Law of Attraction: Getting Everything you Want out of Life Through the Power of Your Own Mind by Sa'Diyya Patel - HTML preview

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Let us for a moment consider the possibilities of the law of attraction when applied to your working environment. For those who are searching for a job it may be impossible to find one which suits them. Is this because such a job does not exist, or is it because in their subconscious mind they believe that they will not be able to find a job and consequently are releasing so much negative energy out into the universe that they are actually driving these jobs away?

Anyone who has ever tried to search for a job (or known somebody who was) knows that you have a drastically improved chance of finding gainful employment when you are already employed elsewhere than when you are unemployed. For someone who has lost their job and is currently without employment it may seem easier to climb Mount Everest than to get that first allimportant interview. It seems as though job after job simply isn’t interested in what they have to offer.

Why is this? It certainly cannot be because there are no employment opportunities out there; after all, chances are they would not have applied for the job if the job had not already made its interest in recruiting new employees clear. Why, then, do people suffer from unemployment for months or even years at a time?

The answer to that is they often believe they will not be able to find a job, and consequently they have stopped trying. In their subconscious minds they do not truly believe that any of their efforts will bear fruit, and so they are projecting that negative energy all around them.

On the other hand, an individual who already has a job is secure and confident in their ability to find a job and do it well; after all, someone has obviously thought them worthy enough to hire them (and keep them) in the first place, and chances are if they are searching for a new job it is because they are confident enough in their abilities that they believe they deserve a job that will treat them better/pay them more/provide more stimulating work/etc.

It is this quiet confidence that will lead to the effects of the law of attraction becoming obvious. Since they are projecting this positive energy around them they will be drawing in positive energy as well, attracting the job that they truly want. Remember when you were listing your goals above and you had to accept the fact that they could happen?

Chances are that you too are looking for more from your career than you have right now; if you are not, then you probably don’t need to be reading this because you have obviously already mastered the ability to chart your own destiny. If you are still seeking for that golden opportunity, ask the universe for it, then sit back and wait, secure in the knowledge that the universal law of attraction will bring it to your doorstep. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but it will occur.

Let us say that you are satisfied with the job you have but you are seeking a promotion; after all, no one wants to be at the bottom of the totem pole forever.

In order to get the promotion you are dreaming about the first thing you must do is remove any doubt from your mind. Walk into the interview one hundred percent sure that the position will be yours; remember, if you are still living with the belief that the position may be above you and you are not certain that you have the necessary skills to fill the position you are absolutely right.

“We are unlimited beings…we have no ceilings” Michael Beckwith

The same principle can be applied to the opening of a new business as well. If you have ever gone to high school you have probably received the lecture on what to do and what not to do in an interview. One of the biggest don’ts in interviewing protocol is to let the interviewer see that you are nervous. By showing the interviewer that you have confidence in your ability to handle any job which they throw at you, you are increasing your value as an employee in their eyes.

The same can be said of any attempts to open a business. It is essential when approaching prospective investors that you have one hundred percent confidence in yourself and your business in order to guarantee that they will be willing to take a chance on you.

Is this need for absolute confidence a coincidence only, or is it the law of attraction at work? By having confidence in your abilities you are sending positive energy out into the universe, and consequently drawing the positive energies currently existing in the universe back unto yourself.

It is impossible to over-emphasize the importance of vibrating positive energy when you are talking about the law of attraction, and you will see this theme repeated in any and all conversations pertaining to it. The release of positive energy into the universe is what allows you to chart the course of your destiny on a strong route to success rather than a wavy road of uncertainty that will eventually lead you unhappiness, either through the failure to achieve the goals for which you have worked so hard or through the constant up and down flow of your life, never being certain which is going to dominate.

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