Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Time to exit…! But it is never easy. Entry somehow seems easy; even though it is something one can’t do anything about. I was born, I made the Entry but it was beyond me. However, when I die, I make the Exit, it is definitively something I can probably do something. But, Exit is tough; primarily because, you have the latitude to do something about it. As I entered the eBook, you know it was beyond me. It just happened, as most births do. However, as I am about to Exit the eBook, this facility of having so many different options to devise the Exit is source of joy; but also poses a trouble – How best I can do it!

 Do kindly believe me; as I am writing this to say au revoir, dasvidaniya or ‘until we meet again’, if life permits, with a new eBook; I am very sure how I have to Exit the eBook. Exit should always be easy and smooth. Death must not be like birth. It should always be simple, honest, melodious and contented. Believe me; as I Exit this eBook, I am possessed with all these elements. I know; I exit the eBook where it was born; made entry.

The eBook was born at the altar of Grief. The grief was about how human Potential is the God but how it transforms itself to worse than Devil. The grief was about the painfulness and sense of deep dejection about humanity and human systems making a mockery of themselves, as they make a complete disaster of their potentials and worthiness. The specificity of the causality of the birth of this eBook was death of Potential. I simply cannot think of anything else, as I am about to exit the eBook.

I say this to you with all humility and honesty at my behest that whatever I have managed to write in this eBook may very well be accepted as worthless and a big Zero. I am not in any confusion about my stupidity and worthlessness as a writer and confabulator; especially on a subject that you accept as science. However, what I am always sure about is that my honesty and your magnanimity together can accept the small and simple reality that we are talking about a situation, a reality, which is something we all must do something. We all must be singular entity in ensuring that humanity and all human systems must have high potentials and as an individual, we too must always live out our best potentials by living out the optimal potentials of knowledge and holism of Reality.

That is why I exit this eBook, with this innocent and honest request to you that you do not need to accept anything I have managed to say in this eBook. They may be dumped as worthless. What has worth and this must attain its optimum potential is you and your life-living. If this eBook has anything, even of negligible utility, then it must contribute towards optimization of your potential and that of your life-living. If not, then do promise me that you shall not stop and continue to look beyond and pave your own way to this unending and mesmerizingly beautiful and satiating journey of potential optimization. Thanks…
