Madness: a form of love (free edition) by Max J. Lewy - HTML preview

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Silenced Song


Silenced song.

Where is the one I have loved all along ?

Without a sound,

Never to be found,

Down in the ground...


(They all shout) Turn that face to a cheery grin,

Or else you're in for some electrocutin'.


The Triumph Of The Will? Nil!

Killed by a pill.

Yet Herr Hitler haunts us still,

In the minds of those who label others 'mentally ill'.


I'm sorry if to you my words sound awfully shrill;

But this here is no trifle.


...Feeling 'ill'?


No hesitation: Straight to the Concentration Camp!

His blinding white coat? His cowardly armour, his priestly cloth, his

Jew-skin lamp.

Turn you to a slug with his drug, then they stamp on you still.

So merrily he smothers the lives of others, festooned by his adoring

peers as they watch on...

So happy to be a 'scientist', so happy doing wrong!


He knows that he's 'successful',

(Although it's all a con),

He knows that he's 'professional' -

The common herd just go along !


(They all shout) Turn that face to a slobbering grin,

Or else you're in for some electrocutin'.


Silenced song.

Where is the one I have dreamt of all along?

The rain falls

As it has done all along

But is no longer redolent

Of arcane memory - of teaming life, and Siren's sweet Song.


Words vibrate in the ear, but not in the heart...

Words vibrate in the ear, but not in the heart...

Those bastards nipped my bud at the start.


Psychiatry: Like a mortician's art.


(They all shout) Turn your face to a gaudy grin,

Or else you're in for some electrocutin'.