Are Women the Stronger Sex? by Josette Sona - HTML preview

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Women are stronger intellectually:

- women generally listen and pay attention when someone is speaking, etc.;

it is often said that men have the attention of a tzetze fly.  (My money's on the tzetze fly.) :) Men often do have short attention spans and tend to "zone out" or let their thoughts wander to other things, especially if they're distracted by - you guessed it - a woman crossing their line of vision.

I recommend generally talking to guys in short sentences, allowing a sufficient amount of time to let what you said sink into his cranium. :)  Men have used the excuse that a woman's voice has a higher pitch and is therefore harder to concentrate on.  But it's a well-known fact that a man often doesn't listen or pay attention to a man any more than he does to a woman.

But rest assured, if it's something he's interested in or if it's in his best interest to listen, he'll give his complete attention.  It is said you can tell which couples in a restaurant have had sex or not by the way a man interacts with his date.  If he;

gives her his undivided attention,

listens to her every word,

maintains eye-contact, etc., it's a safe bet they haven't had sex yet.

- women generally have better memories;

I know.  I can hear the guys, too: "Yeah, that's right.  Women remember everything.  And they never let ya forget it, either!"  First of all; "...women..."? - generalizing!  Second of all; it's not so much that women remember every bad thing a guy has ever done.  It's that a guy often repeats his negative behavior, therefore reminding a woman of his past sins.  There's nothing wrong with having a good memory.  (You won't hear a guy complaining when a woman remembers something that helps him out.)  It's just a lot of guys wished their past mistakes, bad habits, etc. were forgotten.

Men often have good memories for things that are important to them;

sports statistics,

sports players names,

sports players positions on the field (you get the picture!) ;)

And if a woman has done something negative to him, you can be guaranteed he probably won't forget in a hurry, either.  A woman will often "let stuff slide" or ignore/not comment on something negative a man does but a guy (generally speaking) rarely lets a woman "get away with anything".  He'll often not hesitate to point out when a woman does something wrong.

Many women feel bad when her husband/boyfriend doesn't remember her birthday, anniversary, etc.  She knows he can remember things that are important to him so she can't help but wonder: "How much does he care about me?"
