Porn will kill your heart by ROUANE HAMZA - HTML preview

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What you’ll get from reading this book        

This book is no more than 70 pages long and would likely not take more than 3 hours to complete. Still, the blessings that you will reap will ultimately transform your entire viewpoint on porn dependence and, as a result, will enhance the quality of your life.

After finishing this book, you will desire the feeling of freedom instead of the porn fantasies that you have permitted to colonize your mind for so long.

Sensations of deprivation and missing out will eventually be terminated, and even in the case of extreme addiction, the so-called physical withdrawal will barely be noticeable. You will not miss out on anything!

The product of completing the entire book is that you will no longer see porn as a source of dopamine but rather a venom that you weren’t supposed to abuse in the first place. You will pity yourself for all the years of pointless consumption, and you’ll make a firm commitment never to go back ever again.