Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 8




Q: What makes people different?


A: Knowledge!


Q: What makes some rich  and others poor?


A: Knowledge.


Q: What makes some exploiters and others vulnerable?


A: Knowledge levels.


Q: What makes people have different extent of knowledge?


A: Ability to retain larger information for a longer time, the knowledge of Learning & Thinking processes.


Q: Is it not that the education system is expected to do this for their students?


A: If people holding key positions in the education systems are aware of this, probably there is 50% chance that a powerful society with higher levels of knowledge in people can be achieved.


The leaders may not like the common man have knowledge because the leaders survive on the low memories, nil to negligible learning and thinking abilities in common man.


Q: Can the memory retention power in people be increased?


A: We can increase them, with conscious effort. The result would better when one makes the effort when they are young.


Most education systems that conduct examination merely tests the ability to remember and not the knowledge one acquire.


That is the reason many of those who score high in examinations do not perform as well in the chosen profession,.


Q: What efforts typically helps increasing memory power?


A: In short, follow middle class.


When young (from the age of 3 onwards) the efforts should start. The children are typically made to memorize and recite a large volume of text, poems or songs, ideally in a group.


When the practice continue, typically, till the age of 10, the ability becomes natural to them.


This is one to mention. There are many other practices besides this.


Q: How do I understand Thinking processes?


A: There are patterns of Learning & thinking processes found in other spheres of life that we are well aware of. One such is consumption to digestion of food.


We do not eat anything that we can lay out hands on. We are selective. We go places and choose the food that are good for   our health and situation. We choose among the food closer to our place of living too. The food raised in our soil is several fold healthier than one grown in far off lands. These are preprocesses.


We do not just devour anything that we have to eat. They are processed using various techniques or processes.


We eat ground nut and banana after we remove the external shell peal.


We need to cook the rice in steam and boil cereals in water before it could be consumed.


We need to cut most of the vegetables, fry them with oil, add spices before we consume.


At this stage the food is ready. But needs to go though a series of processes starting from munching them using teeth.


For the next five hours or more, the food pushed into food pipe goes though several processes and each one of them extracts minerals, calcium, fats, proteins and amino acids that are required for building various body parts such as bones tissues, skins, muscles and so on.


After these are extracted the residue is excreted.


One may compare the part of the food that was absorbed by the body to that which is rejected as irrelevant.   What is absorbed will be a couple of grams against a few hu