18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary Meaning:

img6.png An increase in size, number, value, or strength.

img6.png The act of growing, getting bigger or higher.

img6.png The process of developing; growth, directed change.

The Concept:

Recently I had an amazing realization for how do we grow? I had some really fascinating insights that will truly give your paradigm a shift!

Here it is.

We have come here to learn some lessons, to grow, to develop our intelligence & consciousness and to realize the ultimate truth. That's the end of life, I guess.

I have realized that when the times destined, people will come into your life & when the time's over, people leave. The person who loves you today may not love you 3 months from now, because the time's over. Everything will come, stay and leave when it's time.

Everything comes, stays and leaves to teach us something, to make us grow.

Welcome what arrives. Savor its presence. When it’s time, let it go. Learn the lessons and grow. Flow like the water. Be excited for what's next?

Become nonresistant. Don't resist what comes in, stays or goes out. Everything (people/events/things) has a time period according to which they will come to us and go away from us for the sole reason to make us learn and grow. It is indirectly related to the law of cause and effect (off-topic) or settlement of karmic accounts. You have to do only one thing and that is savor the fluctuations of life. Try to pull out the lessons from your surrounding and grow from it. Enjoy the moment, really taste it to the deepest, experience it, understand it and know it.

Everything comes, stays, and goes away from you in your life only to teach you a lesson. And when you've learned/realized that lesson it's a wonderful feeling! You explode and feel very pleasant about life.

Don't resist anything, accept everything (good/bad), savor the moment and keep flowing like water.

After this, I even made a model for this realization that could help people to grasp on the idea, easily.

Block 1: The Past

Things/Events/People come to us in past. We don't know if we have attracted them or they were destined and to try and find an answer to it would stupidity. Who cares? And nor will knowing the answer make any difference in our life! That's common sense. So instead we will now shift our focus and look beyond the mere illusion on these events/people/things. What was their role in our life? What were they trying to tell us? In what way were they trying to make us push our comfort zones and become better versions of ourselves? What were the lessons they wanted us to learn?

I am telling you. I am stating this. Everything that comes in our life is meant to give us a lesson so that we can grow our intelligence and consciousness. People, events and things do the same thing - teach us. But people are too blind and so they are trapped in this never ending circle of miseries and troubles.

As Albert Einstein says "We cannot solve our problem with the same level of thinking that created it"

What do you think he meant by this statement?

Things, people and events grow our thinking ability that further increases our consciousness to understand this world in a more enlightened way. The problems are there only because we are ignorant, that means we don't have the right understanding of that particular discomfort (problem).

So whatever comes in your life, welcome it as it is! Try to connect with it and a much deeper level. Savor its presence, be grateful for it and most importantly try to search what you can learn from it.


That is all I am going to share with you in this eBook. I know it’s kinda uncomfortable to end something interesting in the middle, but that’s how it goes.

If you want to know the remaining part, you will have to email me on varmaaman20@gmail.com or use the contact form on my website and send me an email with the subject “Mindset eBook” let me know what you think of this ebook and then after going through your email I will send you the further instructions and links where you will get the remaining wisdom.