Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


Learn to Identify the Lions Foxes around you


To benefit from reading this book, the reader should know to identify and differentiate people of three (Lion. Fox and Donkey) dominant mind of people in their surrounding.


Q: How do I recognize the dominant animal minds in people around me?


A: First step is awareness that the people belong to one of the three dominant minds. Then apply the following thumb rule.


FOXES are characterized by incomdisproportionate to their known skills and capabilities with which they can provide either a product or a service to fellow citizen..


Typically, they cannot not produce any real goods or real services that a society looks for.


These are called primary products and real wealth. They mix with people with both extremes, of animal traits, especially the donkeys and lions in the society,


The society knows them as leaders of various hues such as Caste, religious, working class and political leaders,


They have limited resources as individuals. They use liberally the Donkeys to shore up their muscle power and lions to power their Economic strength.


They fall flat when they loose any one or both mind -types, to others in the society.


(Examples Real goods are farm products, rearing. The real services are the one uses his skills and efforts to serve the people such as, health care, transport, carpentry, masonry, and a host of technical assistance in various  engineering services guarding the society and territory of the nation).




Men with Lion traits at a National level would own and control media houses, large manufacturing, construction and trading empires.


The lion dominant minds   are     characterized by :


These people, in small number would be richest in any given place a village or state capital.


Like Foxes, they do not produce any real goods or real services. They make secondary products which has no risk and high returns.


The fox-traits people occupying the elected offices, help the lion into acquiring the wealth belong to the entire society.


In return for their help, lions leave aside a small portion of its earning, as a compensation for their help to diverting the nation's wealth to fuel their empires. This can be compared to foxes feeding on left-over meat, of lion's hunt.


You find several traders, merchants in every small village to big towns, who do not produce any primary products  or services but riches among that small part of any given society.


The richest lions in any society create pseudo wealth by creating pseudo products, that are images of some real products. The pseudo wealth is capable of sucking out the real wealth from the people. This is a key factor in economic down turn of every developed and developing countries today.


(These pseudo products has no value when t