The origin and development of psychoanaysis by Sigmund Freud - HTML preview

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1 Lectures delivered at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the opening of Clark University, Sept., 1909; translated from the German by Harry W. Chase, Fellow in Psychology, Clark University, and revised by Prof. Freud.

2 Dr. Joseph Breuer, born 1842, corresponding member of the "Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften," is known by works on respiration and the physiology of the sense of equilibrium.

3 "Studien über Hysterie," 1895, Deuticke, Vienna. Second edition, 1909. Parts of my contributions to this book have been translated into English by Dr. A. A. Brill, of New York.

("Selected Papers on Hysteria and other Psychoneuroses," by S. Freud.") 4 I know that this view no longer holds to-day, but in the lecture I take myself and my hearers back to the time before 1880. If things have become different since that time it has been largely due to the work the history of which I am sketching.

5 "Studien über Hysterie," 2d edition, p. 26.

6 ["]Studien über Hysterie," 2d edition, p. 31.

7 "Studien über Hysterie," 2d edition, p. 30.

8 Loc Cit., 2d ed. Pp. 43-46. A selection from this book, augmented by several later treatises on hysteria, lies before me, in an English translation by Dr. A. A. Brill, of New York. It bears the title "Selected Papers on Hysteria and other Psychoneuroses," 1909. (No. 4 of the Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, New York.]

9 Or rather the later copy of such a monument. The name "Charing" is itself, as Dr. E. Jones tells me, derived from the words "chère reine."

10 This case has been translated by Dr. Brill in "Selected papers on hysteria," etc., p. 31-- F 4.

11 Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten. Deuticke, Vienna, 1905, p. 59.

12 C. G. Jung: Diagnostische Assoziationsstudien, B. 1, 1906.

13 Die Traumdeutung: 2d edition. Deuticke, Vienna, 1909.

14 Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens- 3d edition, 1910. S. Kargar, Berlin.

15 Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1908, 2d ed.

16 Analyse der Phobie eines 5-jährigen Knaben. Jahrbuch f. Psychoanalytische u.

psychopathologische Forschungen. B. 1, H. 1., 1909. [In the original, this footnote is cited in the text as note 2 on page 208, but is given as note 3 at the bottom of the page.]

17 Bleuler: Sexuelle Abnormitäten der Kinder. Jahrbuch der schweizer, Gesellschaft für Schulgesundheitspflege. IX, 1908.

18 Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie, Vienna, 1910, 2d ed.

19 Jahrbuch f. Kinderheilkunde, 1879.

20 Compare, Rank, Otto: Der Künstler, Ansätze zu einer Sexual-Psychologie. 56 p. Heller & Co., Wien, 1907.

21 S. Ferenczi: Introduction und Uebertragung. Jahrbuch f. psychoanal. u. psychopath.

Forschungen, Bd. 1, H. 2., 1909.

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