How to Live a Better Life by Alan Searing - HTML preview

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The Art of Adapting to Change

One of the main reasons that may hinder us from reaching our innermost goals and desires is our inability to be flexible.

This fact may be hard to swallow, but it's true.  We do everything we can to eliminate any type of suffering in our lives, yet challenges and pressures can bring out the best in us.

If you have been burdened by mistakes in the past, learn from them, forget about them, and move on.  Some people tend to focus on how bad their lives have been due to these mistakes.

As a result, they remained stuck in their miserable lives.

Treat your mistakes as lessons, and apply them as learning references in your future endeavours.

Remember the past is the past – it is gone forever.

So what if you invested in a business and you lose a ton of money? In this situation, some people would remain deeply discouraged for a long time that their personal lives are being affected negatively. They can't eat well and they just stare at the ceiling all night long, thinking how this bad incident happened.

Furthermore, they would probably vow not to venture into new opportunities again. Speaking as someone who has ‘the T Shirt’ been there done that I can assure you that its not life threatening, OK it maybe disappointing for a while – so what!

You don't have to be like them.  If you're afraid to fail, then you risk all your chances to achieve your goals in life.

Try again; but this time, be more careful and use your past mistakes as guide maps.

Look at it this way.  If you try, at least you get a 50% chance of getting what you want.  But if you did not try at all, you have absolutely no chance of attaining your desires in life.  It's a no- brainer.

Let's fast forward into the future.  Let's say you do try, you create some new habits and you follow through, and you succeed, great congratulations.

This does not mean you'll stay in that situation for good. Problems may rise again, so always be ready to adjust to the current situation.

Keep your determination alive and continue to monitor your achievements and don’t forget to reward yourself at various intervals to reinforce that success.

Don’t forget - The only thing permanent in this world is change.

If you need to sacrifice something for a better cause, then do it.  If you have to miss your favourite show on TV or if you have to deny your friends' invitation to go out on a Saturday night so that you can devote more time to those activities that will lead you closer to your goals, so be it.

You may encounter difficulties. You may receive criticisms.

You may even be regarded as being "different" or "strange" by other people.  Don't let them discourage you.  Just keep on striving, and success will be yours for the taking.

Learn from the past, make it your teacher, and remember you can always find someone who has had it tougher than you.

You are what you repeatedly do.

Excellence is not an event - it is a habit."


384-322 BC. Philosopher and Scientist