Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Human Mind set


We are different




We are different from animals, because we have more minds than animals.


At the same time, we are not very different from animals because, our mind-set is made of several animals.


Any one person behaves differently depending upon time, place and the situations.


Also, different persons react differently to the same situation.


A city bred people are economically well-off from those from rural and semi-urban areas.


Jungle rulel


The life-scientists would agree that the animals do not exploit animals of the same specie. Because the animal mind, the way of thinking is same across the entire specie.


Humans exploit other humans. This is because the mind-set of each persons are different. Only those with higher knowledge or better thinking abilities can exploit the lesser people..


Q: When we have several and divergent animal minds how they collaborate and coordinate in any given situation.?


Of the several minds in a person, typically one of them is dominant and effective in most situations.


There are exceptions when one has more than one dominant mind. Such people are said to have split and multiple split personalities.


When the strongest relinquishes in a situation the next best comes into play.


In work place when function in a team, such sharing of actions takes place.


While the team lead calls the shot in most situations, in some circumstances the most junior in the team is left to decide and act.


The lesser minds also play their part in few selective and special situationsThus since several minds react in several situations, predictability of any person is nearly impossible.


Q: You say that there are no two persons behave either in the same way or in any predictable ways.


The dominant minds determine and act in a given situation. But the dominant minds differ from person to person. .


Q: What makes a person with the Lion  dominant mind different from donkey dominant minds?


A: Awareness and application of four steps, subconsciously:


1.  Learning,  2 Storing  3.Thinking  &



Depending upon the extent to which one understand and implement Learning & Thinking people differ from one another.


The lion minded scoring highest and the donkey dominant minds coming last in that order.


First and foremost step in learning is one's ability to recognize, register and remember an experience that is relevant to their life.


Donkey dominant minds, typically, are fascinated by glamour, entertainment and hero worship. So settle their life for less.


Then follows the understanding the necessity of learning. The third could be the understanding and implementation of the preprocess in learning.


The familiarity with various thinking processes and its application on preprocessed learning inputs to derive the knowledge from it.


Internalizing the knowledge so