Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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There is a very famous story about a great man. He was dying and his disciples were all present, surrounding him. He was calm, poised and it was shining on his face. A disciple asked him, ‘Tell us what you want us to do and we shall follow it’. The dying man said, ‘When I was young, I wanted to change the world. I could not. Years later, I thought, I would change my own society. I couldn’t. As I grew old, I thought, at least I can change my family. I couldn’t. Now I think; had I changed myself, I would have been better off. This too I couldn’t as I am dying’.

I wish to tell you very humbly and with all innocence and sincerity at my behest that I never ever intend to change anyone. I write and write about changes in personal space, life-living, cultures, society, politics and overall populist perceptions of reality not because I anyway wish you to change. The fact is, everything is constantly changing, even you and me. Change is not something, someone has to incite, install and engineer in someone’s life. Change is inevitable and it happens all around. The energy of change is embedded in reality. We have talked about it in details. The change happens and it cannot be stopped as you, I and everything is information and media. They are the vehicles of change and they automatically engineer changes. You or I do not need to change anyone or anything.

However, the primary trouble with change is not about its non-happening but about wrong and inappropriate happening. Human world has changed a lot and it keeps changing. However, changes are not happening on the basis of right, true, real and objectively singular Information. People, cultures, society, polity, economy and even our thought structures are always undergoing changes. The trouble with contemporary human world is that mass majority of people are not aware about deep-seated changes, which has happened in human knowledge about consciousness, reality, mechanisms and processes of body-mind, health, medicines, et al. In fact, in most cases, wrong and half-baked Information are engineering and managing changes in all domains. I write and write about these Information, which contemporary and modern scientific knowledge has unraveled to us. The sole purpose is to Inform you and urge you to be aware of the novel and alternative Information, which are now part of modern knowledge pool of humanity.

All of us should very humbly and sincerely accept that we all live in a milieu, where core trouble is Misinformation. There is no dearth of Information but majority of them are Misinformation. Similarly, there is no ‘Ignorance’ in people as everyone believes and feels, he or she knows. The trouble is that we do not know the true and right Information. The Intelligence and Knowledge in contemporary human world is always threatened to be vitiated and depraved by Misinformation and half-baked partial truths and realities. The human trouble of contemporary times is not that changes are not happening. The trouble is that probably right changes are not happening and many undesirable changes are getting installed in cultures and consciousnesses.

In the last 7-8 years of my book writing initiative; I have written 48 eBooks and all of them are about the new knowledge humanity has created and unraveled for us with scientific precision and definitiveness. I very humbly accept that what I have learnt and perceived about science of reality may not be what hardcore scientists would accept as I present them as Holism of reality; juxtaposing them with our ancient learning as well as my own experiences with life-living. I do it just to express this core need of being aware about contemporary knowledge about Reality. I say it with utmost humility and gratitude towards my readers that many of my dear readers have told me that my eBooks changed their outlook towards life and reality of living. But; I honestly believe that this is their magnanimity that they credit it to me. I have only presented Information – that too in my own personalized expressions. If change happened; they are the sole agency of change and they alone are worthy of all praise and glory. The only thing, I as a writer seek, through my writing is to encourage you to be more aware and embark upon a journey to yourself explore the landscape of novel and alternative knowledge modern humanity has now unraveled. I am just a poor media to inform you about them. Most big scientists have the humility and innocence to say that they are only science literate. I cannot even say that! I am too stupid to claim literacy; if that is the criteria and eligibility benchmark of literacy! I am always confident that you can do it many times better than me. You are Information and Media unto yourself. You are the potential. As I said at the very start; You Are Exquisite. You are Fabulous. You Are Your Own Pristine Poetry.


A Humble Request

I am always sure about two realities – First my own worthlessness and secondly about your worthiness as reader. That is why I humbly invite you to have a look at my other eBooks, which await your attention to install some utility and worth in them. They may facilitate some idea about how contemporary scientific knowledge about different shades of realities has the potential of leading us to larger and better wellness successes. Thanks. All best!
