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Chapter 12 – Positive Attitude

More has probably been written about attitude than almost any other subject in the field of self-improvement.

Here is just one idea of how to go about getting and keeping a positive attitude in all that you do.

Just Visualize and Affirm Your Deepest Desires

Why? Because it makes a difference?

Well, that's the power of imagination & visualization.  If you want to be a lawyer, visualize as one.  Act like one.  Think of what suit you’re wearing, the judge you’re convincing, the case you're handling, and the courtroom you’re in. Visualize the evidences. Smell the victory. Make everything real.

You should also affirm. Believe that you are what you are visualizing.  So you want to be a lawyer? Tell yourself, "I'm the best lawyer in the world."  Don't say to yourself, "I will be the best lawyer in the world."

Affirm strongly. Say "I am," not "I will," because "I will" suggests something that will occur only in the future. You have to experience it NOW, not in the future.

You must sink into your subconscious your deepest desire. The subconscious mind can do what the conscious mind cannot. Here's an exercise.

1. Get a comfortable & quiet place to rest.

2. Relax your whole body.  Command every part of your body to relax starting from your feet up to your head.

3. Count back slowly from 20 to 1, where in each count you relax deeper & deeper.  Upon reaching 1, you are completely relaxed.

4. Now affirm your deepest desire.  If you want to be a lawyer, say," I am the greatest lawyer in the world."  As you're saying that, picture yourself to be the best lawyer ever, winning every case you've come across.  You may say "I am now explaining to the jury my winning proposition" or anything that will affirm what you're conceiving in your mind as of the moment.

5. After about 10 to 20 minutes of continuous confirmation and visualization, count slowly from 1 to 20. Upon counting, slowly be aware of your surroundings.  Feel refreshed and invigorated after doing this exercise.

6. Repeat this exercise everyday.

What you have just learned is a very powerful technique to greatly enhance the power of visualization & affirmation by imbedding it into the subconscious.  What once is nearly impossible to achieve will become easier to reach from now on.

Write out a list of affirmations and repeat them to yourself at least three times a day; first when you rise in the morning, secondly during the day when at lunch or having a coffee-break then finally just before you go to sleep.

Remember they all need to be in the present tense as if you already have achieved what it is you want.

Keep five or six of them on a small card that fits into your pocket or handbag so that whenever you have a moment or two spare youcan repeat them to impress upon yourself consciously what you wish.

After a while once you are sure that they have become a habit list another five or six an so on.

Find a selection of Affirmations in the Appendix and adapt them to suit you add more; subtract some whatever makes you feel at ease.