Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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As I said at the very start; You and I are not mouth and ears. We are not neighbors. Rather, we even didn’t know each other. We were in different corners of the world and didn’t know we existed. However, the Information made us Neighbors. The Information introduced us to each other. We talked and shared what essentially is Information. I am information; you are too. Information connects and creates familiarity, neighborhood, assimilation and cooperation. Information makes everything – relationships, compassion, utility, worth and purpose.

However, Information is value-neutral. You and I lend our consciousness and cognition to create all utilities or futilities. Information is like a big house and a question is like you standing at the gate of the house. As you face the huge house, the Questions happen as they innately align with Information only this way. Information is gradually unraveled and that is why questions happen. We have to journey the vast landscape of Information; one step at a time. At the gate of the big house, you ask questions, ‘How big is this house? How many rooms are there? How is the furnishing inside? Do all rooms have balconies and attached bathrooms? Etc. However, once you are in and journey the entire house, gradually; all information about the house are unraveled to you. You journey the big house and all questions vanish. Questions happen as the consciousness stands at the portals of the huge house of Information. Answers are best availed when we Journey into the landscape of the entire house ourselves…

If you don’t journey and only ask questions, standing at the gate of house of Information; unwilling to enter inside and journey; you probably would find someone, who probably shall have ‘Some Business’ to supply answers to your questions. The relationship between Mouth and Ears would begin and they may not live happily thereafter. You are the question and therefore you yourself have to be all answers. It shall happen as you journey information yourself and not lend your Ears to the probability of some Mouth faking information for you…

This relationship between You and I, may look to you as something like that between Mouth and Ears. I however very humbly insist; it is not. I am perfectly ineligible and too stupid to tell you how many rooms the big house of Information has and how is the furnishing inside. What I have humbly and very honestly attempted to do in my relationship with you here is to invite you to this House of Information, which you must journey to unravel the Information yourself. This eBook is not about the detailing of Information about ‘Rooms’ and ‘Furnishing’. Rather, it is simply and purely a humble invite for you to journey Information. As you journey and keep evolving, as a Journeying Consciousness; You shall yourself witness, observe, absorb and imbibe answers.

As you shall keep journeying; we shall meet again and talk; as neighbors always do; as I shall be there, somewhere in the colossal Information Landscape of Information, waiting for you; if life allows. This shall happen as I am also incessantly into the journeying. If you choose to share your Information with me; I shall be the happiest. The Mouth and Ears had smart phones and they shared only emojis; that too only on birthdays! You and I are not mouth and ears. We can share so many things. We are Information…



There is an old saying, ‘If youthfulness could not align with and care Elderliness; there is question mark on its worthiness… If Elderliness could not invest enough and shape up Youthfulness; it is a matter of shamefulness…’

The core communicational intent of the saying is what we deliberated at the very beginning of this eBook – Optimism versus Pessimism Information. Metaphorically at least, elderliness is considered akin to Pessimism as it has broadly lived out the entire spectrum of life, possessed with the ‘treasure’ of troubled memories of experiences. Youthfulness is deemed akin to Optimism as it has yet to journey the life-living in its fullest. Ideally, a symbiosis, connect and communication between Optimism and Pessimism is what the saying refers to. Truly, all Information, optimistic or pessimistic must be aligned and connected well as we have talked in detail that Information is neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Youthfulness or Elderliness ‘Information’ are also neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Youthfulness and Elderliness are rather dimensions and ‘contexts’, which align with life-living Information differently. That is why if both are synced and aligned well to the Information of each other; it is ideal for life-living wellness.

I leave you with the blessings and wish that You and your life-living may always have this precious symbiosis and communication between different dimensions and contexts of Information, so that you and your life-living wellness always has optimality of potentials. May all Information and their dimensions align and communicate brilliantly with you and you too reciprocate more magnificently…!

All Best!
