Law of Attraction: Getting Everything you Want out of Life Through the Power of Your Own Mind by Sa'Diyya Patel - HTML preview

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Arguments Against the Law of Attraction

While the law of attraction can be universally applied this should not be misconstrued to meant hat it has not been the recipient of its fair share of criticism following the revelation of its potential to the general public. Numerous scientific and theological societies have gone to great lengths to voice their disapproval of this upstart new theory.


Among the most fervent of the protestors are those who whose to poke holes in the scientific foundation upon which the law of attraction is built. This scientific theory is best explained by Michael J. Losier in a segment of his recently published novel Law of Attraction.

“There is a physiological foundation for positive thinking and its effect in creating the law of attraction.

As you may recall from your high school science classes, there are many forms of energy: atomic, thermal, electromotive, kinetic and potential. Energy can never be destroyed.

You may also recall that all matter is made up of atoms, and each atom has a nucleus (made up of protons and electrons) around which orbit electrons.

Electrons in atoms always orbit the nucleus in prescribed “orbitals” or energy levels that ensure the stability of the atom. Electrons may be compelled to assume “higher” orbits by the addition of energy, or may give off energy when they drop to a “lower” orbit. When it comes to “vibrations,” if atoms are “aligned,” they create a motive force, all pulling together in the same direction, in much the same way as metals can be magnetized by aligning their molecules in the same direction. This creation of positive (+) and negative (-) poles is a fact of nature and science. Suffice to say, science has shown that if there are physical laws that can be observed and quantified in one arena, there are most probably similar laws in other arenas, even if they cannot at this time be quantified.

00010.jpgOxygen atom

So you see, the law of attraction isn’t a fancy term or new age magic; it is a law of nature that every atom of your body is constantly responding to whether you know it or not.”

The ideas contained within this explanation were briefly touched on in previous explanations concerning the foundations of the law of attraction; however, in order to understand the controversy surrounding these assumptions it is important that you first understand what these assumptions are.

Supporters of the theory claim that the effectiveness of the law of attractions stems from its origin in the filed of physics and its supporting facts in the field of quantum mechanics; after all, the primary argument against many metaphysical occurrences is that while their origins may be speculated on, these origins very rarely have more than a small amount of circumstantial physical evidence to back them up. Who is going to argue about the validity of a theory which, although assumed to actually be manifesting itself on a higher plane, has its roots planted firmly in the grounds of modern science.

Unfortunately, much of the “scientific evidence” which has been brought forward to date in support of the law of attraction has not been conclusively proven with sufficient reproducibility to allow it to be considered an actual law of nature. The entire axis upon which the scientific world revolves was best described by Richard Feynman, one of the finest physicists of his time and a man whose writings and teachings can still be found in almost every bookstore and college campus in the country.

In his book Six Easy Pieces Feynman states:



“…nature, as we understand it today, behaves in such a way that it is fundamentally impossible to make a precise prediction of exactly what will happen in a given experiment. This is a horrible thing; in fact, philosophers have said before that one of the fundamental requisites of science is that whenever you set up the same conditions the same thing must happen. This is simply not true, it is not a fundamental condition of science…We stated…the sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment. If it turns out that most experiments work out the same in Quito as the

do in Stockholm, the those “most experiments” will be used to formulate some general law…We will invent some way o summarize the results of the experiment, and we do not have to be told ahead of time what this way will look like. If we are told that the same experiments will always produce the same result, that is all very well, but if when we try it, it does not, then it does not.”

That’s right, straight from the mouth of one of the most revered names in science to your eyes. Contrary to what your teachers told you in grade school it is not necessary for an experiment to reproduce itself in order to be considered both valid and significant. This is an important lesson to remember throughout life; however, with respect to the process of a theory becoming established as a law it is important that any experiment conducted with that theory as its fundamental backbone be reproducible under most circumstances.

The experimental trials of the law of attraction which have been performed with the use of test subjects have left a great deal of grey in the decision as to whether or not the law is actually a law at all. Since researchers are dealing with the human psyche rather than a physical object which can be manipulated and controlled it is all but impossible to establish proper testing conditions which will guarantee a high level of accuracy and completely unbiased results.

In order for a trial of the law of attraction to be considered conclusive it is necessary that the test subject follow the guidelines meticulously. This means that they must remove all of the negative energy from the subconscious portion of their psyche. This is a condition that is considered to be “mission critical” in an experiment yet is impossible for researchers to control.

A test subject cannot be forced through any artificial means to remove negative thoughts from their subconscious; they may not even know that these negative thoughts are there (after all,
there is a reason that it is called the
subconscious). Since the key element to
finding success with the law of attraction is
to allow positive energy to dominate your
thought processes any negative energy
remaining, even deeply buried away from
the conscious mind, will have an adverse
reaction on the results of the experiment.


In addition, since researchers are dealing with the human psyche there is another factor which has never been officially proven through scientific means but which is accepted as fact all around the world: the power of the human mind. You may be looking at this in confusion, asking yourself why the power of the human mind would be a problem when it is the power of the human mind which you are attempting to harness in order to find success with the law of attraction.

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The reasons are simple. There are three main factors which stand in the way of a person achieving their goals. One of these is the body, the other is the environment. Each of these plays a small role in a person’s ability to carry out a task which they have chosen for themselves; however, they are not the key factor responsible for the success or failure of a person’s appointed mission. The human mind is the primary obstacle standing in the way of a person and their dreams. If they do not believe that they will be able to overcome the other environmental and social obstacles standing in the way of achieving their goal then they will not be able to. On the other hand, if they believe that they will be able to triumph over these adversities they are almost guaranteed success. This is not always due to some form of cosmic influence, however.

Let us look at this dilemma through the eyes of a young adult who is straight out of college and attempting to start his career. If he has a great deal of doubt in his ability to succeed in his chosen field and land a job he will be happy for his mind will recognize that negativity and make it fact. He will not be as aggressive as he needs to be in hunting down jobs, and when he does find a job he will almost inevitably crash and burn in the very first interview because he will be so sure of his failure that he will not be able to put his best foot forward. On the other side of the coin, if he is confident that he will be able to succeed he will portray that confidence in everything that he does, allowing him to get through his interview with flying colors and land the job of his dreams.


There was no cosmic influence here, merely a readjustment in attitude that led to a readjustment in presentation. It is impossible to look at the results of an experiment relating to the law of attraction and be able to say with one hundred percent surety that the positive results of these trials were a result of some form of cosmic influence rather than sheer human determination.

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Experimental results are not the only issues causing contention among the scientific community. A large portion of the theory has fallen under fire as well. The simple truth of the matter is that from a scientific standpoint the cold, hard evidence supporting the physical existence of the law of attraction in nature is weak indeed. Unlike many other experiments dealing with nonmetaphysical properties of science it is virtually impossible for scientists to actually examine the individual components which make the law of attraction.

Vibrations being emitted from the body with respect to moods and emotions are still largely a conceptual idea, and while scientists may be able to pinpoint the precise energy signatures being emitted by the body the technology to recognize whether it is good or bad, stemming solely from the body’s physical self or having some foundation in the body’s emotional channels simply does not exist.

In addition to these difficulties scientists do not yet have a means with which to identify the specific energy waves which comprise an event. For every change dealt to the status quo in nature there is both a waterfall of precursor events which must occur in order for events to proceed as needed for a specific outcome and a “ripple effect” of changes which will occur as a result of this change. It is impossible to determine whether or not there is, in fact, an energy based reason for each of these events, and how the various forms of energy which must collaborate to bring circumstances to these ends work together is still a mystery.

Are you confused yet? Probably, which is precisely the point upon which a great deal of the controversy surrounding this law is founded. The theory simply does not make sense in any manner that can be specifically addressed by a scientific team and proven using scientific methods. Where does that leave the scientific community? Still turning its wheels looking for answers.


As we mentioned before, scientists are not the only ones with a bone to pick with regards to the law of attraction. Various religious sectors have taken great offense to the concept of a person being able to decide their own fate based entirely on the power of their mind. Why is that? After all, one would think that if anyone would appreciate the potential of a person being able to direct their own course in life it would be those who have a deeper understanding of all things unseen.

The reason for their opposition is the fact that if people are able to control the course of their own lives it more or less usurps the position of a God in this lifetime. The theory of the role of a deity in most religions is that it is prayer and sacrifice to this deity which will determine your lot in life, as well as in the afterlife. The ultimate decision with regards to your ultimate fate rests entirely on their shoulders, and if you are fortunate your deity will be a forgiving one and grant you much prosperity in life.

If you choose to follow a path that you believe will allow you to take control of your life out of the all knowing hands of your deity what does that say regarding your faith? It is argued that belief in the law of attraction means that the believer doubts the power of their deity, an action which not only sacrifices the fundamental principles of any religion (the ultimate, unquestioning belief that is the platform upon which any deity rests; after all, what is a god but someone who has found someone to worship them?) but could cause doubt to fall upon the entire religious caste, an event which most societies are simply not ready to deal with.

Another belief that has suffered a hard hit in the presence of the belief in the law of attraction is that which states that the universe exists in a delicate balance, and all events which occur are a result of the universe attempting to maintain that balance. The possibility that man can decree the events that happen in his own life is a slap in the face to the belief in that balance; after all, if man can decide the events of the future what is there to ensure that that balance remains? How can humans live comfortably knowing that at any time their entire way of life as they know it could come to an end as the power of the law of attraction could cause the play of events in the world to be changed entirely?