Madness: a form of love (free edition) by Max J. Lewy - HTML preview

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The Lilac Lighthouse


Lilac spectres, hovering above the rollicking waves,

Greet me at night from across the oceans... as I hold

The fort by the old lighthouse, beautiful and bold...

Caressing my mouse-white beard, upon this misty eve.


Like lavender flowers, of pallid hue, they skate upon,

The perfect blue, of the frozen skies... Flooded with white light,

From the bulb in my citadel by the sea. What dreams they carry,

From what storms they are sent, over life-less bodies,


Broken by tempest, shall remain shrouded in night.

But, that they come and go, of this there can be no doubt.

Of the agonizing nights spent alone here, left only to watch

On while so many souls ran aground on the breakers.


We begin as star fish, and end as empty shell.


I bore witness with my shining torch, until this day,

When my madness finally sets sail, and I join them...


Throwing myself off the high porch, into the eternal blue...