Š*k Book by Pavel Šlajs - HTML preview

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Keep It Going

Most people are quite nervous to start with, when going on dates especially if these are first encounters. Going prepared is probably the best advice to give, as arming one’s self will a whole bunch of topic will give the individual a lot of back up conversation pieces to inject into the conversation when it seems to be failing or when it seems to be on the verge of stopping altogether.

Being observant about the surroundings and happening around the room is also another way to find things to inject into a conversation when there is need to keep it flowing. However caution should be exercised as the conversation should not take on a tone that is accusing, condemning or condescending. This would paint the individual in a bad light and would not sit well with the other party.

Remembering the basics about the conversation and then come up with further question and perhaps even funny interjections on the topic to all some life and continuity back into the conversation. Using open-ended questions will also help to extend the conversation and give the other party a chance to fill in the gap.

Understanding and accepting that it is not completely the responsibility of the individual to keep the conversation going smoothly, will help keep the pressure off and bring about a relaxed feeling. Sometimes the other party may have something to say, and the ebb in the flow of the conversation, would be a good time to give them an opportunity to say something new.