Avant-Garde I And Transcendence Of Animalism-Tribalism For Neoteric Humanism by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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By Santosh Jha


Copyright 2024 Santosh Jha


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At The Very Beginning…

Whatever my sense or feel of ‘I’ or ‘Me’ is; they stand as conflation of visceral-intuitive subconscious self and non-intuitive conscious self.

Different shades of ‘I’ or ‘Me’; their experiences and actions-behaviors emerge from the permutations and combinations of these two Domains and their interactional spectrum, as media of information processing. The core difference between two Domains of Subconscious-Conscious (intuitive and non-intuitive) is how both media receive and process information. The visceral is automatic and conscious is guided but both are essentially substrate functionality of information processing.

Since ages, classical spiritualism holds this hypothesis that the true potential of human consciousness begins when this media of ‘ Self-Awareness’ is growingly made more and more independent of all incoming information from milieus (both internal and external) and their auto processing is nullified and stopped from being the causality of action-behavior. Oriental spiritualism outlines the attainment of this independence through a disciplined and painful process of unlearning body and mind.

This hypothesis is now better understood and even experimented with as modern science has successfully unraveled the substrate functionality of information processing at cellular levels, in body-brain states. Science is however still to explain how these substrate information processing translates into different shades of experience-cognition we all have. This somehow leaves a blissful space for scientific philosophization. It is what we are doing here!

How this independence or detachment happens? How this idealism of freedom from substrate causalities can be made to happen or achieved?

This very question explains the true basis of actual difference between human and animal. It also delineates the contemporary tribalism, which is a mix of humanism-animalism and stands as defining characteristics of mass majority of men and women in modern world. Interestingly; human brain has evolved meticulously to structure this possibility in the newly ensconced brain layers. This is best understood at substrate level reality of human life-living.

Moreover, the purity, sanctity and vitality of the media of body-brain, as processing mechanism of all experiences-cognitions of realities are most critical and have to be maintained with high precision and disciplined enterprise. This is the primary element demarcating the overlapping dispositional dimensions of Animalism, Tribalism and Humanism. This is primary and bare basic, as any vitiation in it mitigates the true potentials of the multidimensionality of experiencing-cognitions, which we can benchmark as truly and exclusively human.

This is probably the toughest as scientists warn that contemporary milieus –

both physical and psychological, are deeply pathological. They insist; mental health and lifestyle choices, especially food regimes are critically

linked. Humanism; in order to survive and prosper its potentials, should not ideally be made to inhabit in milieus, which are worse than those animals have and ancient tribals had.

The higher consciousness has the potential to facilitate both sanity and independence but very partially and the segregating threshold between visceral and conscious is very thin and overlapping. This makes the higher consciousness as a rather ephemeral and transient availability. The true potential happens when the media of consciousness is completely taken off this auto-mode, visceral, embedded information processing at substrate level of cellular body-brain and launched into a completely novel-alternative information universe and beyond entrenched substrate processing.

This means; the media of consciousness is first divested off its embedded-visceral messages and then, then the new emergent media is launched into this novel enterprise of creating a new structure of information as well as processing. This in turn signifies that the substrate realities and their causalities have to be first unraveled and understood well and then consciously train the body-mind to lead the same substrate layer to perform such information processing, which expresses itself in novel and alternative experience-cognitions. This hypothesis needs rigorous testing.

Is this even possible? Can there be a reality beyond substrate processing?

Can the media totally unlearn its entrenched substrate mechanisms-processes and the same be made available for completely alternative routines? Is consciousness powerful enough to survive, sans its ambient-dominant milieus? Can the alternative and novel information universe be accessed and internalized with the same language we have learnt so deeply and powerfully? Is there an alternative language available for novel-

alternative information as well as processing, with uniqueness of meanings and sensibilities? Is the dreaming process a situation where it happens and still made sense of? Is this probable alternative something more streamlined or as botched up and conflational as is the substrate cognitions? Can there be realities to be experienced beyond and independent of substrate processing and still be relevant for meaning-worth in life-living fabric?

Ultimately; can there be a life-living fabric possible and still a superior simulation of realities in their multidimensionality?

These questions and possible answers are very difficult to be understood and holistically internalized by an untrained average consciousness, in a typical, populist and dominant milieu. However, these questions themselves are somehow an insinuation of a lurking hope that there is a probability of sorts about novelty and alternativeness, which is precarious but may very well lay down the foundations of the pathways of newer dimensions of life-living meanings, utilities and experiences-cognitions. They may then equip and empower the higher consciousness with some simulational realities, which may redefine human potentials to restructure how realities may be confronted and actualized. This may be road to next level humanism. This may actually be the initiation of true human civilization, with sublime and avant-garde benchmarks of novel and alternative ‘I’ in particular and Humanity in general.

In a way; the very probability of the existence of these questions, indicate that consciousness as a media is a powerful potential and this potential may have the wherewithal to orchestrate hitherto unstructured novelties and alternatives as probable answers as well as realities. The substrate itself has the potentials, even as it stands as the core causality of most human pathologies. The core question is – How the Hardware is used for installing novel Software , to initiate alternative experience-cognitions.

Human evolution and the trajectory of intellectual progressions have been this journey from novelty of questions to probability of alternative answers and their emergent causalities. Human consciousness has remarkably exhibited its potentials and plasticity in not only in generation of novel-alternative reality of questions but also in explorations of actuality of possible answers.

It also seems; at least from the experiences in the past few decades that human consciousness may be a precarious media but it sure has the entrenched structural fitness to absorb and imbibe the shocks of critical and even very destabilizing experiences-cognitions, which come up as realities are encountered and new meanings threaten contemporary existential stability and symmetry.

Interestingly and rather mesmerizingly; we can talk about all these as contemporary humanity has meticulously build the cognitive superiority; with its exponentially growing potentials to handle massive loads of information and their multidimensionality. The hybrid consciousness; equipped with and augmented by digitally supported ‘extended mind’ and its superior information processing in vast non-intuitive domains, stands many times more equipped and galvanized media to handle the entropic potentials of Transcendentality, as it is growingly being explored in 21st century. We all somehow fail to register that we are living in a world of quantum computing, which lends us this very highly prospective dimensionality of quantum consciousness and this stands as a definitive portal for emergence of an avant-garde ‘I’. The generative artificial intelligence has the potentials, which may open such portals of non-intuitiveness of experience-cognitions that shall usher in a completely avant-garde ‘I’ and truly civilized-cultured Humanism.



The very design and structural trappings of Consciousness and its cognitive boundaries need to be understood to get to terms with the tough idea of transcendentality and novelty of experiencing. The probability of transcendence is not only vis-à-vis the populism and entrenched propensities of visceral sense of ‘I’ but primarily related to botched up experience-cognition of reality of external as well as internal milieus. It is hugely tough because a very unsettled and precarious media of consciousness has to be the sole protagonist to observe and witness itself first, in order to journey the roads to transcendence and avant-garde cognitions.

This media is innately designed to observe the milieus but not specifically the ‘self’. Moreover; the true and right information about milieus, that too in objective and non-propagandist ways alone can help a person observe reality in its optimality and holism. Therefore, observance of media by

‘media’ itself is a process that has to be learnt and excelled at by the media itself. Spiritualism has been advocating this since over 3000 years and modern science has now laid down probable processes. This somehow self-negating and conflicting process of consciousness observing consciousness itself, with utmost objectivity-holism and meticulous detachment, requires special and sustained mind training, with its disciplined practice as well as loads of modern-contemporary knowledge about reality – both of milieus as well as media itself.

The consciousness and sense of ‘I’, knowing it very well that this sense of personal ‘Me’ is a bubble; has a tough time deciding how ‘I’ should place its personal mortal subjective consciousness vis-à-vis the immortal objectiveness of the infiniteness of reality, in a way that is most appropriate and closest to the actuality of reality; in a short span ‘I’ is allowed to survive.

It is easy to experience that as one’s own personal subjective sense of ‘I’ or

‘Me’ is a bubble within the larger bubble of reality, this deep sense of actuality of my beingnesss and its transcendentality are only emergent virtuality of bubble existence. Tough it is however, to experience as how best and optimally one’s bubbled reality should align itself with actuality of objectivity of cosmic reality, beyond, above and beneath the surface-level restrictiveness of his or her personal, subjective and visceral-intuitive experience-cognition of partiality of reality. This requires mind training and huge loads of true-right-holistic knowledge of substrate realities, as consciousness is actually pitted against its own entrenched stupidities.

This juxtaposition of the dwarfism of ‘I’ vis-à-vis the colossus of Cosmos is scary, yet mesmerizing and satiating. An ephemeral speck of virtuality of one’s mortal being, trying unsuccessfully to stupidly stand tall in front of infiniteness of colossal cosmos of reality is the best humor, the ‘I’ can offer to itself. This is the precarious path a consciousness has to tread. The road to transcendence and avant-garde reality is so scary that only sublime humor can tread it sans trepidation and vitiation.

This humor is scary; yet probably the only viable option to accept and internalize mortality and its journeys. This journey of a consciousness sustains at two simultaneous levels – first is, upgrading and augmenting the levels of novel-alternative, scientific-modern information to prepare the

consciousness for experience-cognition of diverse and multidimensional realities and second is upgrading and augmenting the levels of courage and sanity to brave and internalize novel-alternative experiences; especially cognitions, avalanching on the stupid consciousness.

It is a humbling and distressing realization that consciousness; in its innate and entrenched stupidities, is too fragile, ineligible and incongruous media to journey the tumultuous and intimidating pathways of both subjective as well as objective information and experiencing. This media or observer therefore requires to be trained with utmost discipline, in a milieu of true information availability, to handle realities in their multidimensional probabilities of causalities. The task is humungous; the contemporary milieus are grossly antagonistic to the enterprise.


Haplessly Helpless ‘I’

Incessantly, unrelentingly, in many possibly different ways, ‘I’ attempts to convince itself that time is just a mythically mystical idea; a Cognitive Conflation, having no reality, as the mind conceives. The colossal Nothingness that was before its birth, had no meaning for ‘me’ and the infinite Nothingness that shall follow its death too shall have no meaning for the sense of ‘me’ as, the very ‘Media of All Meanings’ – the Self or ‘I’, itself shall become assimilated in Nothingness. Still, the Grief, the Suffocation of Option-less-ness, the excruciating Emptiness of the Nothingness and the resultant numbness of Non-Beingness of Consciousness does not go away.

This media, of body-mind cooperative; this consciousness, the cognition of the million causalities this Media processes; fails miserably. This media of consciousness cannot be persuaded; it cannot be made to stand in perpetuity of peaceful and poised acceptance of this whole idea and its cognition; let alone be in happy situation… Such Scammed is our existence; so structurally Insufficient and functionally Incapacitated are the faculties of the Media of Consciousness we are so remorselessly proud of; so much colossally Powerful and massively multidimensional is the content and intent of REALITY; so Haplessly Helpless is ‘I’…!

Intellect may help but only very peripherally. Intellect is also just a small part of this insufficient media of consciousness. This intellectual fabric of

‘reality’ still has to get internalized in and by all seven layers of consciousness. Without internalization; nothing stays, everything withers away. This media of consciousness, which is assigned to successfully complete this humungous enterprise, is a very patchy and poor design of evolution. May be, the substrate of consciousness; the biochemical and cellular framework of experiencing physical-psychological realities itself is too complex and assigned to randomized patterns to come to terms with realities.

This immensely restrictive and somewhat ‘Scammed’ body-mind plexus, especially the precariously presumptuous Brain States, which ensembles and makes emerge this media of consciousness, probably is not designed to handle such a vastly tough task. Or, probably, the objective, holistic knowledge of reality is too colossal and its true cognition is too massively unsettling for the genius of consciousness to handle successfully.

To present a brave and resolved façade to Reality, one needs the strength of evolved Consciousness and Non-Intuitive Cognition to lead the Intellect for

a semblance of a battle with Reality. This comes only through painful Internalization of Reality, with the facilitative assistance of objective and non-intuitive knowledge. Given; the milieus, both internal and external, are not only non-facilitative; rather, always presenting the unscrupulous occasions to unsettle and unseat a somewhat undeserving enterprise to hit the poise.

Reality is unraveled in layers and in dimensions. The scientific knowledge and evolved objectivity is a must to lead a person beyond his or her restrictive cultural mind consciousness. But, this reality then journeys into a domain where new cognitions of unsettling reality confront the consciousness, for which it is not trained. The untrained mind consciousness has no wherewithal to handle such self-negating and cataclysmic cognitions about the brute objectivity of reality as well as the nothingness of beingness.

Years of education and bravery of so-called confidence of worldly attainments and successes fall flat. The mind consciousness needs Knowledge of completely different dimension to facilitate the mind consciousness a chance to stand tall. This knowledge is the ‘personal internalization’ of ‘Information’, through the dialectical process of unlearning-learning-unlearning, powered by the energy of skepticism and self-negation, into all layers of Consciousness. This novel and alternative mind training is purely individual enterprise; nobody helps; nobody can; only Knowledge helps; it alone can…

Knowledge has tumultuous trajectory of journey and arriving. The first stage of knowledge is hugely unsettling. When you first know and realize how it is what it is, the primary accrual is consternation and destabilization.

Knowledge begins by exposition of problems and troubles in all its

dimensions and shades. This is like opening the door and getting blown up by gush of trapped energy of realism. This is unsettling also in the sense that most people get Stuck in the magnitude and Complexities of the first stage of trouble-exposition and begin to look for solace and support from spiritualism, psychology, philosophy or denial-deception, to ‘escape’ from the acceptance of the reality. It is another dimension of ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’.

Some also develop sense of egoism and pride that they now know the reality and therefore they are Free-Willed to lead their ‘Post-Reality Life’

not bothered by other shades and aspects of reality that others have.

The true journey begins only after this stage. The next stage is unraveling the elements that constitute the vastness and complexities of troubles. This stage of knowledge is the doorstep for arriving at true wisdom. When we persist and keep journeying the knowledge trajectory with innocence and compassion, not allowing fear, ego and escapism to divert the journey ahead, we move onto this next stage of deciphering the genetics of the problems and troubles and Reality in its Entirety.

This is the domain of what modern science knows as Substrate Reality.

This idea and structure of substrate needs to be understood well. The idea of transcendence and novelty of experience-cognition, beyond substrate reality, can be understood only when details of mechanism-processes of substrate is unraveled. Substrate is the portal of objectivity and what is probably within probability of human consciousness is transcendence of the objectivity to simulate and insinuate a novel-alternative subjectivity, to allow beautifully satiating experience-cognitions. This probability is the domain of sublime and true humanism.


Substrate Reality

It is hugely important that 21st century men and women understand and accept that modern contemporary scientific ideas and realities of Substrate Reality come as a handy tool to understand animalism-tribalism and potentials of elusive humanism. Modern science, especially artificial intelligence knowledge has clearly outlined that what we call consciousness is only an emergent media of Information Processing. Therefore, consciousness is secondary; primary and most important is the Information. If consciousness is tough to be understood; information is more difficult to get holistically internalized by an untrained consciousness.

It needs to be accepted that the media of consciousness is true and right only when the Information it processes are true, objective and holistic. If the Data Set of Information to an individual mind consciousness-cognition is fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist; as is very common in contemporary world; the consciousness shall be scammed and it as protagonist shall experience scammed and fake realities. A person living out his or her life with scammed realities, shall very likely show up with deep pathologies of humanity; very akin to animalism-tribalism. Therefore, 21st century humans must unlearn the mystical self-righteousness of very partial visceral-intuitive consciousness-cognition and accept the primary and most critical non-intuitive idea of Information and its processing. This is what science terms as Substrate Reality.

The two core ideas of Information and Substrate Reality are the 21st century knowledge for all men and women. It is very important that modern men and women familiarize themselves with the two ideas as almost all

life-living questions and problems have answers and solutions in these two ideas.

The world we live is full of information and reality happens to us only when we create objective-holistic Relationship with these Information.

The information are processed for use by our body at the level of the cells and mitochondria of our body. The cellular layer is the Substrate, where actual processing of information happens. The biochemical mechanisms-processes are the Substrate. The micro structures within cells are substrate, where lies the seeds of primary information processing, which are the probable building blocks of what we casually know and accept as consciousness. This substrate, which is only non-intuitively knowable, is all about biochemical mechanisms-processes of body and brain, available to experiencing-cognition, only through disciplined knowledge and cannot be experienced intuitively.

The experiencing of information is at external layers of sensory organs of our body, which is guided by five emotions. The processing of information happens deep at the substrate of cellular milieus. The experiencing is Intuitive and very much realizable by our sensory organs. Information processing happens at cellular levels and we simply cannot realize or experience them. The substrate processing is Non-intuitive, which we can’t experience but can surely know through knowledge acquisition.

There must be great symmetry and symphony between cognitions of realities at Experience and Substrate levels for life-living wellness.

Otherwise it is pathology of consciousness. There is a cyclic causality between experience and knowledge. Scientists say, we experience because we know and we can know as we experience. Therefore, experiencing and knowing must be diligently synced and in high symmetry for life-living

wellness. This in other words means – intuitiveness must marry non-intuitiveness and the ‘couple’ must stay in utmost symphony of harmony of honeymoon sentimentality life-long. This couple-consciousness happens only through deep and disciplined knowledge of substrate reality.

Humanism cannot be expected from pathological consciousness as it is akin to animalism-tribalism. Tragically enough; almost 99 percent of human population even in 21st century has animal-tribal consciousness-cognition, in varying shades and intensities. Humanism is very peripheral and emaciated reality in contemporary human world. This suggests that humanity and its cultures are unsuitable and unqualified for the prized nomenclature of humanism.

All realities we accept are relationships of information but this information is unraveled to us both intuitively as well as non-intuitively. Therefore, we must always be aware of and be responsible for information handling both at experiencing levels as well as substrate levels. All realities must be accepted as holism or combination of Intuitive as well as Non-intuitive information processing. This holism can be attained only through disciplined knowledge of realities, imparted through scientific and objective education system, aimed not purely at creating careerists but humans. This is the singular mantra for life-living wellness, This critical 21st century idea of Substrate Information Processing and ultimate sovereignty of Objective-Verifiable-Holistic Data as well as its smart processing, over the old-archaic-primeval protagonism of consciousness is the seed of humanism. This modern idea truly outlines the animalism-tribalism as experience-cognition of reality by very restrictive intuitive-visceral Data base of Information, often fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist. It defines humanism as acceptance of only those realities,

which are backed by pure-objective-scientific knowledge of substrate processing of those Information, acquired through disciplined non-intuitive knowledge, against visceral-intuitive experiencing. Humanism is the cure of most pathologies of contemporary human world as it mitigates the innate-entrenched propensities of animalism-tribalism.

The most required learning for 21st century ‘humanism’ is the understanding and acceptance of innate and dominant ‘animalism-tribalism’ and its evolutionary continuity in all schemes and spectrum of things, we know as human and associate with the idealism of humanity.

There is this express need to understand and demystify the structures and functionality of this entrenched and evolved animalism, tribalism or whatever, within the precinct of probability of what is known as humanism or human consciousness-cognition, in the macrocosmic perspective of life and cosmic constructs.

Animalism, tribalism and humanism are successive stages of potentials of accrued and compounding Information and its systematic processing in a human brain states. This progression of born and innate animalism to consciously acquired humanism is all about augmentation and proliferation of Data and its intelligent Processing. This Data in human brain states come from Experiences as well as Knowledge and above all, the very critical element of Self-Discipline, to process the growing loads of Data for conscious and conscientious simulation of noble and sublime realities, beyond innate-intuitive-visceral realities.

Animalism, tribalism and humanism are successive life-living progression and maturity of Data (its processing) and Discipline. If both are almost missing or are very poor, it is Animalism. If Discipline is somehow there in some measure and Data is missing or is purely experienced based intuitive-

visceral; it is Tribalism. If data and discipline both are in good quantity and quality, with objective-scientific knowledge of reality populating majority of Data and intuitive-visceral experiences are in sync with objective-holistic knowledge; it is seed of Humanism. However, this seed has to be matured and blossomed into full tree of humanism, by conscious-conscientious simulation of novel-alternative realities for experiencing-cognitions. This is what we are lovingly calling as initiation of journeying of transcendence.

Contemporary world trouble emanate out of poor and perilous Data as large chunk of ‘Information’ a growing child and young one get from ambient milieus, are through personal experiencing and good chunk of them are partial-fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist. The knowledge part of Data is insufficient as most educational-academic knowledge a growing child and young gets is about livelihood and career. The life-living knowledge they still get from family norms, social traditions, religion and populist cultures, pop celebrities, socially success-icons, social media influencers, et al, which is often archaic and obsolete.

The third and most critical element of self-discipline is largely missing or poor in modern contemporary world of life-living as liberty has growingly been accepted as a license to intuitive-visceral life-living choices. These aspects of modern life-living engender all pathologies as mass majority of humans are restricted to animalism-tribalism; missing the potentials of humanism by huge margins.

In simple and most innocent way, we can say that humanism is all about consciously and conscientiously replacing what is with what should be. A human child’s growth journey to adulthood is metaphorically about this conscious substitution of ‘what is’ with ‘what should be’. Humanism is designed or simulated reality over and above the destined reality of the

species called humans. It means; humanism is a civilized and intellectual response and repositioning of the innate, entrenched and visceral reality of the human consciousness. Innately and subconsciously; human species is only a smarter and better maneuvered version of animalism; with entrenched propensities of tribalism. This smarter animalism is what we know as tribalism. Humanism is an Idealism, which was proposed and shaped up by minority of human intellect to tide over and mitigate the Realism of cruelty-brutality-criminality of majority of humans, in the state of tribalism. Philosophy-spiritualism initiated the processes of humanism but only modern contemporary science has the true wherewithal to install humanism in its holism and totality.

The classical dualism of situation is – my consciousness is designed to be very local and thrive in restrictive ambient milieus, subconsciously pursuing wired animalistic survival goals of safety, food and sex, through instinctive psychological tools of power and politics to compete well and succeed. My protagonist is instinctively ‘fashionable’ and viscerally wishes to stand in comforting company of majoritarianism of populism of ambient culture. It feels secure and thrilled to align with passion and propagation of mainstream; rather than stand lonely and be labeled a loser at best and a psychedelic at worst.

On the other side; the same consciousness has the potential to consciously expand, rise above the local and align with infinite cosmic realities to experience and internalize plethora of shades of novel and alternative realities, without the trepidation of mainstream-populist labeling. These realities have no availability of the stardom of theatrics of populism and mainstream. These realities and their experiential-cognitive bliss is rather a suspicious possession, for which the populism-mainstream is vehemently

unforgiving. It is worth repeating that this is what we are lovingly calling as initiation of journeying of transcendence.

The innate design of my untrained consciousness (hardware) is to optimize the reality of survival, which is the singular hardwired need of my body-mind. On the other hand, the potential of my trained-evolved consciousness (software) is to mindfully enterprise, cognizant simulations of the artistic-aesthetic illusions of experience-cognitions beyond survival needs, to add loads of meanings-purposes-values et al to my existence. Hardware is animalistic but real, whereas the software is humanistic but illusionary.

Populism feeds on reality-practicality and has admirable advocacy from cultures, whereas ‘illusions’ are personal simulations, the mainstream always wishes to smother and kill. Reality is animalistic or purely organismic; only illusions-simulations and conscious knowledge of its artistry is human. Human cultures are marketplace for animalism.

Interestingly; in a scammed-depraved culture, hardware functions of reality become illusionary and delusional as survival is threatened and becomes complex. In an ideal and good culture, the software functions of illusions become realities as survival challenges are minimized and simplified. The human life-living art and aesthetics is to install and actualize the illusions of the simulations of love-compassion-fraternity as golden realities of life-living and render the realities of survival the status and situation of uncared illusions. The conscious processes of every man and woman to shift the roles of their subconscious from reality of survival to illusions-simulations of art-aesthetics and its success is the test of good and prosperous cultures.

Tragically; humanity has never been successful in creating a propitious culture. This is initiation of journeying of transcendence. This is road to humanism and its true potentials.


Humble Invite

As has always been with my writings, I insist that I never say – ‘I know and that is why I am telling you’. I very humbly and sincerely request that you should never accept anything I say, without assigning it to the primary and transcendental energy of skepticism. I wish you to test the validity of any probability or hypothesis I am building up in this eBook or in any of my previous eBooks/audiobooks. Why I say this? Because I believe, reading is a collaborative process. I have internalized and experienced things, which I am sharing with you. I have also gone through long process of learning; especially unlearning and observed skepticism. All this needs to sink in and get internalized in your consciousness. It shall sink in and get internalized through the same process of learning/unlearning and observed skepticism by you.

I humbly and very innocently invite you to all 57 eBooks/audiobooks I have managed to create as platforms of sharing. These eBooks/audiobooks are all about novel and alternative ideas and practices, pertaining to 3Cs

Consciousness, Cognition and Causality, for optimizing life-living wellness and prosperity. They have been written in a holistic approach; combining the wealth of traditional wisdom as well as modern scientific treasure; to present a streamlined and systematic overview on most realities; especially those which transcend populist and dominant cultural dimensions. Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials by partnering into my

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writing-sharing enterprise. All of my 57 eBooks/audiobooks are available for unrestricted downloads at Google Play and many other platforms.

Writing for me is an enterprise in self-negation. I am in peaceful acceptance of the futility of words as carriers of intent and content. Still, I write, continuing with this 57th eBook and if life allows, shall keep writing, negating my own deep sense of futility of the exercise, primarily because of my deep trust in magnanimity of you as reader. My stupidity has the unworthy prosperity of your potential and intelligence. I write just for the sake of my humble and innocent self-belief that whatever I have internalized in life through a long and painful process of learning and especially unlearning; must be documented, so that if probability has it, someone as curious and magnanimous like you may save some precious time and energy in your own internalization process. This probably is what one may accept as an inheritance worth half a dime. Compassion is what I inherited and compassion is what I can leave as legacy. I dedicate my writing to someone like you, who shares my humility for acceptance of compassion. Thanks…! Welcome…!


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become, are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic content planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people as well as ideas that traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people, ideas as well as situations. Unconsciously, these amazing people, ideas and my own stupidly non-intuitive cognition also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you what I have internalized as body-mind Media, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


Do Write To Me: sjwrite@gmail.com

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