatus,--in which intercourse is

maintained even for

very long periods, during which the woman may have

orgasm several

times while the man succeeds in holding back

orgasm,--so far from

being injurious to the woman, is probably the form

of coitus

which gives her the maximum of gratification and

relief. For most

men, however, it seems probable that this self-

control over the

processes leading to the involuntary act of

detumescence is

difficult to acquire, while in weak, nervous, and

erethic persons

it is impossible. It is, however, a desirable

condition for

completely adequate coitus, and in the East this is


recognized, and the aptitude carefully cultivated.

Thus W.D.

Sutherland states ("Einiges über das Alltagsleben und die

Volksmedizin unter den Bauern Britischostindiens,"


Medizinische Wochenschrift_, No. 12, 1906) that the

Hindu smokes

and talks during intercourse in order to delay

orgasm, and

sometimes applies an opium paste to the glans of the

penis for

the same purpose. (See also vol. iii of these

_Studies_, "The

Sexual Impulse in Women.") Some authorities have, indeed, stated

that the prolongation of the act of coitus is

injurious in its

effect on the male. Thus R.W. Taylor (_Practical

Treatise on

Sexual Disorders_, third ed., p. 121) states that it

tends to

cause atonic impotence, and Löwenfeld (_Sexualleben


Nervenleiden_, p. 74) thinks that the swift and


culmination of the sexual act is necessary in order

to preserve

the vigor of the reflex reactions. This is probably

true of

extreme and often repeated cases of indefinite

prolongation of

pronounced erection without detumescence, but it is

not true

within fairly wide limits in the case of healthy


Prolonged _coitus reservatus_ was a practice of the


marriage system of the Oneida community, and I was

assured by the

late Noyes Miller, who had spent the greater part of

his life in

the community, that the practice had no sort of evil


_Coitus reservatus_ was erected into a principle in

the Oneida

community. Every man in the community was

theoretically the

husband of every woman, but every man was not free

to have

children with every woman. Sexual initiation took

place soon

after puberty in the case of boys, some years later

in the case

of girls, by a much older person of the opposite

sex. In

intercourse the male inserted his penis into the

vagina and

retained it there for even an hour without emission,


orgasm took place in the woman. There was usually no

emission in

the case of the man, even after withdrawal, and he

felt no need

of emission. The social feeling of the community was

a force on

the side of this practice, the careless, unskilful

men being

avoided by women, while the general romantic

sentiment of

affection for all the women in the community was

also a force.

Masturbation was unknown, and no irregular relations

took place

with persons outside the community. The practice was


for thirty years, and was finally abandoned, not on

its demerits,

but in deference to the opinions of the outside

world. Mr. Miller

admitted that the practice became more difficult in


marriage, which favors a more mechanical habit of


The information received from Mr. Miller is

supplemented in a

pamphlet entitled _Male Continence_ (the name given

to _coitus

reservatus_ in the community), written in 1872 by

the founder,

John Humphrey Noyes. The practice is based, he says,

on the fact

that sexual intercourse consists of two acts, a

social and a

propagative, and that if propagation is to be

scientific there

must be no confusion of these two acts, and

procreation must

never be involuntary. It was in 1844, he states,

that this idea

occurred to him as a result of a resolve to abstain

from sexual

intercourse in consequence of his wife's delicate

health and

inability to bear healthy children, and in his own

case he found

the practice "a great deliverance. It made a happy household." He

points out that the chief members of the Oneida


"belonged to the most respectable families in

Vermont, had been

educated in the best schools of New England morality


refinement, and were, by the ordinary standards,


in their conduct so far as sexual matters are

concerned, till

they deliberately commenced, in 1846, the experiment

of a new

state of society, on principles which they had been

long maturing

and were prepared to defend before the World." In relation to

male continence, therefore, Noyes thought the

community might

fairly be considered "the Committee of Providence to test its

value in actual life." He states that a careful


comparison of the statistics of the community had

shown that the

rate of nervous disease in the community was

considerably below

the average outside, and that only two cases of

nervous disorder

had occurred which could be traced with any

probability to a

misuse of male continence. This has been confirmed

by Van de

Warker, who studied forty-two women of the community


finding any undue prevalence of reproductive

diseases, nor could

he find any diseased condition attributable to the

sexual habits

of the community (cf. C. Reed, _Text-Book of

Gynecology_, 1901,

p. 9).

Noyes believed that "male continence" had never previously been a

definitely recognized practice based on theory,

though there

might have been occasional approximation to it. This

is probably

true if the coitus is _reservatus_ in the full

sense, with

complete absence of emission. Prolonged coitus,


permitting the woman to have orgasm more than once,

while the man

has none, has long been recognized. Thus in the


century Zacchia discussed whether such a practice is


(_Zacchiæ Quæstionum Opus_, ed. of 1688, lib. vii,

tit. iii,

quæst. VI). In modern times it is occasionally

practiced, without

any theory, and is always appreciated by the woman,

while it

appears to have no bad effect on the man. In such a

case it will

happen that the act of coitus may last for an hour

and a quarter

or even longer, the maximum of the woman's pleasure

not being

reached until three-quarters of an hour have passed;

during this

period the woman will experience orgasm some four or

five times,

the man only at the end. It may occasionally happen

that a little

later the woman again experiences desire, and

intercourse begins

afresh in the same way. But after that she is

satisfied, and

there is no recurrence of desire.

It may be desirable at this point to refer briefly

to the chief

variations in the method of effecting coitus in


relationship to the art of love and the attainment

of adequate

and satisfying detumescence.

The primary and essential characteristic of the


human method of coitus is the fact that it takes

place face to

face. The fact that in what is usually considered

the typically

normal method of coitus the woman lies supine and

the man above

her is secondary. Psychically, this front-to-front


represents a great advance over the quadrupedal

method. The two

partners reveal to each other the most important,

the most

beautiful, the most expressive sides of themselves,

and thus

multiply the mutual pleasure and harmony of the

intimate act of

union. Moreover, this face-to-face attitude

possesses a great

significance, in the fact that it is the outward

sign that the

human couple has outgrown the animal sexual attitude

of the

hunter seizing his prey in the act of flight, and

content to

enjoy it in that attitude, from behind. The human

male may be

said to retain the same attitude, but the female has


round; she has faced her partner and approached him,

and so

symbolizes her deliberate consent to the act of


The human variations in the exercise of coitus, both


and national, are, however, extremely numerous. "To be quite

frank," says Fürbringer (Senator and Kaminer,

_Health and Disease

in Relation to Marriage_, vol. i, p. 213), "I can hardly think of

any combination which does not figure among my case-

notes as

having been practiced by my patients." We must not too hastily

conclude that such variations are due to vicious

training. That

is far from being the case. They often occur

naturally and

spontaneously. Freud has properly pointed out (in

the second

series of his _Beiträge zur Neurosenlehre_,

"Bruchstück" etc.)

that we must not be too shocked even when the idea

of _fellatio_

spontaneously presents itself to a woman, for that

idea has a

harmless origin in the resemblance between the penis

and the

nipple. Similarly, it may be added, the desire for

_cunnilinctus_, which seems to be much more often


present in women than is the desire for its

performance in men,

has a natural analogy in the pleasure of suckling, a


which is itself indeed often erotically tinged (see

vol. iv of

these _Studies_, "Sexual Selection in Man," Touch, Sect. III).

Every variation in this matter, remarks Remy de


(_Physique de l'Amour_, p. 264) partakes of the sin

of luxury,

and some of the theologians have indeed considered

any position

in coitus but that which is usually called normal in

Europe as a

mortal sin. Other theologians, however, regarded

such variations

as only venial sins, provided ejaculation took place

in the

vagina, just as some theologians would permit

_irrumatio_ as a

preliminary to coitus, provided there was no

ejaculation. Aquinas

took a serious view of the deviations from normal


Sanchez was more indulgent, especially in view of

his doctrine,

derived from the Greek and Arabic natural

philosophers, that the

womb can attract the sperm, so that the natural end

may be

attained even in unusual positions.

Whatever difference of opinion there may have been

among ancient

theologians, it is well recognized by modern

physicians that

variations from the ordinary method of coitus are

desirable in

special cases. Thus Kisch points out (_Sterilität

des Weibes_, p.

107) that in some cases it is only possible for the

woman to

experience sexual excitement when coitus takes place

in the

lateral position, or in the _a posteriori_ position,

or when the

usual position is reversed; and in his _Sexual Life

of Woman_,

also, Kisch recommends several variations of

position for coitus.

Adler points out (op. cit., pp. 151, 186) the value

of the same

positions in some cases, and remarks that such

variations often

call forth latent sexual feelings as by a charm.

Such cases are

indeed, by no means infrequent, the advantage of the


position being due either to physical or psychic

causes, and the

discovery of the right variation is sometimes found

in a merely

playful attempt. It has occasionally happened, also,

that when

intercourse has habitually taken place in an

abnormal position,

no satisfaction is experienced by the woman until

the normal

position is adopted. The only fairly common

variation of coitus

which meets with unqualified disapproval is that in

the erect

posture. (See e.g., Hammond, op. cit. pp. 257 et


Lucretius specially recommended the quadrupedal

variation of

coitus (Bk. iv, 1258), and Ovid describes (end of

Bk. iii of the

_Ars Amatoria_) what he regards as agreeable

variations, giving

the preference, as the easiest and simplest method,

to that in

which the woman lies half supine on her side.

Perhaps, however,

the variation which is nearest to the normal

attitude and which

has most often and most completely commended itself

is that

apparently known to Arabic erotic writers as _dok el

arz_, in

which the man is seated and his partner is astride

his thighs,

embracing his body with her legs and his neck with

her arms,

while he embraces her waist; this is stated in the


_Perfumed Garden_ to be the method preferred by most


The other most usual variation is the inverse normal

position in

which the man is supine, and the woman adapts

herself to this

position, which permits of several modifications


advantageous, especially when the man is much larger

than his

partner. The Christian as well as the Mahommedan


appear, indeed, to have been generally opposed to

this superior

position of the female, apparently, it would seem,

because they

regarded the literal subjection of the male which it

involves as

symbolic of a moral subjection. The testimony of

many people

to-day, however, is decidedly in favor of this

position, more

especially as regards the woman, since it enables

her to obtain a

better adjustment and greater control of the

process, and so

frequently to secure sexual satisfaction which she

may find

difficult or impossible in the normal position.

The theologians seem to have been less unfavorably

disposed to

the position normal among quadrupeds, _a

posteriori_, though the

old Penitentials were inclined to treat it severely,


Penitential of Angers prescribing forty days

penance, and

Egbert's three years, if practiced habitually. (It

is discussed

by J. Petermann, "Venus Aversa," _Sexual-Probleme_, Feb., 1909).

There are good reasons why in many cases this

position should be

desirable, more especially from the point of view of

women, who
