Entering Your Own Heart: A Guide to Developing Self Love, Inner Peace and Happiness by Carole J. (Meisner) Morton - HTML preview

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Chapter  3

Emotional Treasures

Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasures.

Maria Raine Rilke

Life gives us emotional challenges, and no one is exempt. Rich or poor, we all have the challenges of feeling painful emotions such as frustration, disappointment, grief, hurt, fear, anger, sadness, jealousy and envy to name a few. As I stated earlier, the words and deeds of the authority figures from our childhood, primarily those who parented us, are now the beliefs we hold in our conscious and unconscious mind. Our beliefs are what transform into emotions, and our emotions are what transform into behavior.

A painful emotion is a signal, letting us know that we are mistakenly holding a false belief and that we need to correct it. Emotions are a ringing bell, a gift of awareness that provides us with the opportunity to correct our mistaken beleifs and take us closer to experiencing oneness with our spirit self.

Unfortunately, our judgmental and mistaken inner voice tends to speak with the voice of authority as though it were speaking the truth with a capital T! Even though it speaks authoritatively, do not believe it! Your power comes from questioning that authoritative voice. Ask it how it knows this “truth about you, and you will see how little knowledge it has to back up its claims.


Next, realize how old you were when you determined those beliefs. Notice how believing what you believed at that time served you so that you could feel loved and cared for, safe and secure, and therefore able to focus on the important task of growing up. Realize that everything you have done in your life was done with the intention of self-care and self-love. You have never, never been self-sabotaging. You are love, so there is nothing you have done or could have done that was not motivated by self-love. Even people who are mentally ill a