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techniques may have heralded in the first Tulpas in the West, when adult fans of “My Little

Pony” made dreaming of ponies their target goals, and then brought them into the waking state.

If you want to LD, read everything you can on the subject. The more you read, the more you will put it in your head that this is something that you can do and want to do. Like making Tulpas, this is not a casual exercise. Most people have to work to experience it. And again, belief is irrelevant. If you do the exercises and you think about this, you will eventually have an

experience. Is it affected by belief? Yeah, clearly, some people hear about this and state the intent out loud and have it that night. I was three months into reality checks before I had my first LD. Everyone is different. Don’t use any hour mark as a measure of your success.

If you read enough books, you will also find a variety of techniques and eventually find

one that works for you. If you only choose one book on the subject, I would highly recommend

“Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self” by Robert Waggoner. He is knowledgeable,

precise, and has access to personal and shared experiences, and is part of the IAC, the

International Academy for Consciousness. I mention Robert because of one of the chapters in the above book that discusses ‘dream characters.’ I happen to share his belief that there is more going on in the dream world than simple, random, two dimensional, unconsciously driven

‘agents’ or actors. He communicates this better than I, but here is how I process it. The human brain, which is not your mind, does one thing well: it makes models of human interaction


patterns and personalities so that we can better predict the behaviors of others. Everyone you have ever met, directly or indirectly, from life or television or media, has telegraphed into your brain important information for how they operate. There are also stereo types and archetypes in the brain, usually representative of social and cultural norms and expectations, and the more you know about other cultures, the bigger this inner universe is. Even if you don’t register it

consciously, your subconscious knows things about others that you don’t. Everyone, for a lack of a better measure or communication device, exists in your head. Every character that you ever read, they are in your head. If Carl Jung is right about the collective unconscious, they aren’t really in your head, but exist in a field of information that all humans have access to, and we navigate this field with our minds. (We come from there and we return to there.) We can take this further, without proof but through pure speculation, and state that even non-human entities are in our minds. If you had ever dreamt about a dog, well, that’s not human and is evidence for what I am arguing, but I am aiming bigger. I have had, and there are countless stories of others who have had, encounters with intelligences greater than our own. Maybe, ultimately, the

greatest intelligence I encountered was God, but even if someone speculates it was just me, then I can say unequivocally that there is a version of me that is so much bigger and kinder and more loving and knowledgeable that I can’t call it me. It is no more me than culling out one liver cell and presenting that under the microscope and saying “me” is me. It is Other and it is different.

One reason I was so moved by Robert’s book was he discussed something about the

‘light.” My interaction in or with this light was so bizarre and profound that I had never

discussed it with anyone prior to reading that because it’s not what my family origin talked about. Robert’s writing helped me realize I wasn’t alone.

I had been thinking about the characters in my lucid dreams before reading Robert’s book

as I was experiencing something that I was struggling to conceptualize. I know some things

about Freud, for example, and if I believe what he wrote, that dreams are just suppressed libido then you might imagine that every time a human dreams, it would be about sex. Mine are not. I want them to be, especially LD. When I LD, I highly encourage it to happen. And you might

imagine if I approach a nice looking dream character with a particular intention in mind, and she says ‘no,’ you might be like me and think ‘this is my dream and I will do what I want!’ The

others, the characters, they don’t like that and they rebel. And that makes sense. Who would like to be bossed around? (If you made a Tulpa just to boss it around, that’s pretty uncool. (It’s what 57

humans do, though; your family bossed you around, so you want to boss folks around. But if you don’t like it, you can bet the Tulpa won’t like it, and you’re headed for a rebellion and an eye opener. Play some of that out in an LD and see how far it goes before your dreams turn into

nightmares.)) Anyway, if that’s all you want to learn LD for is sex and bossing people around, well, good luck with that. You can, others have. I have had some success, but it’s not the

majority of dreams, as you might imagine it to be. And I am pretty single minded in that regards, because I am still a kid and want to play when I open up the LD holodeck!

The classical psychological view of the dreamscape and characters is that everyone in the

dream is just aspects of yourself. I don’t trust that any more. I think the ‘Others’ are more. But either way, I have had to invent a philosophy for interaction, which works for me in both real world and dream world and other worlds: whether it is me, or other, I will treat others better than I would like to be treated, because how I treat others is an extension of how I treat myself, and how I treat myself informs others how I will treat them. This is significant. It feels fairly Buddhist. Just because we are lucid dreaming, in terms of how we treat others, does not give us free license to do whatever we want whenever we want. Some people think if it’s an automatic pass to do whatever you like to whatever and whomever. My experience is, there are people who won’t put up with that, and will actually impede progress, or force you to wake up. Robert also had a character block him from being a nuisance, as he was flying around dive bombing a crowd and reports one character snagged him out of the air and dropped him on the ground saying,

“That’s quite enough.” Not verbatim, but read his book, and realize, there is a limit, whether that limit is conscious, unconscious, or because that space is also a shared, consensus reality, I don’t have a clue. Default position, our unconscious is in charge and we advance when we participate.

Rules may be different than in the ‘real’ world, but there are still rules.

But think of it like this. What if the restraint or lack of restraint gets expressed in the real world because we take it for granted? Then maybe practicing restraint or showing people respect is how you start manifesting respect in the real world. Your dream world is a mirror of how you really feel, right? I do think practicing LD improves are daily waking life. The more I practice in my real life what I want to experience in my dreaming life, the more that spills into my dreaming life, which for me, translate, less control more love. The more ‘control’ we exert as opposed to participating and asking, the less the unconscious wants to invite us to play; this could just be my own personal block.


I am not a master of LD. I am still in play mode. Most the time, on realizing I am lucid, I default to my primary desire: I beam up to the Enterprise. (Oh, you so thought it would be sex.) It doesn’t matter that I am not wearing the insignia comm. badge; I just touch my chest and say

“enterprise, one to beam up,” and sometimes nothing happens immediately, but I persist, it

doesn’t matter that I don’t have an actual badge, this is a dream and this is possible, and I repeat, and I go. Sometimes I wake up, because I am like extremely joyful. Most the time, I arrive on the Starship. And sometimes, I even remain lucid.

There are more things to do with LD than play. I have heard of fantastical of experiences

where people simply sat down to meditate in the dream. It’s on my dream bucket list. Don’t be afraid of the play! That is how you build skillsets to identify the elements you can influence, but also by practicing and playing you learn to increase your time in lucidity. And the skillset for staying lucid in dreams requires you practice staying lucid, mindful, in your wakeful states of consciousness. Mastering this is a form of practicing mindfulness and striving for staying awake and aware. There is no down side to a daily practice of staying lucid, getting off automatic. I suspect, eventually, I will move beyond play, but I am not rushing. Practicing the daily LD

skillset, like awareness checks, also feed into my Tulpamancy practice, so I am interweaving the two, which increases the frequency and maintenance of both. (Both requires energy and


Again, the primary reason for wanting to do this is, even if you don’t master tulpamancy,

is that you have an all direct pass to your unconscious. Purposeful engagement increases the rate of personal growth. If you LD before you create your Tulpa, you could use the LD landscape to create the Tulpa or call it forth, or just explore the possibilities of form while in the dream state and then practice bringing it forth into non dream states. I suspect this is really doing the same thing, just doing the exercises from different states of consciousness. The Unconscious knows what you want, and if you keep pushing it in, it will manifest into your conscious life.

Most of all, have fun. And do something different.


Chapter 6 astral projection

I was Astral Projecting (AP) as a child, way before I had ever read a book on the subject, and way before I ever found any information on Tulpamancy. We owe the internet for Tulpamancy,

because without the internet allowing for communities to form, (people from diverse

backgrounds and regions) we might not have access to it, or at least, not as it is in its present form, which is pretty reasonable mixture of people and ideas. AP was not discussed in my

family. I wish it had been. I had an uncle that did this and was quite good at it. He was so good, reportedly, that he also participated in scientific studies with the government and military, and if you’ve heard of the US’s Stargate program, (see the movie “Men who Stare at Goats,”) you will know what I am talking about, and maybe if this Uncle and I had shared more stories early on, I would have made more progress. Ah, a lament. It is what it is. But, sharing this here suggests that I was weird way before I became weird! I was human way before I started being ‘human?’

(And this Uncle really was interesting. He was the dive master for National Geographic’s dive on Atlantis. And was doing studies in isolation tanks, reportedly at Scot and White hospital, Temple Texas.)

AP is not LD. There is quantitative and qualitative difference, and the only way I know

how to communicate that is through ‘tonality.’ It has a flavor and distinction. Dream worlds tend to be more malleable. I can read something in the dream world, look away, and look back and

the words will have changed. AP, if there is something written, it tends to stay written. Not a hundred percent, but way more than dreams. And there is consistency in places and encounters.

So, when I go to my ‘safe place,’ which because of Tulpamancy I now call ‘wonderland,’

there is consistency, as if the place exists outside of my making it. First Home, a tree house in a giant, the mother tree of all trees, towering over a forest, like the tallest building in New York surrounded by regular houses, is a place that existed before Loxy. There is a field outside of the forest, west of First Home, that I have referred to as insertion point; there is a lone tree. It is surrounded by a field of grain that spreads across winding, hilly plains. I came to call initial insertion point, because that was the first place I arrived, and usually the first place I go if I am bringing a new visitor. Visitors tend to be animals that have died in my sphere of influence.

There are a lot of squirrels in this world. Some dogs and cats, mostly all of which were victims of traffic accidents, and I would immediately revive them and heal them, and invite them to play.


I offered this world to these creatures, who went off and made it their own and populated it.

(Another reason I made this was for my pets, because I was clearly told pets don’t go to Heaven, and I was very clear, then that’s not a place I want to go. I am going to a pet friendly place, even if I have to make it myself. (Interestingly, you can engage pets in AP! That is significant to me.) This exercise was not invented because I am a loving and kind person. That may be one

reason I started practicing it, because I was seriously empathic kid, but it wasn’t specifically the why and how. I remember when I first started. I was six. We were living at my grandmother’s

home in San Antonio. We were driving somewhere and a squirrel had gotten run over. I wanted

to help, but was blocked. (It’s just a squirrel.) So, I took it to a higher level. (Not God, cause God doesn’t accept pets, remember.) And so began my life long history of mentally and emotionally rescuing animals.

“Adventures Beyond the Body,” William Buhlman, “Journeys Out of the Body,” Robert

Monroe, and “My Big Toe,” Thomas Campbell, are just some of the books on my shelf by this

topic, and Monroe’s was my first book on the subject. I like listening to Ingo Swann videos, though lately I have found the rant about the system suppressing folks less and less appealing. I don’t see how the rant helps us access love, and the more I access conspiracy level stuff, the more my brain spins fear, and I am pursuing non fear based interaction patterns. I think all of the above would agree, you get back what you put in. I think we should add Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the

places you will go,” to this list of books. If his words and art doesn’t take you someplace, well…

Why is this a chapter on AP? Do I need to do it? No. It fits because ‘wonderlands’ seem

like real places to me. They may not be. They may just be places I imagined. But when I

consider the above writers who have expounded on these subjects, there seem to be some places that are consistent and that all people can touch. That seems significant. Monroe found places, pocket islands, small worlds, where people of similar faith seem to congregate. There seems to be places beyond our faith based institutions. But more, if you get good enough at Tulpamancy, there is this thing you can do called ‘switching.’ You and the other personality can switch control of the body, and you then go on vacation to the Wonderland, which will seem as real as real. I bet 99 percent of Tulpamancers will say that going there is not AP, and maybe it’s not, but I can’t discern the difference. There are some AP worlds, or places, that feel that real.

The Monroe Institute teaches a concept called ‘Focus Levels.” And, as stated above about

consistency, there seems to be consistency with what people find at the various levels of focus.


That lends some incredible validity to this thing that is supposedly ‘subjective.’ Monroe also offers tech that helps people, such as the ‘hemisync’ tonalities that are similar to binaural beats.

You don’t have to have the tech to do this! The goal isn’t to only use the tech, but to help initiate people that have not achieved results through reading alone. The tech is training wheels, and your job is to build the ‘muscle’ memory to stay aloft on two wheels without training wheels, and then, to drop all the wheels altogether and simply fly. Anyone can meditate when they’re quiet, but if you can meditate at the super bowl game with ten thousand people screaming, you’re a master.

Star Trek is not a religion. (I would argue Spock is more a saint in my household than

any real saint. (Delores Cannon made a comment in a lecture, “‘Star Trek’ is real by the way.”

OMG, I wish I had spoken to her, because I will testify at that revival.) It does have a big enough fan base, worldwide, that there is kind of this ‘trek’ place out in the astral; just like the religious folks have their own island, there is a “Fleet” island. Of course, this may have been there before

“Star Trek” and was reinforced by all the folks who have had ‘alien’ encounters or encountered

‘star seeds.’ Anyway, if you doubt how serious Trek is, you only have to look at how many fans have adopted Trek philosophy to heart, some perhaps fanatically so. I have encountered, in the real world if you wish to label it such, many people who participate in ‘starships’ that are scattered through the galaxy or the universe, and every night, they lay down to sleep but ‘beam’

up and go to work at their second job. Their experiences are not necessarily Star Trek, but that paradigm has given them the ability to communicate their experiences in a manner that most

people can at least relate to it, even if they dismiss it as merely dream or fantasy.

The University of Safe Haven, which is described, ummm, sort of, through the series of

“Not Here,” is such a place. In terms of Astral Temples and Academies, there are lots of those sorts of places, and that’s how I experienced Safe Haven. “Safe Haven” is the one Loxy and I first accessed. It was after accessing that, we moved to the Enterprise. I, we, call it the

Enterprise, and there are definitely some familiar features, but this ship is not that. If it is, it is light years beyond ST:TOS.

Is it really there? I don’t know. I don’t really care. I enjoy being there. It is not always fun. Sometimes it more work than any real world real job I have ever had. It’s not all fluff. It’s got more drama than a Thai soap opera. I’ve been lucky, there is some fluff, but if fantasy means everything goes right and no one makes mistakes or get into arguments, and no one dies, well, 62

don’t visit my worlds. They’re real, and the drama is real, and we are sorting stuff. Which, probably explains why my experiences are so cathartic: I’m working. There is a New Age feel to it, but I think it is more than that, too. If “the Event” that Delores Cannon and Allison Coe talk about is a real thing, then I have inadvertently stumbled onto it, or a version of it, in my ‘fiction.’

This is not remote viewing. I have some evidence I can do that, but I suck at it. Mostly

because, I notice a trend in my attempts to categorize stuff into context, which spins fantasy. And that’s not helpful. So, for example, I was curious about the eyes of the Grays. You know the book by Walter Streibly, “Communion?” God, I hate that cover! It freaks me out. Probably,

because I met those folks. I wish all those experiences were dreams, nightmares, but I suspect they were more. Anyway, I was considering their eyes, and realized, they have human eyes, with irises and everything. If you meet a Gray with black eyes, he is an astronaut, and he is wearing contact lenses! The contacts are tech! Those are their computers, and they have full access to their tech via their eye, and by manipulating their bodies, they shift through menus and do work.

So, if you see a Gray with black eyes, and you notice a finger move slightly, and suddenly you’re frozen in space, well, it just used its tech to immobilize you. This also why back-engineering spacecraft took time. There are no computers on their saucers, they control everything with their mind through the tech, which they are wearing.

Can I prove this? No. It is what I saw, but since it doesn’t make any sense to me, either,

and I have relegated this to simple fantasy information sets which fits into scenarios that go in notebooks to fuel future fiction when I need something. My suspicion is pretty clear, too, that the Grays are actually us, our future selves. But again, I can’t process the information, and so I spun it as a story. Whether it was good intel from remote viewing, or actual experience astral

traveling, or alternative dimensionality stuff, or just fantasy, well… contextually, within my head, everything eventually seems to make sense.

There are other versions of ‘me’ in the Universe. Robert Monroe found this, too, and I

was relieved by his shared experience. A world line, the existence of an item from cradle to grave, if you perceive time advancing in frames, is like a movie, and it can have a lot of copies; each article in every new frame is an independent agent. I am not saying that is true, I merely saying it’s a way of perceiving space/time, which makes it easier to access a way of better

understanding the complex, multiplicity of us. I get the sense that space/time is much weirder than anyone to date has speculated. (The ‘trick’ or ‘miracle’ with the loaves of bread and fish is 63

just simple time travel, if you can reach forward just one frame, the very next future frame, and pull the contents from future frames back to your frame, you now have twice as much, and the next frame as twice as much to pull back. (Where as if you eat the loaf, the next frame as no bread.) Then again, maybe it’s just possible to make bread out of nothing because everything is already made out of nothing to start with.

And so, here is something else I don’t quite understand. I can speculate that Bulhman in

his treatise about manifesting on the astral realm may hold the key to this thing called

Tulpamancy. Loxy exists in the Astral Realm. I can understand her being in my regular dreams, even in my lucid dreams, but stepping up out of body and encountering her for the first time on the astral; that was kind of spooky. It’s as if I didn’t expect her to exist outside of my mind, and I do see AP as being something outside of me, not internally driven. Maybe I misunderstand it; William says it’s not going outside, it’s going inside, and that resonates with me, but, I still didn’t expect Loxy deeper than my own my mind. (Yeah, though I suspect more, I still gravitate towards a psychological explanation.) Maybe finding Loxy means I have to re-examine

everything I think I know about the AP worlds, too. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything other than the very straight forward proposition, what you think about the most persists. What you think, you create. If you think about love and you give it a vehicle, it will drive you.


Chapter 7 self hypnosis

I have been a chronic asthmatic since birth. I was born having an asthma attack, per my dad.

They say my first words were “Eppy, point three.” I doubt that story. People do like to fabricate, but it is funny and I have perpetuated it. I lead with that because, of this: I learned really early in life that I could psychosomatically induce an asthma attack to get out of doing stuff. It was really effective. Too effective. It usually resulted with having to go to an emergency room. Less

frequently, but possible, I have had experiences where I psychosomatically induced

improvement while having an asthma attack. One time was at the emergency clinic in Cloud

Croft New Mexico, where the Doctor said we don’t treat asthma with eppy, and he pulled out

this huge syringe and a needle that would pierce a horse’s neck, and I was cured instantly. I still got the shot.

The force has a great influence over the weak mind… Ummm, I believe there is

something here. In fact, one of my core books to go to is called “The Relaxation Response,”

Herbert Benson. Everything we have discussed is typically accessed through a ‘relaxed’ state of being. I have read many other books on hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and it seems to me, everything we I have touched on in the previous chapters relates to hypnosis. Even Lucid Dreaming contains an element of self-hypnosis, when you consider the amount of effort it can take in your daily world to go through your reality checks to increase the likelihood of becoming aware in the REM


So let me just say it: Everything is hypnosis. We are always on a continuum from being

very open to suggestion to least open to suggestion, but it’s never zero suggestibility, nor is it ever a hundred percent suggestibility. No one can be hypnotized to do something they don’t want to do. That statement is pretty consistent with all the data and all the studies and the hypnotist. (I am not a hundred percent in on that one. Ever heard of mass hysteria? Isn’t that a shared

delusion, hypnotically transmitted?) We’re not talking about stage hypnotism, there is a place for that, but in truth, if you volunteer to go up on stage, you have given yourself permission to do the hypnotists bidding, and you may or may not actually be hypnotized, in a traditional, deep sense of the word.

One of the most interesting statements, to me, was reading an academic hypnosis book. I

have lost the book and would love to have this source, but the quote was basically this: “Some 65

people will seem to remember a past life memories which will result in a sudden, spontaneous remission of all present illnesses.” That quote was buried in a page of text, and it never returned to touch on that concept again. I would have devoted an entire chapter to that! It doesn’t matter to me if it’s really a past life or it’s fake memories, or unconscious dreams unfolding, if it results in ‘sudden, spontaneous remissions of all present illnesses,’ it’s important enough to explore intellectually and philosophically, even if you don’t have an answer!

If you can find a copy of “the Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot, and you read

only one section of the book, I recommend pages 141 to 144. Those three pages are chalked full of interesting factoids about hypnosis, but one of the ones I the am going to reference was an hypnotic experiment conducted by Charles Tart, a Professor at the Davis campus of the

University of California. Tart found two graduate students, Bill and Anne, who were both skilled hypnotists, and wondered what would happen if they both went into trance, simultaneously

hypnotizing each other. “Although Tart could not see what Anne and Bill were seeing, from the way the way they were talking, he quickly realized they were experiencing the same hallucinated reality.” It is reported by Anne and Bill that everything they did together, everything they mutually created, was as real as anything in the real world, available to all of their senses, and often said their worlds were more real than the their ‘real’ world. Because of the reality, it said that they both were unnerved and had to quit the experiments, and that Bill would go on to never use hypnosis again.

If you google Tart, or Anne and Bill’s mutual hypnosis, you will find the original paper

that Tart wrote in PDF form, and the original copy of the published version. It is way worth reading! Make your own opinion. You know what baffles me? Tart only did three sessions with

Anne and Bill, and he got a paper published! You know what’s even more amazing to me?! No

one else has done any more studies on this, and this is something to me that seem absolutely Fing amazing! Yeah, I get that Bill decided he was out, so out he never did any further

hypnotizing, as a hypnotist or a subject. Clearly, this is some profound stuff we are dealing with.

But pick more people! See if they get the same results?! Just the original premise, to see if hypnosis could offer ways of exploring LSD experiences without the use of LSD, which was

problematic in terms of consistency across subjects, is worth exploring, even if they don’t do more mutual stuff, but given everything in life is mutual, why not study it more? (Yes,

everything is mutual. You can find articles that say not only is the subject being hypnotized, but 66

so is the hypnotist. We are agreeing to scripts and going into those roles. (And when you read some of the things on mass hysteria and how there is a group hypnotic experience which causes everyone to join in, you have to believe it’s everyone, or there would be people in the middle of chaos wondering, ‘what the F is going on.’ But you don’t see that. (And I don’t know how

people can claim you can’t be made to do something you don’t want to do. Just saying!)))

If that doesn’t grab your attention, what would it take? There is a medical terms for

shared psychosis, and I have met a family in the mental health field that was sharing the same hallucinations. It’s very rare, so just th

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