Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Story 3.


A Story on Fox.




Message: The moral stories told in east with animal as charecters, aptly portry Fox as a cunning animal specie.


There are two type of people. First are those who chase their desires blindly. They do not have the knowledge to assess if the effort to chase the goal and results of achieving matches. They form the bulk of the population.


Others, the intelligent specie, assess the situation dynamically and decide either to continue or drop the chase.


I had a few friends who spent several years and a lot of effort to get a Doctoral degree. Every one achieved their goal at some point in time. They were shocked to discover, after achieving their desire that instead of chasing their goal, they could have spent the time in better ways.


A story is told about Fox.


A hungry fox spotted a bunch of grapes. in a vineyard. He wanted to get them.


The grapes were dangling at heights that fox could not reach. He jumped-up several times to reach the grapes but was unsuccessful.


Soon, the fox realized that his efforts were useless as the grapes were too high for him to reach. He gave up the attempt. He went away consoling itself that those grapes were sour.


Note: This story tells that the fox, after a few attempts decided against its pursuing something unreachable.


This depicts that, as a specie fox is more rationale than most humans.