Failed Intellect, Successful Criminality, Doomed Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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There is a very critical hypothesis about human life-living, which we need to be aware of. It helps a lot in understanding reality and paves ways for personal as well as societal wellness. There are two very powerful dimensions and their massively complex processes, which affect almost everything we as living being perceive and accept as. However, these two dimensions are hidden, not consciously registered and their processes are also not felt and realized by average mind consciousness of people. First is the Homeostatic system within our body-brain and second is Culture in the external physical milieus. Both affect, shape up and evolve most realities for human life-living but they are invisible, unrealizable and implicit. The hypothesis is that this very situation is probably the worst trouble for humanity and tragically enough; humanity has never ever assigned due importance to them and their knowledge in mass majority of people. This unleashes uncontrolled pathologies and entropic eventualities in human world.

Very early; may be over 10,000 years back, our ancestors had this intuitive feel that two processes are very critical for life-living and its survival wellness. They, therefore, made personal as well as collective efforts to systematize those patterns, which optimized the successes of these two processes. They realized – first, there were silent and invisible processes going on within the body and they affected a person’s behavior and actions. Secondly, there were interactional processes, which happened between a person’s inner processes and those in the external milieus. Very naturally; thousands of years back, when even cultures and civilizations were not yet formed and humans had just started to begin a settled life in small tribes; the humanity understood that intellect was a constant and ever-evolving enterprise of unraveling and then patterning these two process in optimum details. Primary intellect dedicated itself to the knowledge of processes, within body and outside body in physical milieus. Ancient Indian philosophical expressions, dated almost 3000 years back and later documented, have talked about this all.

Till date, intellect is defined and understood in the same spirit. However, this intellect is now confined to a handful of people; mostly in the domain of pure science. The mass majority of humanity seems to have no business with this intellect as intellect is now more popularly accepted as Intelligence. This intelligence is more aligned to the knowledge of not the processes of discovering body-milieu realities but to those processes, which maximize moneys, wealth, consumption, power, fame and fun. The intellect also seems to be more aligned to this powerful modern human world intelligence of wealth-power optimization.

Does this signify that humanity has accepted that intellect is no more required as modern humans now know everything about all processes of body-brain as well as external milieus? The answer is a big no. In fact, we are just beginning to understand reality in a better light as modern knowledge of humanity has paved ways for understanding the right approach and tools for deciphering the ultimate realities. However, it also needs to be mentioned that many believe; there is a limit to understanding all realities, especially that of the external milieus as they are too colossal in scale and magnitude for human brain to decipher. The fact remains; humanity has understood too little and the journey ahead is tough. Still, there seems a general aversion towards the cardinal role of intellect in deciphering Reality, in contemporary human civilization and culture.

Somehow, if global processes of all human intentionality are clubbed into one singular theme; two processes are very explicitly manifested. The first dominant process includes politics and commerce, where a minuscule minority is obsessively engaged in aggrandizing their personal successes and pursuit of continuation of power at whatever cost. Majority of these very wealthy and powerful people are instinctively averse to follow any law, rule or morality in their enterprises. It is only a euphemism to say they are the ones who are criminalizing the human societies and cultures as they are very much like the pathogens, which multiplies with least concern to lives of its carriers.

The second big processes are that of a sizeable population of upper and middle class people, who are knee-deep into all those enterprises, which fit them into the current disposition of profit empires. They in fact extend support to the processes of greed and hunger of the politician-corporate class to maximize profits, wealth and power. The second processes also essentially seek money, wealth, power and continuity of consumption comfort at a micro level; fitting in into the macro-level greed structures of the first processes.

The rest of weak, impoverished and underprivileged majority of humans have no choice but to be pawns at the hands of the above two processes. Interestingly; both dominant processes of contemporary human world are truly and innately allergic to intellect. They rather openly profess their hate against intellect and leave no chance to malign and kill the intellect and intellectuals. There are clear reasons for this antagonism for intellect.

This is the hypothesis about the current state of humanity and cultures we live in. This presents the background, which engenders the probability, which we are analyzing in this eBook. The failure of intellect is one part of the probability of contemporary human reality. The second part is the successful criminalization of human societies-culture-polity-economy and the third part is the corollary of the two realities, ensuring doom and destruction of the fabric of sanity and system in modern human world. We test the validity of these probabilities one by one.
