Failed Intellect, Successful Criminality, Doomed Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Success of Criminality

Criminality and depravity in contemporary human society-culture is now a foregone conclusion. But, human criminality and its brutality have a long history, especially in advanced and organized civilizations and cultures. Depravity of intentionality is also not new. What we are hypothesizing is that criminality and depravity are growingly becoming dominant component of human intentionality, even in normal and average person. We are not talking about crimes and success of organized criminal gangs and cartels. We are talking about growing quantum of intentionality of criminality and depravity in overall domains of society, cultures, polity, economy and faith. We are talking about daily life-living insinuations and attitudes of criminality and depravity. We are therefore trying to arrive at the roots and progression of intentionality of criminality and depravity in the progression of human evolution, since the start of civilizations and cultures.

The intentionality of criminality has to be understood scientifically from the perspective of human brain and its evolution as it is where the entire spectrum of intentionality is created and processed. If we have to understand criminality and depravity as powerful intent of average humanity, we must unravel its roots and mechanism in human brain. This process has to begin by understanding the progression of the stages of evolution. Why?

Evolution; as humanity has now objectively known and understood; is deemed as calibrated progression of brains of organisms, as Media of information processing. It is accepted as the marvelous culmination of nature’s definitive plan to evolve the ‘most suitable’ species in linearity of time succession. Science has begun to understand human brain and especially Consciousness better, as evolutionary biology has added its own perspectives, along with neuroscience and artificial intelligence. It is now established that humans have the most complex brains than all other organisms and this complexity engenders the superior consciousness; extending humans the much cherished label of ‘most suitable’ species.

However, as we all know; the history of this ‘most suitable’ species called human is full of gory details of unimaginably chilling brutalities. Human history documents the embedded penchant and propensities for unimaginable criminalities, depravity and cruelties, not only on other species but primarily against its own. Very naturally, there is this very valid question about human consciousness and its most complex brain, which seeks to know the correlation between Complexity and Criminality. How come this Complexity attain such atrocious Criminality?

It is critical knowledge for humanity to understand if human brain and its complexities create this very ‘suitable, superior, most evolved and most endowed and successful’ species called humans; how come this success and suitability engender the ghastliness and notoriety of brutality, cruelty, depravity, criminality, insanity, shamelessness and treacherous ingenuity in humans? What made the superiority, suitability, excellence of complexity and evolved maturity get expressed in deadly and disastrous eventualities?

There is a serious question mark on the very design of human brain, as it creates intentionality and goes about it. It is accepted as the quintessential and transcendental hypothesis that all organisms, including the mighty humans, have only one Purpose in life-living and that is to pursue Happiness and reward feelings, as it is accepted that the core intentionality of survival is functionally secured through this practical mechanism and process of human brain. If this hypothesis is true and right, then it is a simple, straightforward and logical inference that all the above-mentioned criminalities, depravities and brutalities, which human history and contemporary human world are full of, must be hugely pleasurable, rewarding and blissful! If nobility-compassion is in miniscule minority and criminality-depravity-brutality is in absolute majority in human world; it is clear that nobility is painful and happiness is invested deeply in all the infinite shades of ignobility and immorality.

The question therefore needs to be answered as what exclusively ‘human’ is there in our Consciousness and Cognition that makes this powerful and all pervading reality of intentionality of criminality and depravity so successful. It is hugely important to decipher the reality of ‘Happiness’ in its entirety and holism to unravel the embedded ‘scam’ in it, which makes it so innately aligned to criminality and depravity. The answer must be in human brain itself! The answer must be in evolution and progression of this very powerful and amazing brain – from a simple crawling worm to contemporary humans.

The answer must also be in the complexity and intricacies of brain’s interaction with external milieus, which humans have conscientiously or un-conscientiously made hugely complex, conflicted and depraved. If humans; as a superior species, truly qualify to be adorned with crown position, after billions of years of evolutional intelligence; it must justify its lustful and besotted dalliance with conscientious criminality and heinous brutalities. Criminality and superiority does not seem to go together. Or, can humanity accept that human superiority is in fact this brilliance and success of criminality in human society-culture?

The answers are not easy but they are there for acceptance. Human knowledge and exponential progress in the fields of neuroscience, evolutionary biology, molecular and evolutionary biology et al have made it possible to decipher the functionality of human brain in engendering all shades of intentionality. They have also made it possible to understand how a superior human brain has the golden intentionality of love, compassion, fraternity, cooperation, vision, organization, innovation et al at one time and the same brain also has the scary and ghastly intentionality of brutality, criminality, depravity, deception, deceit, shamelessness et al. They can now explain how a human brain can get over its own barriers and journey those dimensions, which is not intuitively possible for body and brain.

Human brain has evolved enough to have this brilliance of going beyond the impossibilities of perceptions, crossing over the horizon of impossibilities. However, the same human brain miserably fails in handling as simple a thing as love, relationships and belief. This is now explainable. It is explainable as why superior human brain can handle colossal grief of deaths, devastations and calamities but fails to manage what is popularly called stress. The excellence as well as criminality is all part of intentionality of brain states and modern human knowledge of science can now decipher intentionality in all its shades

We do not have the space to detail the mechanism and processes of intentionality; especially the intentionality of criminality and depravity. We talk about it in short and generalization, just to have the idea that it is all about brain functioning and how science has made it possible to know it all.

The entire reality of criminality-depravity of human world has to be understood in the exclusive context of society-culture. The seeds of criminality-depravity are embedded not in the brain states of humans but in the structure-function of external milieus of society-cultures. Brain is a value-neutral entity, which means; it does not function on the basis of right and wrong, true or false, good or bad. It only processes incoming information as stimuli and arrives at a decision for behavior-action, which the mind system perceives optimal for survival. Therefore, criminality-depravity must be understood from two clear terms. First, they are purely human definition and reality. Secondly, they are seeded in human interaction with society-culture and therefore have meaning and manifestations only in human society-culture.

It is now very much clear that human brain is not exclusive to humans. Science says that the first structures and functions of brain happened around 500-600 million years back and it has since evolved in every succeeding organism in the evolutionary chain. Human brain therefore has large parts, which are common in most animals, especially mammals. It is only the uppermost cortex layers and especially the prefrontal cortex, which evolved in the four million years old evolutionary history of humanoid species; especially the Homo sapiens.

Human brain is therefore a unique reality in the living world. The uniqueness is manifested in many dimensions and they themselves explain the innate basis of criminality-depravity in humans and human society-cultures. The modern humans may be a very recent species, dating only around a hundred thousand years but their brains are of very primitive origin. As we said, human brains are the continuity of evolution in a brain, which happened around 500 million years back. Therefore, as science says, human brain is not a single organ like liver, heart and kidneys; rather, they are the cooperative of many different organs, originating in different timelines yet functioning like a unified navigational command center for humans.

There are three broad layers in human brain, with their origins separated by millions of years. The primary and the lowest brain states are popularly known as reptilian brain as it was present in reptiles millions of years back. Second part of human brain, the middle layers are known as mammalian or monkey brain as it is common in all mammals, of which humans are an evolved species. Only the top cortex layer in its complexities is considered to have a human origin and is the newest addition to brain, which we have.

What does this mean for humans and how criminality-depravity manifests out of this uniqueness of design? This we explain now. There are two critical aspects of human brain and its interactional relationship with external milieus of society-culture. We just need to keep it in mind. Unlike in animal world, human brain engenders a unique and exclusive sense of personal and subjective Self, popularly known as Consciousness, which creates a powerful sense of personal agency and feel of protagonist identity in most humans. This means, humans are essentially more probabilistic and therefore require larger and deeper personal maneuvering space of individual liberty and freedom. Secondly; unlike the animal world, human world has man-made external milieus of society-culture, where all benchmarks of personal agency as well as individuality are conditioned and even decided by man-made synthetic intelligence. This means; human world is exclusive in the living landscapes as both the individual as well as milieus are different, complex and very unique. This aspect must be kept in mind as we talk about the incidence and regimen of criminality-depravity in human world.

Evolutionary biologists believe, modern human brain evolved to its contemporary form and functionality because of three crucial factors –

  • Cultural Requirements – Complexities of new norms, rules and laws.
  • Technological Advancements – Complexities of new motor skills.
  • Social Relationships – Complexities of interaction with people.

It needs to be emphasized here that complexity of human brain stems from emerging diversities and intricacies in human life-living, as early humanity settled for organized living. This complexity is very tough to be measured and understood in its holism. Science is however progressing well in unraveling the threads of these complexities. We just need to accept that this complexity creates unique situations and causalities for humans and their life-living in their man-made world of society-culture.

Science tells us that these emergent complexities of information processing in individual as well as milieus created a new brain plexus, on top of the mammalian brain states, which fashioned more space for new challenges. This in turn created and installed a mechanism for processing of the new and emergent man-made synthetic intelligence in brain’s existing inventory of nature’s innate intelligence. Science tells us, much of the cortical region of human brain, which evolved late, deal with this new intelligence, which humans created. This new layer of human brain, known as cortex region, is somehow largely human, assigned the tough task of maneuvering over the animalistic mammalian brain, known as limbic system.

Interestingly, many of these new intelligences, which were installed as hallmarks of new cultural and civilized life-living, stood in conflict with nature’s intelligence, ingrained already in mammalian brain states. This conflict is also information; a newly emergent but powerful one, requiring a processing space and mechanism different from what the limbic system did. Science confirms that the prefrontal cortex; the latest addition in the human brain, happening probably around one hundred thousand years back, essentially handles such tasks, which is referred to as ‘Executive’ decisions. These decisions happen as the prefrontal cortex layer of brain mediates and processes conflicts between nature’s wired and innate intelligence in limbic system and man-made synthetic human intelligence, encoded in benchmarks of normality and appropriateness of societal and cultural life-living, processed in cortex region, especially the prefrontal cortex.

What this conflict is? This conflict is between two powerful intentionality, both embedded in human brain. The human brain simultaneously handles two conflicting intelligences competing for dominance in overall ‘decision-making’ processes of life-living. Modern human brain has embedded structures of this primeval ‘conflict’ between personal and collective – liberties and duties – individuality and sociability – personal normality and political normality, etc. This conflict has the seeds of all criminality-depravity landscapes and dimensionality. This somehow creates entrenched and subconscious conflicts and in turn, calamitous hypocritical insinuations, in the human brain system. This needs to be elaborated and internalized.

The brain is the navigation room for all realities and all perceptions. The brain however, was not designed and evolved to create perceptions and realities. It was designed to navigate an organism in external milieus with safety and success of survival. This survival optimization is an ever evolving intelligence and that is what is known in evolutionary biology as Natural Selection. Brain is designed to perceive a reality and then install ‘habits’ in people, as they subconsciously own a perception and commensurate behavior-action. If the habit is successful, it survives and is passed on to next generation. If not, it is eliminated.

To work out this singular intelligence, it had a somehow simplified mechanism of ‘matching’ or ‘recognizing’ all information about external milieus and situations, with its pre-wired templates of survival-mating requirements. To execute this ‘success’ to perfection, the brain had neurotransmitters called hormones, which the brain produced itself. These hormones transmitted or communicated the desired and required motor and behavior actions in us. Scientists have known that the hormones perform complex functions for us and are responsible for chemical signaling to all parts of body through blood streams. They are the carriers of Intentionality. The critical aspect of this mechanism is its speed and short response time as well as subconscious functioning. It had to be, as on speed of processing of reality and suitable reactions depended survival.

The brain function, which we just talked about, is something, which is common in mammalian world and primates. In human brain system, this part of the brain is therefore called the mammalian brain. It is known as the limbic system, which essentially deals with ‘primary perceptions’, short term memories and handling of emotional spectrum. We can simplify the above discussion by hypothesizing that limbic system works on the causality of emotional perceptions of reality and is handled by a chemical registry mechanism, known as hormonal system or endocrine system.

The limbic system worked fine and still works fine for most mammals and primates but it seems to have entered a ‘trouble’ phase in humans, as humans evolved in a unique way, jumping the linearity of symmetrical evolution. The troubles started when humans stepped down from trees, roamed around and then finally settled to create cultures and civilized life-living. New tools and technologies happened and life-living became complex. Much of the complexities were behavioral and therefore required complex motor skills too. Civilized and cultured family-societal life-living required rules and laws and novel shades of emotional contents.

Humanity created its own intelligence, many in conflict with nature’s age old and dominant intelligence and cultured life-living for the first time required ‘thoughtfulness’ and ‘controlled’ decision-making, as against reactionary and mechanical decision-making, which the limbic system performed so far. This created first dualism in mind consciousness. The primary intelligence was ‘reactionary’ and excelled in speedy action and promptness of behavior. As cultures and societal needs happened; it installed a new intelligence, which required to postpone ‘reactionary and speedy’ actions and behaviors. The new situation needed the innate intelligence to be blocked, so that a more thoughtful, calculated and informed choice could be made. The two contradictory, conflicting and competing intelligences had to be worked out by the totality and holism of the brain, even when handled by different brain regions. This required much more complex information processing and more complex neural networking. The human brain had to undergo a non-linear evolution. Novel emotional and perceptional requirements like planning, perspectives, retrospection, tolerance, sociability etiquettes, et al were necessary new elements to make the society and tribe succeed well. These could not match with usual reactionary and recognition-friendly brain processing done successfully so far by mammalian brain part known as limbic system. A non-linear and more effective and specialized brain addition and evolution was required in short time.

This happened as cortical layers of human brain evolved. The trouble is – Evolution does not dump the old and creates a new in place of the old. It can only upgrade and add more into already existing set up. The human brain also evolved this way. The new brain happened on top of the old brain but was so linked up that it worked in complex cooperation with old brain states. This uniqueness of human brain is the soil and seed of all conflicts and also the precursor of all scammed perceptions. This we need to understand.

In the evolutionary backdrop of this reality of human brain and resultant mind consciousness, we need to understand three broad hypotheses –

  1. The original design of brain is typically non-cultural as it is designed primarily for individualistic survival, even when a person is constantly interacting with external milieus. The limbic system of brain states handles almost 98 percent of a person’s behavior-actions and they are in subconscious state. This means, a person is not even aware about it at the spur of moment, when behavior-actions happen. It only later either owns it or feigns ignorance about it. This subconscious behavior-action is innate and entrenched information processing design of human brain and it is orchestrated and executed by wired powerful drives, expressed through chemically administered hormones and neural plexuses. It is now scientifically established that the sexual drive, powered by sex hormones are so powerful that it even surpasses the singular guiding energy of survival in animals as well as humans. This subconscious mechanism is what every single human child is born with and made to stand in the landscape of society-culture, as it grows and evolves. This subconscious drives are not learned by a child as it is wired in body-brain systems. However, society, culture, polity, faith et al have been designed in a way that it seeks to make every child learn to control and manage his or her innate intentionality (action-behavior), expressed by drives of subconscious mind state. This self-management, self-control and self-discipline et al are learned intentionality, which every human child is mandated to learn as part of his maturity and growth, as it is authoritatively enforced by the might of laws and rules, created and executed by state power. This is the first seed of criminality-depravity. Innately and subconsciously, every individual is designed to follow what his or her body-brain wants and seeks. Most of it however stands in conflict, competitiveness and collision with laws and rules prevailing in society-culture. This means, if a person is not educated, trained, involved, assimilated and galvanized during his or her growth and maturity since childhood, he or she is bound to be at war with society-culture and shall automatically stand as criminal and depraved in the eyes of state power. Personally and individually; a person is never a criminal or a depraved person. However, all shades of criminalities and depravities stand a probability as he or she fails to perform as per the required intentionality of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. The question, for thoughtful assessment of every aware person is – who is duty-bound to ensure that every human child born gets this education and training to have a symmetry and synchrony between his or her personal intentionality and societal-cultural intentionality? No child is born depraved-criminal. Who and what makes him or her culprit?
  2. It is very evident that any person is in constant and complex relationship with his or her external milieus. Usually, an aware person knows and observes the limitations of his or her personal boundaries so that it does not clash and violate the collective space. This awareness is however not the sole requirement of harmony between personal and collective intentionality. The harmony is directly related also with the sanity and symmetry of the milieus. The society-culture-polity also has to respect and not violate the personal space and boundary. The subconscious drives of a person are very powerful and innate and they are wired to optimize the survival potential of a person. They are however in reasonable control and harmony, when the consciousness of a person operates in external milieus, where this sense of survival is not stressed or threatened. If the external milieus of society-culture-polity-economy-faith is itself aggressive, criminal, depraved, deceitful and shameless; it automatically sends in signals of threat to subconscious survival intelligence of wired brain states. This in turn may switch on the threat perceptions in any person, even if he or she is very aware and educated. Under threat perception; the limbic system shall take over the control and a person is bound to take more emotional decisions than intelligent ones. Emotional stability alone guarantees logical and sanitized intelligent intentionality. If milieus are themselves criminal-depraved; individual’s behavior shall subconsciously vitiate and resort to same criminality-depravity for survival. The question here again is; are contemporary external milieus of society-cultures-polity-economy-faith honest, harmonious and attuned to sanity-system to instill and install sense of assurance of peace and wellness in average person? Are the contemporary milieus the biggest stress factor in average person’s life-living?
  3. The clash of intentionality is entrenched in the very design of human brains and the synthetic milieus of society-culture. Scientific fact tells us that there are 16 types of brains and broadly, there are seven shades of consciousnesses among men and women. Different brain types and consciousnesses react differently to this conflict and confusion. Then, there are actual life-living conditions of utmost physical as well as cognitive natures, like nourishment of a child, family support, ambient milieus where a child grows, etc, which affect the growth and health of brain in a budding child. There is bound to be many shades of competences in different brains of individuals, when it comes to understanding their own innate and subconscious drives as well as managing them to fit into peaceful and poised relationships with laws-rules of society-culture-polity-economy-faith. The society-cultures-polity seeks uniformity and almost monolithic interpretation and adherence of all individuals to their intentionality and that is why they assume that every individual is equal before the law. This is another seed of criminality-depravity. The society-culture-polity assumes and seeks some reality, which is an impossibility as not only all human brain is probabilistic; they are also neither uniformly evolved nor equally empowered. Once again, the question arises as whether the political intellect and intelligence of jurisprudence have the sanity and propriety on their side to preside over the administration of individual criminality-depravity, based largely on unscientific and illogically subjective perceptions of human reality?

The answers are not the domain of this eBook. The answers may emerge in every individual mind or emerge as collective answer. However, we sure can talk here about some aspects of the intentionality of criminality-depravity in contemporary human world as well as its history. This may help the emergence of answers.

As we have talked earlier, human intellect always had this role and purpose of deciphering Reality and constructing a human system of life-living on the basis of the veracity and objectivity of the singular reality. Since long, this intellect had the sole basis of philosophical tools of observance and analysis. This has changed in the last 100 years. Modern science, especially the 21st century science has unraveled the realities of not only the universe but also the human realities of Self and Consciousness. Very naturally, modern human systems and life-living principles should have been shaped and guided by pure science and its singularly logical-objective factuality. Very tragically; this has not happened. Every domain of human life-living – be it society, culture, polity, economy or faith; is still being guided by perceptions and beliefs; not science.

Science has established this objective reality that human consciousness is very localized and restrictively aligned to part perceptions of reality. It is now established that a majority of almost 98 percent of intentionality and commensurate behavior-action are shaped up by subconscious brain states and average person only takes merely two percent of decisions as aware and conscious Self. This conscious self and its intentionality are also conditioned by subconscious intentionality as all three layers of unconscious-subconscious-conscious are in continuum. Moreover, as the subconscious intentionality is handled by the limbic system, largely shaped up by emotional registry of external situations, spontaneity of reaction as well as short-term memories and experiences; the actions-behaviors of most people in most situations are very reactionary, partial and susceptible to fake-fudged perceptions. This majority behavior-action therefore has larger tendency to stand in conflict and violation of collective sanity and system.

Moreover, modern science has proven that as the human brain is only 15 percent genetic and 85 percent shaped up by external milieus, average human’s subconscious intentionality shall therefore be a reflection of the order or disorder in the external milieus. If the milieus are good, noble, equitable, peaceful and poised; majority of people shall behave nice and pursue appropriate behavior-actions. If the milieus are criminalized and depraved; most humans would also behave-act in criminal-depraved ways.

The subconscious intentionality is automatically conditioned and shaped up by the ambient, prevalent and dominant benchmarks of populist normality, appropriates and righteousness. As we have talked earlier, human brain is a auto-mode genius of Plasticity and therefore wired to adaptive behavior-action, according to the demands of the milieus. A depraved-criminalized-shameless milieu, where an individual lives out, shall automatically elicit commensurate behavior of deception, deceit and criminality. Interestingly; as this auto-intentionality is subconscious, average person shall not even register that he or she is behaving in any abnormal-inappropriate ways. This is probably what happening in modern contemporary human world. Majority of stupidity-hypocrisy-depravity-criminality is un-conscientious.

It is also to be accepted that science has discovered that human brain takes a long time to evolve to its optimality. This growth and time-dependent maturity of human brain essentially pertains to the growth and maturity of cortex, especially the prefrontal cortex, which are the top layers of brain states, handling executive tasks such as conflict handling, thoughtfulness and righteousness. The cortex layers store the long-term memories, which happen after years of experiences. This maturity of human brain is essential in development of what is known as higher awareness or higher consciousness. The cortex layers, especially the prefrontal cortex works as mediating brain states, which stand as some sort of witness to Self. This cortex layer is not reactionary but receptive and takes time to decide. This cortex layers, when matured, evolves alternative intentionality, which sways over the subconscious intentionality to condition it to collective appropriateness and symmetry. Science tells us that it takes around 25 years for brain to have optimal growth and strength of cortex brain states. It is also proven that this maturity process does not come automatic with time progression. The maturity depends on right knowledge, persistent mind training and memories of fruitful experiences. Very naturally, they are also milieu-influenced. The maturity is conditioned by the nature of milieus itself. Very naturally, globally, the young people in contemporary human milieus growingly find themselves on the other side of law and morality.

This clearly decides the scientific basis of society-cultures-polity and lays down their roles and purposes in human systems. It is very much established that a person requires two critical elements, when it grows up and attains youthfulness. First is objective, logical and holistic knowledge of reality, which includes that of its own body-brain as well as the external milieus, including how reality is always probabilistic and seldom definitive. This helps personal sanity, system and symmetry. This alone helps to develop the critical higher consciousness. Secondly, every growing person needs settled, peaceful, poised, honest, equitable and compassionate external milieus, which ensures that his or her intentionality largely remains aligned to logicality and not emotionality.

In short and simple terms – every human is born with an animalistic brain and subconscious intentionality, which has potential and required structures to make him or her eligible to become a human. This potential is attained when it has the right education-training to have the optimal knowledge of all realities in their holism and also, it has the facilitative milieus, which helps him or her successfully manage the animal within and nurture the human potentials. The collective intellect therefore has this singular and critical role and purpose to ensure these twin elements in society-culture-polity. This ensures the very health of collective intellect itself.

This very modern scientific idea of human reality makes us arrive at two hypotheses, which are critical for 21st century human world sanity –

  1. The modern scientific and very contemporaneous knowledge of human realities leads humanity to a novel and alternative idea and idealism of Intellect. In simple and stupid terms; Intellect is primary, basic and transcendental intentionality to understand and accept Reality of Humanity in its objectivity, holism and multidimensionality. This idea of Intellect underlines the fact that Reality is and shall always be Probabilistic as it is only possibly perceived by the media of consciousness and this media is variable, not singular in different people. This means, Intellect is purely individualistic proposition but it definitively has to be assimilative to be meaningful in collective spaces of society-culture. This in turn leads to the subsidiary hypothesis that as Intellect is acceptance of probabilistic and multidimensional Reality in its holism and entirety, there is a singular pre-state, which can galvanize this Intellect. This pre-state or grassroots landscape is Compassion. Only compassion can ensure and facilitate assimilation, integration and harmony in external milieus of society-culture-polity-faith.
  2. This very reality of the idea-idealism of novel and alternative Intellect in turn hypothesizes the nature and scope as well as roles and purposes of the collective domains of society-culture-polity-faith. They have one single role to just be of assistance and support to this personal and very individualistic enterprise of attainment of Compassionate Higher Consciousness in every single human being. It is also very pertinent to accept and internalize that the state, governments, politics, and all authoritative agencies of state et al are only tertiary agents of this facilitation. The primary agent of galvanization of compassionate higher consciousness in people is integrated knowledge and education. The secondary agents are family and society. The state and polity must therefore shed its penchant for ‘authoritative control’ and use of ‘autocratic suppression’ to make people fall in line with collective normality. Force and violence cannot ensure higher consciousness; rather, they kill the very prospect and potential of sanity-symmetry of average person’s compassionate intentionality. This we are witnessing globally. Still, state power is hell-bent to suppress more and wreak more violence on its own people.

In the light of the above assertions, it is very evident and explicit that modern contemporary politics, governments, societies and even religion are actually a big burden on humanity and essentially antagonistic to attainment of Compassionate Higher Consciousness as they are rooted in authoritative control, violent suppression and undue criminalization of individual consciousness. They are not innately inclined to the role of catalyst in galvanizing individuality and its compassionate higher consciousness. Very naturally, they are the worst enemies of human intellect. It is a valid question to ask, whether the collective intellect of humanity has rightly and timely identified its worst enemies to deal with them or has it side with them and made friends with them to reap the undue benefits, which this enemy of intellect offers.

The state, governments and politics are actually alien and inimical to the very idea of Reality as their primary task and role is to administer ‘Collective Coercion’ over individuals to install and perpetuate a specific and deterministic majoritarian Reality over everyone. The contemporary state and its authoritative governance structures are therefore the primary human rights violation. They are truly Un-Real and Un-True to the very Intellectual creed of humanity. The very basis of state and governance is in-Human and un-Scientific and they stand as worst enemies of human life-living goal of peaceful-poised-harmonious individuality. Therefore, it is for everyone to decide, whether the 21st century alternative model of state and governance needs to reorient itself to being a catalyst to individual’s personal enterprise of Compassionate Higher Consciousness or not?

It is also very clear from this idea of reality of human life-living and reality of Intellect that the most crucial role in human world is that of Education and Knowledge; not society and state. Humanity does not need state and governance in its current role and purpose. What it needs is a powerful, universal and singular mechanism and process of education and knowledge dissemination, which could ingrain in every individual this Intellect of Human Reality, unite humanity, assimilate it into one universal ‘Identity’ and catalyze the personal and individual enterprise of attainment of Compassionate Higher Consciousness.

The one and only requirement for entire humanity is ‘Integration And Assimilation’ of collective human knowledge, especially about Reality, so that integration and assimilation of entire humanity into one single ‘Identity’ of humanity could be attained. This very idea of Reality needs integration into all domains of human knowledge so that all conflicting and competing ‘Identities’ of contemporary world must die down and is replaced by singular Identity of Humanity. The state, constitution, governance, politics, religion and jurisprudence, etc must suitably transform in contemporary times to be in sync with Reality because, they are the hugely calamitous agents of playing ‘deadly divisive’ games with innumerable conflicting and competing ‘identities’ of humanity.

It is now open for every individual to decide, whether contemporary humanity and its collective intellect has failed or succeeded in leading humanity to its desired destination or not. It is also for every person to decide whether the criminality of humanity has failed or succeeded in vitiating everything in contemporary human world?
