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The Fifth Force Metaphor

Before we delve into the details of living out the magic of emergence, it is important that we face up with this singular and critical question – What possibly may trigger the ‘Causality’ of Emergence? What germinates the seeds of the collectivity of elements into the fruit-laden Tree of Emergence?

More importantly; what is the very specific conditionality of the causality, which ensures that emergent probability is harmonious-melodious and not discordant-cacophonous?

These inquisitions and their rightful and true answers hold the key to the fruition of all interactional landscapes and realities. It paves the success of marriages, society, cultures, polity and faith systems. In fact; it may even redefine the very idea of success; as against populist perceptions. The answers themselves pertain to the primary inquisition of humanity – What is the game-plan of nature and evolution engineering? Does it have an entrenched harmonious purpose or is it an evolved intentionality, with possible propensity for melodious eventuality? We next hypothesize about

the first answer of causality of emergence and then try to weave out a probability of finding the possible second answer of evolutionary engineering.

From our knowledge and experiences of science, we know that there is a

specificity of situation, when distinct elements of seed, soil, water and physical attributes of ambient milieus like light and air converge and coalesce in a symbiotic specificity, triggering the germination of the seed and subsequent growing into a full blown tree. We know; a fully grown tree in its entirety is an emergent reality as the seed itself has no wired Information to decide and define the symmetry of the full blown tree.

Probably, the same happens with humans. Science says, human mind is 15

percent genetic, 85 percent environment engineered. Like a tree, human consciousness, individuality and personality also seem to evolve as emergent reality. However, like the eventuality of a tree; it is tough to predict, whether the individuality and personality of a child into his or her adulthood shall be harmonious-melodious or not. It may be hypothesized that symmetry is melodious-harmonious but how this symmetry is expressed and organized into human individuality is difficult to predict.

We have this hypothesis that there is some sort of specificity, which is required for Emergence of a Reality out of the bundle of Information seeded into a physical system. The specificity however has to be ascertained with definitiveness and needs to be understood in holism as how this specificity can be lived out for life-living excellence.

It is a sad situation that human brain still remains largely un-deciphered and un-unraveled, into its deepest details. It also seems fairly tragic that overall, larger efforts, energy and investments are devoted to hardcore physics and cosmology to unravel the Reality but not commensurate priority seems to

be assigned to brain science; which is the portal to all Realities. That is probably why; there is larger and wider mysticism and populist perceptions about life-living realities and human individuality. This on the flip side extends a large open landscape for scientific philosophization and personal experiencing-experiments in living them out. We are doing exactly this living out experiences and hypothesizing realities in a scientific way.

When we talk about process of Emergence in the domain of living organism; especially human brain states; we need to be aware of the fact that we still know very little about our brain functionality, even when we are sufficiently in know of structural aspects. That is why it is always only a probable reality, when we talk about causality or emergence happening in our brain states. However, we are better off and more in sync with scientific precision, when we take into account the fact that interactions of information in human world are very complex, as not only the media of consciousness; the external milieus are also very complex and ever-evolving. Very naturally, even causal relationships between media and milieus are also evolving into higher and more complex levels of organization. In such complex and evolving processes, it is hugely tough to ascertain how brain plexuses or parts work out causality and emergence.

Here, the core trouble starts to unleash its true nature and lists out as why it is so very difficult to ascertain this magical Specificity of Causality of Reality. We try to understand it through an example of our life-living. This example somehow is so very close to the science of emergence, which we know. This may somehow unravel how difficult it is to ascertain specificity of emergence. This example is about how brilliance of musicality emerges in a symphony, played out by a philharmonic orchestra. Science of emergence tells us there are certain elements, conditions and attributes in Information of parts and their interactions, which in a certain situation of

milieus can trigger emergence. A philharmonic orchestra, or for that matter any high class musical ensemble, has almost everything present in physical, psychological, emotional as well as metaphoric elements. It has the scale, the to and fro loop of information flow, plexus of interactions between parts of information (as played out by musical instruments) as well as the elements in milieu, the harmony and somewhat exptropic (reverse of entropy) propensities of system, attributes that sync more than cancel each other out, etc. That is why when a philharmonic orchestra of highest order plays a symphony, what emerges is beyond the parts it constitutes of. Most high class evolved music is known for its emergent excellence. This brilliance of emergent magic is experienced both by musicians as well as audience. Scientific experiments have found this symmetry and connect.

Now, if we descend this musical experience into our own life-living; we have a beautiful, blissful, fulfilling and propitious parallel of personal experience, known as Epiphany. It is the highest order emergent musicality of massive brain plexuses, in complex connects and interactional sophistications. If we truly understand the processes of the two comparing emergent realities of musicality and individuality; we unravel the magicality of the marriage of science and art in our life-living. This facilitates evolving to wider and larger landscapes of blissfulness and fulfillment.

What is an Epiphany? What is so mystical yet hugely blissful about it?

However, as we have talked earlier; all emergence may not always be harmonious-melodious. Very naturally; Epiphany must also be a value-neutral entity but its true propensities may be melodious or cacophonous.

Let us try to decipher this out. It is important to unravel the deepest and most complex processes of our brain states to decipher what realities emerge in the landscape of neural plexuses, which are then presented as

probabilities of actualities of realities for us. Again, it is such a tragedy that not enough scientific resources are invested in this domain.

When we talk about cognition and experiences, we always need to keep in mind that not only average person; even great scientists are not sure what they are and how they happen, the way they happen. There is a taste of mysticism and feel of magicality in whatever we perceive and experience; especially complex and higher experiences. This doesn’t mean there is something magical or spiritually mystical about them. It simply means; we still don’t fully know; as humanity has not yet entirely unraveled brain functioning. We must always remember, humans in their contemporary form have been around for a hundred thousand years but science is only about 200-300 years old. We know good bit but still not fully. Moreover, there is always a tendency for abstractions when experiential realities are expressed through humanly designed languages.

As we said earlier; this extends us the leeway to experience and experiment with our own life-living and live out the current knowledge to journey probabilities of novel and alternative experiences. Epiphany is one experience, which qualifies for mystical nomenclature but we sure can unravel its content and intent, as we live out the epiphanic experiences.

This living out process is hugely facilitated as we understand and accept the complexity of mechanisms and processes, which are there in our brain states as well as in the external milieus, from where multitude of multidimensional information are received by brain states. We proceed step by step to unravel these complexities.

In order to have the real, true and holistic cognition and experience of complexities; we need to take into account some crucial hypotheses, which we list below –

1. Ideally, most realities are presented to and unraveled before us as Spectrum. This means, there are shades, levels and dimensions of a reality and an individual may experience their entire shades but usually only one at a point of time. For example; it is now scientifically explainable that male-female ‘sex’ is singular but

‘gender’ is a spectrum. This means; the physicality of XX or XY

chromosomes is largely uniform but its expressions in living out the feel of gender experiences are a spectrum reality. The emergent aspects of realities have this spectrum-feel to it, which of course is a complex outcome of mind and milieus. This dualism however is

‘restrictive’ and therefore, awareness and empowerment means, we all must at least accept the hypothesis of Spectrum-Reality.

2. Causality or causation of a Reality; meaning the factor or element, which makes a reality appear or get experienced by us; may also not be singular and uniform. There may be generic causalities galvanizing or shaping up a single reality and the finality of emergence may be catalyzed or actualized by some specific causality. This means, causal interactions may be happening at different levels of evolving organizations of information. As brain anatomy is growingly being understood; we know that so-called information processing in brain states are happening at different levels with complex interactional linkages, working in a yet unknown cooperative mode. Therefore, in a way; as there is hypothesis of Spectrum-Reality; there may be a hypothesis of Rainbow-Causality. The diversity and multidimensionality of all realities and causalities is critical element of living out journey.

3. There is a strange situation in contemporary knowledge of modern science of reality and life-living. There are areas, where there is

sufficient light but still, large areas remain muffled in darkness of varying shades. Human propensities to perceptual-dualities are ingeniously working its ways to see ‘ghosts and angels’ in entire spectrum, from lighted to grey shades, to other end of darkness. This we need to be wary and warned of. However, this ‘half-way’

knowledge makes understanding of any reality only a probability.

This, as we have talked, itself is an opportunity but surely, it always reminds us that we should never be dogmatic about what we ‘think’

we know. There is darkness about what essentially is the true practicality of functionality of ‘Information-Processing’, which we usually associate with brain functioning. Many scientists warn that the perception and experience of processing must not be overly conflated with the popular idea of information processing in artificial intelligence domain. How brain processes information at different levels and organizations of brain states is not fully known.

Computing is a process in an artificial intelligence devise but our brain is a living and organic entity. Processes are not the same and also; probably even similar processes acquire different attributes and dimensions at different levels of organization of information. Many top scientists say the brain processing is not computational.

Moreover, critical headways in quantum biology and neuroscience have growingly been pointing at high probability of quantum system, in brain functioning. We all know; how quantum systems are highly probabilistic and super-positioned. This complexity means; even

‘processing of reality’ may very well be Spectrum-Rainbow-Eventuality.

This core and critical aspect of reality, as we have deliberated in above paragraphs must be kept in mind as we move to another dimensionality of

reality; especially the emergent ones. In this journey of unraveling complexities, we may benefit in our understanding of Causality of Emergence of Reality, if we list out the five elements, we hypothesize to constitute Information. We may accept them as Causalities, which Information engenders and they are available for a ‘Media’, especially the human media of consciousness. These elements or causalities may be accepted as –

* Dimension, * Force (energy), * Motion, * Location, * Attributes.

We all know of the terms and their possible meanings. However, in the ever-evolving domain of contemporary science and with new age human propensity to unravel all Realities in ever-expansive holism and entirety, we have the facility to assign and invest novel and alternative meanings and usefulness to the five elements or causalities. As we do it, we open the doors of novel and alternative ‘purposes’ and utilities in life-living.

If we juxtapose these five causalities of Information with the probable

specificity of the Causality of emergent reality, we have ease in understanding the complex process of emergence. We have brought these five elements or causalities of Information in picture when we are discussing the philharmonic orchestra and emergence of musical excellence of symphony. We hypothesized that probably, emergence happens as and when these elements or causalities of Information are altered and acquire a metaphoric meaning in the process of assemblage of endemic and symbiotic conditions for happening of emergence, which we have detailed above.

The philharmonic orchestra is a complex system and process of Information. It has Dimension, which reflects in its massive scale of hundreds of musical instruments and most importantly the minds playing

them. It has the Force or Energy, which reflects in the interactional loop of to and fro information flow of musical notes of different musical instruments participating in a symphony. The scales and pitches of medleys of varied sounds present the elements of motion and location. The attributes are embedded in the composition and melodies of the symphony, etc.

Hundreds of musicians, their instruments and thousands of audiences present the milieu as well as the media. This complexity is inviting for emergence to happen and that too, a melodious-harmonious one.

Interestingly and marvelously, all elements are interacting with each other and acquiring newer dimensions in their expressions, as the musical performance evolves. It is somehow explicit as how the idea of change in musical progression is defined by emerging levels of organizations in all five elements of Information. Somewhere in the complexity of the process of the interplays of all these three – the elements of Information, the Media and the Milieus; the specificity hits the button and probably, there is a Change, or an emergent organization, which probably alters everything, primarily the cognition and experience of the realities of the parts, in comparison to the emergent holism.

It is important here to understand the very idea about the term change. As we have continuously been talking about novel, alternative and holistic understanding of a reality, popularly accepted by us; it is also relevant here to take the very cognition and experience of Change to a different level.

The term change is also just a metaphor of something deeper and generic.

The generic elements however may have the innate propensities to acquire specificity, which probably triggers an emergence. The notion of the entity of Change probably is a symbol of alteration of a certain arrangement and evolution towards higher or more complex organization of information, as its elements present themselves in a system. The brain and its information

processing have the designed structures to sense out the changes. It probably happens, as brain is designed to essentially be a mechanism of

‘recognizing’ changes, matching it up with its plexuses having a map of information organization.

The metaphor of Change is a huge Landscape, which incorporates many generic as well as specific entities. If we accept the idea of Emergence as evolving-progressive-interacting processes of continuous rearrangements in how information is organized in milieus as well as within the media of consciousness; we have the holistic imagery and cognition of how Reality emerges and expresses itself. Change may be accepted as a term signifying generic reorganization of ambient information in a localized milieu, whereas, Emergence may very well mean specific processes and outcomes of the reorganization at macro levels. Ultimately; we may hypothesize that reality is primarily about the expressions of organization and rearrangements of information and five elements constituting it. This hypothesis must be kept in mind as we progress further.

The spectrum of change therefore is full of many diverse experiences, which is clubbed into a singular and monolithic metaphor of ‘change’.

Scientists term Time and Space as the dual manifestation of the same entity of reality. This hypothesis stands true when we consider Time as expression and experience of Change in space landscape, where information is ambient. The linearity and arrow of Time itself seems an expression of the spectrum of change, which happens in the organization and levels of Information, as Interactions keep happening. This holism of the entity of change must be kept in mind and non-intuitively accepted, as we deal with the cognition and experience of change.

To unravel detailed aspects of the dimensionality of Change, we may consider a marvel of brain processing, which has a very powerful design to register change and live it out in very meaningful ways. We all are aware of this life-living experience and therefore, we may have ease in internalizing this idea. This idea or hypothesis pertains to brain processing of olfactory information. The mammalian brain has a brilliant mechanism to sense out Reality; especially emergent realities in ever-changing external milieus, which we may call an organization of information. This in popular term we know as Smell.

The term smell is both generic as well as specific information. Human language identifies the organization of information of smell in diverse terms like fragrance, odor, aroma, scent, stink, stench, etc. These words are just the metaphors. They symbolize what we are calling different organizations of the singular information of smell. We have already talked about spectrum of Reality.

Human brain, its anatomical structures and comparison to mammalian brain give out a brilliant picture of how realities are lived out by organisms and humans. We need to ask, what is smell? The scientific answer is – it is information of a possible reality; especially an emergent reality. This information is organized in different probabilities of organization of elements of information, which are sensed out by brain states. Most mammals, especially dogs; have brilliant olfactory sensibilities. It is amazing, how smell, as organization of different information, is processed by limbic system of brain, to sense out a spectrum of reality. It is scientifically proven that dogs can sense out multiple realities about other dog’s strength, intentionality, aggression levels, sexual readiness, general health, food regime, et al; just by sniffing the smell of anus hole and sexual

parts of another dog. Smell, therefore, is complex information plexus, representing reality; especially emergent realities in external milieus.

The importance of smell as carrier of vital information, essential for survival in external milieus, can be gauged from the fact that olfactory signals are directly and exclusively received by Hippocampus; a brain part of the limbic system, which is ticked as primary center for assessment of emotions. Therefore, it is safe to hypothesize that by smell alone, brain can have enough information to decide on the exact situation about the external milieu. The fact remains that smell is deeply rooted in the physicality of core information, which the brain requires to decide on processing a probable behavior-action response.

The limbic system, of which Hippocampus is a part; is the ancient brain, which evolved from mammalian animals, much before humans happened.

This limbic system works its ways for an animal by deciding on six core emotions, which stimuli from external milieu may correspond to. The six core emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise can be singularly decided upon by limbic system, on the basis of information embedded in smell. The smell in itself is probably very reliable information for limbic system as smell information emanates out of almost every organic process. Smell is also critical as it has embedded information about bacterial and viral potentials in the external milieus.

It is such a joy to unravel the idea of information and its processing by the brain states. The smell is not the primary and grassroots reality of a situation. It is the emergent expression of the changes, which happen in organization of information of an existing reality. Brilliantly enough; smell as emergent information is spread and reached out fast in the ambient milieus. Smell being an organic and physical reality; it is less abstracted

information and easy for brain to decide on its emotional response. It is such a pity that humans lost the olfactory powers and it is only one fifth of that of its dear friend the dog. However, despite a lesser endowment; how smell plays crucial roles in human life-living is known to all. In human world, the primeval information called smell has acquired a full spectrum of emergent forms and shades and they have deep associations with a wide range of evolved emotions of human life-living.

This example about smell and its processing by brain states was deliberately talked about to bring about the importance of emergent information and how such information are organized. It facilitates the understanding of how nature works its ways and how change is best understood as reorganization of information in emergent processes. It makes us understand how nature lives out its own ‘life’ and how we humans can take lessons from nature, in understanding and accepting realities, as they are all around us, knowing how they express themselves to us and how our brains work with these information to engender realities for us. All these help us evolve a novel and alternative cognition of perceiving reality.

We talked about the idea of smell and associated aspects of change as reorganization of information in ambient milieu for the core purpose of understanding how nature works out its ways in living world. Its functional landscape can be easily unraveled to us if we understand that nature has two core, cardinal and critical tools, which orchestrates realities – First tool is Information and second tool is Media. There is huge debate among scientists as what could be the shape and feel of the possible Reality, if there is no Media of observance-consciousness and no Information for processing.

For we; it is just enough to accept that Reality is the emergent manifestations and expressions of the interactions and consequent reorganizations of Information in the milieus, which the Media of body-brain system (consciousness-cognition) is designed and has evolved to sense out. This sensed out reality is then presented as some symbol to associate a sensed out information to a specific reality. The organization of information in five letters Apple is sensed out by brain and associated with a reality of a specific fruit. Alternatively; a particular smell, which is also an organization of information; is also sensed out by brain and associated with the same symbol of a specific fruit called apple.

Given this core mechanism and processes of Reality in nature; we have the agenda to live out the blissfulness and fulfillments of life. We just need the artistry to consciously play out the dynamics of information in our lives and ambient milieus, to enterprise such reorganization of emergent information, which leads us to blissfulness. Our Media of Consciousness has the wherewithal to create this magical artistry. Ultimately; it is the media, which is the emergent landscape of all probabilities of realities. This media is our consciousness and we have the knowledge of science to facilitate all artistries. That is why there is this utility-fruition of marriage of science and art. It probably is the worst tragedy of life-living that mass majority of humans are bereft of the knowledge and artistry. One wonders; did nature-evolution design such mediocrity and failed potentials in humans or is it the abject miseries of human intellect that it squanders all valuables?

In scientific world, the experts always present the very popular and easy example of brick and house in explaining the intricacies of emergence, reality and causality. This example hugely facilitates not only emergence but also the non-intuitive cognition and experience of Change. It is evident that if one wishes to understand the causality of a house and breaks in

down, it shall come to the basic unit of a brick. However, we cannot say the brick is the cause of a house and therefore, understanding the reality of brick can make one understand the reality of the house. The reality of house is an emergent one and the brick, which started the origin of a house, has undergone loads of evolution and change. This change is essentially alteration in the levels of organization the brick growingly became part of as the house construction progressed. Apart from the brick, which remains the core structure of the house; many elements were introduced and they entered into an interactional design, which finally culminated into the emergence of a house. Therefore, if the house is accepted as an emergent reality; it is obvious there is a huge element of change in linearity of Time and this change is essentially rearrangement and realignment of organization, the brick entered into, with other elements like woods, glass, steel, paints, et al.

If one has to understand the emergent reality of a house, the reality of brick won’t suffice. One has to understand the causality, in terms of the laws or rules of architecture and related aspects. Therefore, emergence process involves levels of interactions, causalities as well as organization of relevant information. This corroborates the hypothesis, which we earlier accepted that as reality is expressed in a spectrum; causality and emergence are also a spectrum-reality.

Therefore, we can hypothesize that the Specificity of Causality of Emergence of Reality may be the Code of Change, which finalizes or culminates the ultimate fruition of the organization of novel emergent reality. This code of change may be conscious or subconscious-unconscious. This code of change probably buoys up from within the system, which is in a storm of interactional complexities, at different levels and organizations of emergent probabilities. The code of change seems to

emerge out of the complex, copious, cyclic and multi-level interactions between Information, Media and Milieus. The ‘change’ happens in all five elements of Information – it happens in the composition of symmetry and symbiosis of information which permeates inside the structural complexities of the Media; it happens in the ‘readiness’ and resonance of the milieu.

It is very important to understand that the change in itself is NOT the

specificity. Metaphorically, we are saying that specificity is in the ‘Code

of change. It means; there is a ‘mystical’ equation, which writes the code of how change takes up its emergent shape and form. The magic or malaise; both probabilities are entrenched in the code. We know; this code can be algorithmic or heuristic. The dynamics of code hugely shapes up the emergent reality, as it probably decides, whether the emergence is harmonious-melodious or discordant-cacophonous. Therefore; it is also critical that we decipher the code, as an information structure and its manifestations in living world.

Can we say; metaphorically though; it is the Fifth Force of the universe, which can be a strong building block of Reality as it not only triggers the Emergence of a novel and alternative Reality in its holism but also ensures its harmony-melody? This Fifth Force as the Code of Change is some specificity, may be accepted as seeded in the processes of interactional regime and routine of Information-Media-Milieu. Alternatively; it may very well be the embedded signature in the fundamentals of information itself. This Fifth Force metaphor can be accepted in different ways; provided how we accept Interaction as a process and what is the level of emergent organization of Information, in progression of complexities.

This hypothesis about ‘Fifth Force’, as a metaphoric specificity of emergent situation of change (alteration) must be understood in holism. This shall pave the way for larger and deeper understanding of many crucial aspects of life-living wellness and excellence. If we could imbibe and internalize the symbolism of Fifth Force and its experiential landscape, we shall have ease in unraveling many critical ideas like consciousness, cognition, causality, wellness, success, prosperity, blissfulness, et al. Why we say that? Primarily because we have hypothesized that an impressive spectrum of realities in our life-living are emergent probabilities, emanating out of complex and multidimensional Interactions. And, secondly; we know that human brain is a genius of association-building and metaphor-mechanism.

This facilitates the blissful-fulfilling processes of living out symbols of wellness. We know; how Love as a symbol is beautifully lived out by a handful; even while most men and women scramble and squander it.

It is again time to reiterate that in living out domain, there is huge importance of a fruitful marriage of science and art. This is some sort of a precondition or pre-state for internalization of many ideas in all layers of consciousness. Since long, many geniuses of humanity have hypothesized that there is nothing true-right and nothing false-wrong. Realities are always probabilistic and all probabilities are innately value-neutral. They insist; all realities are however, either harmonious-melodious or cacophonous-discordant.

This is description or expression of a situation in terms of art. However, what we have been talking about in the previous paragraphs is this science of an emergent Code of Change, which we are hypothesizing as Fifth Force. This is a metaphor. Even the realities of melody and cacophony are metaphoric. However, it seems, as consciousness itself is emergent and interactional reality and human brain is great at metaphor-generation as

well as association-building; it has the mystical-magical wherewithal to sense out the distinctiveness between melody and cacophony. How and why an aware person gets the feel of the distinctiveness between the two opposing emergent experiences of harmony-cacophony is tough to recount.

Consciousness seems to be the agency for living out experientiality.

Scientifically, probably the same idea of situational probability of the dualistic-experiences is enlisted in terms of what the scientists call symmetry and axiomatic aesthetics. This aesthetics in science is usually expressed in terms of mathematical logicality. The idea of aesthetics and beauty, as scientists describe them; also seems a metaphoric expression.

May be, science accepts different organizational patterns and experiential trajectories for describing the metaphor of aesthetics-beauty and art has separate idea for ascertaining melody-harmony. However, both seem metaphoric and probably; both are witnessed-internalized by Consciousness. That is probably why; Consciousness is the appropriate candidate for living out their true and real feel. When we deal with this probability of the hypothesis of metaphor of Fifth Force; it is for sure that consciousness is the enabled and potential media to decipher its experiential reality. We however are also humbly attempting to delve into the science and artistry of the Fifth Force probability.

If we marry the two perspectives or hypotheses of science and art, we have a marvelously emergent feel and cognition of what we may term as wellness excellence. This happens as we internalize the symmetry of forms, aesthetics of logicality, sonority of deep connect and harmony of assimilation, et al in all layers of our consciousness. This is metaphorically described as Emergence of Poetry out of the Grammar of life-living.

Marriage as a powerful metaphor of life-living Reality; puts out all elements of grammar and mathematics to catalyze the emergence of poetry

and symmetry. Only a handful seems to have the ‘Fifth Force’ in their Consciousness Cosmos to Live Out this Poetry of Experientiality.

Here, we need to underline the trouble inherent in the very process of emergence. We could be well off if we could bypass some very intricate and tough ideas of pure science but we cannot as we are continuously reiterating the benefits of happy marriage of science and art. We therefore have to take into account this very non-intuitive scientific idea of complexity and entropy. As we have been doing all along, again we shall deliberate on the scientific ideas with interpretations of artistic flair, so that we have ease in understanding and internalizing them.

In scientific domain, complexity is truly a very complicated and hard idea to understand in holism. Why? It is primarily because, science deals with the idea of complexity in such scales and dimensions, which average human mind simply cannot fathom. We have listed earlier the elements of causality as dimension, force, motion, location, attributes et al. When science deals with the idea of complexities, all five elements are either too colossal or too tiny, for an average person to visualize and accept. The scales of universe or multiverse on one extreme and strings on the other extreme are huge and only mathematically amenable to measurement and calculation. Still, we can accept that complexity is an embedded situation in almost all realities and in turn, it is singular functionally operative milieu of most emergent realities.

For facility of understanding and internalization, we can take out some examples of complexity in our daily life-living. Even when we do it for facilitation of understanding; it must be accepted that we all shall benefit hugely if we delve into the contemporary science knowledge of thermodynamics, electromagnetism, sub-atomic particles, quantum

mechanics, strong theory, et al. Even though, most of these knowledge may be accepted as still evolving and probably more like approximations of a probable reality; it helps in expanding our mental horizon of cognitions and lends us a very powerful tool of non-intuitive thinking. Science has wider utilities in artistic expressions within layers of consciousness.

It is unimaginably critical for a fulfilled and blissful life-living to internalize the science and art of Interactions, which pervades the cosmos, expressing its emergent intentionality at all layers of realities. In utmost humility and innocent stupidity, I can tell you about my own personal feelings. If you could believe me; there is little comparable joy and bliss, which engulfs deepest layers of consciousness, when you internalize the scientific explanations of interactions between tiny-winy sub-atomic particles like photon, boson, gluon, neutrino, quark, et al and the emergent realities of mass and force they create. The joy is not in knowing what they do and why they do, but in the spectrum of complex and varied probabilities, which this perceived simplicity of our visible world of perception is pregnant with. Knowledge, especially about Reality, is ultimate blissfulness in the sense that it makes us aware about probabilities of infinite complexities. As we talked earlier; it is the true spiritualism. The most fulfilling aspect of this knowledge is the processes of deep

‘Unlearning’, it unleashes within your individuality.

There seems no better empowerment than the understanding of Complexities and intricacies of Interactions, this colossal cosmos is full of. This complexity and its spectrum-feel are omnipresent in all walks of life-living. Most men and women fall victims of the complexities, even when it is a veritable source of blissfulness and fulfillment. It probably is the portal of experiencing true and real aesthetics and melody of living out spectrum. This understanding is seed element for higher consciousness,

which we shall talk later. This higher consciousness may be accepted as the true and real metaphor of beauty and aesthetics. That is probably why the evolved and arrived scientists stand out as the most beautiful people on earth.

Talking about complexity and interaction in our life-living, we have already talked about the evolution of single cell organism into multi-cellular ones and emergence of millions of diverse species on earth. This evolution itself involves massive plexuses of complexities and interactions, which contemporary evolutionary biologists and molecular biologists have successfully begun to decipher. This evolutionary progression towards complexities and interactional intricacies is brilliant knowledge every aware person must have.

Earlier, we hypothesized that it took two billion years for the single cell organism to transform into multi-cellular one, because probably it was not ready to forego its freedom. We can also hypothesize that finally, it agreed to coalesce and form multi-cellular life-living just because, as in progression of time, complexities of living milieus evolved to a critical stage, where it was probably inevitable for single cell organism to unify with other cell, clearly weighing its benefits in survival fitness.

As we earlier talked about marriages; complexities seem to weigh unionism up, as survival fitness for single entity is augmented in married afterlife.

The evolutionary biologists and sociologists believe that there are neural and hormonal plexuses in human brain, which play a critical role in the possibility of prolonged union of man-woman and parenthood. It is accepted that family life-living; post marriage, is beneficial for health of men and women. This suggests; evolution clearly favored mutuality of man-woman union for prolonged periods, which society-culture formalized

as marriage. However, if complexities engender chaos, not harmony and poise, a single-cell entity shall never forego its freedom. Marriage shall fail its primary utility-worthiness.

The best life-living example of complexity and interaction however is our own consciousness. There is huge diversity between what scientifically can be accepted Consciousness as and what average person accepts its feel as.

Even an average person feels and accepts the complexities about his or her own consciousness. Still, it is so miniscule compared to the complexities scientific explanation of the reality of consciousness involves. A section of scientists hypothesize that consciousness, especially in humans, emerge out of complete chaos, which happens in brain states as billions of neurons assembled in thousands of neural plexuses, process multitude of information and try to create a sense out of the chaos. This chaos hypothesis may be only one part of the reality of consciousness as human brain is massively complex and works in a uniquely layered ways, no other living entity is capable of. The uniqueness of human brain is how in such hugely complex ways and magnitude, it processes massive and diverse information and still, manages to make some meaningful ‘sense’ out of them to make a human body stand and thrive as well as navigate and survive in external milieus. It is also very interesting to inquire, is the reality of sense, also a brain-engendered metaphor, like change? What does sense actually mean; given that we accept it as some spectrum reality?

Here, it is important to understand one emergent reality. When we talk about complexities and the chaos of complexities and interactional storming of multitude of Information; we are simultaneously deliberating the emergent probability of some specificity, which engenders beauty and melody. Emergence seems like a neutral probability in interactional complexities but a specificity of situation probably decides, whether this

emergence is mellifluous or jerky. The emergent yet melodious-harmonious-sonorous-syntactic-syncretic probability is what we are metaphorically terming as Fifth Force. This force is a metaphoric code, which writes down the trajectories of skeletons and flesh of the emergent reorganization of Information. This specific emergence is experienced by consciousness as harmonious-melodious. This Fifth Force, which essentially is an interactional reality, may be accepted as the seed proposition for aesthetics to take shapes and diversify.

It is also interesting to ascertain whether harmony-melody is embedded in the Fifth Force, or it is entrenched in the experiential states of consciousness. In other words; is it an emergent reality at the end of milieu or the media? This very hypothesis should ideally be transcended into the landscape of consciousness and internalized into layers of experiential states of brain plexuses for deeper and expansive artistries to emerge in life-living. This pathways blissfulness and fulfillments!

There is a perspective about consciousness in evolutionary biology domain, which also deals with complexity in time-space progression processes. It is now accepted that modern human brain evolved to its modern form, firmament and functionality because of three crucial factors or stages in long years of evolution of human world –

1. Cultural Requirements – Complexities of new norms, rules and laws.

2. Technological Advancements – Complexities of new motor skills.

3. Social Relationships – Complexities of interaction with people.

It needs to be emphasized here that complexity of human brain stems from emerging diversities and intricacies in human life-living, as early humanity settled for organized living. As the settled and organized life-living emerged and it created family, society, cultures and tribal ethnicities,

regional identities, etc.; human brain probably required more as well as alternative ‘information processing’ function, as compared to earlier suitability of primarily having a ‘recognizing’ skill. This information processing had to be there as social and cultural living required complex behavioral adaptabilities in collective living. The hierarchical societal system, power-authority inequalities, appropriateness of behavior-action in collective spaces, as against individual liberty, et al required far more brain processing neural plexuses. We may even hypothesize that the brain probably required new mechanisms and processes of Information handling, beyond the usual processes of recognizing and mapping.

The cortical region of new brain states is said to emerge and got consolidated to adapt to these new challenges and that is why we can hypothesize that human brain’s perception of reality and survival intelligence evolved largely ‘contextual’ to normality and righteousness in collective space and less in exclusivity of individual domain. Many scientists believe that the seed of emergence of human subjective consciousness, what we know as definitive sense of ‘I’ or self; happened as a person required to install a deep sense of ‘Others’, as extension of his or her ‘Individuality’. As we have already dealt with the idea of how emergent information is reorganized in unimaginably complex ways; we have the ease in understanding as how probably the consciousness too is an emergent yet massively complex and evolved reorganization of information processing.

In neuroscience, contemporary knowledge of brain states have made available interesting facts about this very critical Individuation process, which every new born child undergoes, journeying towards adulthood. The individuation processes; which means the totality of emergent processes that cooperate to progressively engender this sense of ‘I’ or self, as a child

grows up; are very detailed and complex. However, what is interesting in this process is that it makes possible the emergence of this very unique and powerful sense of personal agency, which is collectively termed as Consciousness. Consciousness being an emergent reality of complex interactional processes of different parts and layers of brain states, involved in individuation processes; it is no wonder that this consciousness is varied and differentiated in different men and women. Science speaks of sixteen types of brains and seven shades of consciousness. This consciousness itself is expressed in seven layers of individuation spectrum.

It is very important to understand that this consciousness is the sole agency of a wide spectrum of individual and personal choices of intentionality of behavior-actions. At one end of this spectrum is the ghastliest and most brutal of criminalities, the heinous range of which human history is filled with. On the other end of the spectrum is the nobility, compassion, fraternity, amicability, equitability, mutuality et al, which is rare in human world but has always existed, even in worst of chaotic and criminalized milieus of humanity.

What we learn from all these descriptions is the fact that complexity is inevitable and therefore, emergence is also a definitive probability in life-living. However, what leads to extremities of Intentionality in this complex reality is what we must decipher. It is of paramount and profound interest for humanity to unravel as what body-brain processes or emergences segregate criminality-depravity-discordance-cacophony on one side and nobility-sincerity-harmony-melody on the other. The proposed enquiry into all probable dimensions of the Fifth Force metaphor, is what we believe may help us arrive at.

The gist of different hypotheses about consciousness is complexities, which essentially we may accept as happening, as interactional plexuses gain and reorganize in scales, dimensions and attributes. The critical question here is

– why and for what purpose the complexity happens or leads to? What is the fundamental trajectory and direction of the complexities of interactions among information, media and milieus? The answer is not in the domain of definitiveness but in landscape of probability. We hypothesize about it in the following paragraphs, with support from what science of evolutionary biology has deciphered.

For the sake of ease and clarity, we accept the hypothesis that if there is information, interaction shall inevitably happen. As interactions happen, it is only natural that information is altered or reorganized. This itself adds to the complexities in the system or milieus, where the interactions happen.

The complexities keep augmenting as one change triggers another and the cyclicality of interactions evolve in time linearity. From the point of view of physics, we can understand that complexities probably have no purpose and listed trajectory. It seems value neutral. Complexities happen and chaos is not what nature is interested in but it may simply be a procedural outcome. Science however has the thermodynamics laws to hypothesize about complexities of probabilities in a system and consequential entropy.

From biology however, we can understand that complexities in living beings and living milieus are probably contextualized in terms of survival fitness, that too for short run. May be, evolution considers complexity itself as survival fitness. If a complexity is beneficial for survival, it is kept in information plexus of genetic pool; if not; it is pruned. What however this surviving complexity unleashes in the system is not the concern of evolution. Nature does not seem to label complexity as good or bad but evolution tests the validity of complexity in terms of short-term survival

fitness and therefore has to label them as fit or unfit. We can also hypothesize that complexities are processed and evolved differently in living and non-living systems as the critical element of brain as a very powerful media is present in living beings. This is a great example of how reality is contextualized as specific information is processed differently by different media and in different milieus.

Modern science is now almost sure that essentially, evolution does not even consider survival fitness as its singular goal. Rather, it accepts successful genetic information passage to next generation as singular goal. Evolution focuses more on mating success (sexual selection) rather than survival fitness (natural selection). The later in fact just seems a short term tool to facilitate the former success. It therefore points out to a possible hypothesis that nature and also evolution processes have only singular trajectory of ensuring the sustainability and suitability of Informational Interactions.

There seems no value-summation of ‘good-bad’ associated with it.

What we are hypothesizing, through all these deliberations, is a probability that there seems a synergistic and syncretic force, resulting out of the complexities of interactions between information-media-milieus, which present a galvanized and propitious landscape for melodious-harmonious Emergence to happen. Therefore, we may say; melodious-harmonious emergence; which we are terming as metaphor of Fifth Force, is not the plan-purpose of nature but it may however be a probable outcome, out of the core purpose of Information-Interactions.

We may accept that goal and purpose of Emergence, out of the complexities of interactions, is to create such a heightened awareness and intelligent thoughtfulness to optimize survival and in turn maximize mating potentials in growingly challenging milieus. However, it is equally possible

that there is no goal and purpose and Emergence is just an expression of chaos of complexities. This chaos and complex brain processing makes possible the emergence of Conscious self and individuation. The emergence may engender higher consciousness, which is considered a more aware and intelligently thoughtful Self or individuality. However, this higher consciousness may also not have any avowed higher goals or purposes in life-living, which we could term as harmonious-melodious. It seems; how an individual uses this emergent higher consciousness and for what goal, may vary person to person. This itself may mean; the Fifth Force probability is definitely on the side of media of consciousness and not on the side of milieus and its collective will.

It is not easy to arrive at any conclusion, without detailing the holism of the idea of higher consciousness. We have talked earlier that consciousness is not a closed system and it is brain-engendered emergent reality, that too in constant and complex interaction with very complex external as well as internal milieus. Therefore; role of milieus cannot be discounted entirely in the probability of the Fifth Force metaphor. We deal with this Higher Consciousness reality in the next chapter to hypothesize about some more probabilities to facilitate unraveling of Fifth Force probability.
