Psychology Books

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Showing results: 51-60 of 117
Remaja Duren

Remaja Duren

Khairul Vata | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

~ Dan tebarkanlah kebaikan dengan semangat kasih sayang dan rendah hati,insyaallah dunia akan mengidolakanmu..Surga mendambaimu..dan Allah sayang padamu.. ~

Š*k Book

Š*k Book

Pavel Šlajs | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

You will win the woman of your hearts desire with this Š*k Book!This is truly an awesome tool you must look into because it is something that will help you to get results in your own life!

Taking Offence at Men and Women's Health

Taking Offence at Men and Women's Health

Helen Tararina | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Why we bear grudges and what for? Is there any way to stop doing this? Why forgiving is manipulation? Why our friends and relatives offend us more often, than strangers do? This book is meant to give you answers to these and other questions. It sums up the author's 10-year work experience in...

Entering Your Own Heart: A Guide to Developing Self Love, Inner Peace and Happiness

Entering Your Own Heart: A Guide to Developing Self Love, Inner Peace and Happiness

Carole J. (Meisner) Morton | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 7 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Written with common-sense clarity, Morton offers a psycho-spiritual guide to true self love, healing & awakening. This eye-opening perspective comes from 33+ yrs of experience as a mind/body/spirit psychotherapist & the lessons of her own healing. Morton details exactly how to dissolve the...

Mind of Man, An  Animal Farm

Mind of Man, An Animal Farm

Natarajan Nagarethinam | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Each and every one of the animal specie through the history, across the continents behave consistently. The Man as a specie is unpredictable, think differently in different situations, differently in different times for the same situation. That is why the man could not be tamed. To tame any...

Standing In My Own Shadow

Standing In My Own Shadow

Barry Daniels | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This book was born from my attempts to explain to my wife what it is like to suffer from depression. She has tried hard to understand, but I find it impossible to explain. If you are a fellow sufferer, you'd understand. If you are a friend or a family member of someone who suffers from depression...

Girl Fighting Exposed

Girl Fighting Exposed

Dean Henryson | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 9 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Two different battles evolve in girl fighting. One is physical and the other is psychological. Both are interrelated. This book dwells especially into the psychological, which involves one girl attempting to dominate the other's mind. Taboo thoughts, animalistic behaviors and carnal struggles...

The Mechanics of Emotions

The Mechanics of Emotions

Teo Chiaburu | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 6 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

It's what can set us apart from animals or make us just like them: emotions. Find out how to use emotions to your advantage instead of letting them get the better of you by understanding how they work and how they make you react the way you do.

Alice's Evidence - A New Look at Autism

Alice's Evidence - A New Look at Autism

Robert B. Waltz | Biography
Rating:     Rated: 6 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

This replaces the earlier Looking Autism in the Face: Two New Perspectives on Autism. It is the expanded combination a pair of items I wrote about autism. Part of it looks at the relationship between Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) and Alice Liddell, and marshals the evidence that Dodgson was not...

Samson - Man of Faith

Samson - Man of Faith

Mike Connell | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Story of Samson is told from two very different perspectives. Shane Willard talks about a joke that got out of hand, a spoiled brat's cycle of violence and revenge, and of Peacemakers and Escalation. I merely did to them, what they did to me. Mike Connell talks about the grace of god, how he...