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Chapter 8:

Get The “Here and Now” Mentality



People tend to regret the mistakes they have done in the past and strive to protect themselves from the future. This action prevents them from seeing and taking advantage of the amazing opportunities that the PRESENT brings.

The following will help under understand more about the “Here and Now” Mentality:



There are things in the life that are worth waiting for. However, there are also things that are worth doing right now! Practicing the “Here and Now” mentality allows you to be mindful and conscious.

Mindfulness enables you to focus your attention on the moment. It is a moment-to-moment awareness of the activities that is being practiced in any occasion. It will promote strength, energy, and calmness that are essential in stabilizing everything in life.

Practicing the “Here and Now” mentality requires discipline since it involves engaging in exercises that will improve the capability of an individual to be mindful every day. It also requires removing your attention from the past and the future in times when they are not needed. When focusing on your present life, it is vital that you are aware of the time that you need to accomplish your goals. It would also help if you practice mindfulness when dealing with your emotions, thoughts, and reactions.

Conducting certain exercises can also help you to be more present. These include meditation, being a conscious observant, and taking a deep breath.