How to Live a Better Life by Alan Searing - HTML preview

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Chapter 14 - Health, Wealth & Happiness

Early to bed, early to rise, makes you Health wealthy & wise

You have probably heard that before, however if you believe it and then expect to be you will be; all things start with a thought!

Another saying you are I expect familiar with is “An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor Away” well as Jim Rohn would say “What if that were true?” it may be a simple task but not always easy – this is where your habits play a vital role in achieving all that you desire.

Now health is a vast subject as is Wealth & Happiness and in a book such as this we can only scratch the surface so to speak.

The key I believe to all these things is thought followed by expectation and belief together with affirmations and action you will get all you are after.

However do not waste time trying to overcome obstacles you find along the way instead work your way around them like a small brook does not try to go over a fallen branch or twigs it finds in its way but diverts around the problem but keeps the end in sight of getting to the river.

Napoleon Hill in his famous book “Think & Grow Rich” says that you can think ahead and obtain that you require and the example given is that when going into town by car and you require to park near a particular store you think ahead about a space being available as you arrive – and this works I have managed very successfully to do this over a number of years – other people call it luck if that’s what you believe fine I prefer to believe that it is because I willed it so.

We are all very different in that which we want from life – for example consider – Wealth – to some people to have $10,000 and they would think themselves wealthy to another $100,000 or another $1m and even this amount of $1m although to some is wealth to others it is no more than pocket change. Where is your level at? You decide no-one else can do it for you.

So whatever amount you have decided upon how are you going to go about it to achieve – that is assumingly you are not there already. Well first you need to know why you want it and then decide to make that a Goal to achieve in a given period of time supported with a plan.

You say but I am at work all day what extra can I do? Well today the working day for most people is no more than eight hours, if you study wealthy people you will find that their working day is usually between twelve to sixteen hours a day – do not believe you can achieve any sort of wealth without work the dictionary is the only place where wealth appears before work.

Work a poem by James Cowan

Work is man’s great function. He is nothing, he can do nothing, fulfil nothing without working.

If you are poor – work. If you are rich – continue working. If you are burdened with seemingly unfair responsibilities – work. If you are happy- keep right on working.

Idleness gives room for doubt and Fears. If disappointment comes- work. When dreams are shattered and faith seems dead- work. Work as if your life were in peril. – It really is.

No matter what ails you – work. Work faithfully- work with faith. Work is the greatest remedy available, for both mentaland physical afflictions.

Let’s turn to Happiness

The purpose of my life is to be happy!

My own mental attitude is the most important influence in my life, working with peace, joy and success.

•    I now choose to be happy!

•    I choose to be free.

•    I think for myself.

•    I allow The Infinite to guide me in all that I do.

 I have the right to any happiness, which I can conceive, provided that it hurts no one and is in keeping with the nature of Divine Law. I know I must change the conditions within myself to change the outer conditions in my life. I now live with inner peace and know that I can face all challenges with calm and reason because I think happy thoughts. As Peter Pan said.. .. .

“With just one happy thought, I can fly”

Happiness is found in Doing

Not merely in possessing

Share your happiness – give away a smile – than another

The value of a smile

It costs nothing, but creates much,

It enriches those who receive,

Without impoverishing those who give.

It happens in a flash,

And the memory of it sometimes last’s forever.

None is so rich that they can get along without it.

It creates happiness in the home,

Fosters goodwill in business,

And is the countersign of friends,

It is rest to the weary,

Daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad,

And nature’s best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen –

For it is something that is no earthly good

To anybody until it is given away.

And…if we are too tired to give you a smile,

May we ask that you leave one of yours

For nobody needs a smile as mush as

Those who have none left to give.


My Wage – a Poem by Jessie B Rittenhouse

I bargained with Life for a penny,

And Life would pay no more,

However I begged at evening

When I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer,

He gives you what you ask,

But once you’ve set the wages,

Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,

Only to learn dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have gladly paid.