Shades of Pain by MEA Sattosh - HTML preview

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Wind Dispersal(4-1-2013)


“Mrs. P these floods are crazy!” 

“No shit,” she replied, “I’m really thirsty but I haven’t seen fresh water in weeks, I could drain the whole Hindus in a gulp dude.” 

“Wait, hold up,” 

I had an idea. Someone ahead of us had a six-pack of bottled water strapped to his waist. He gave me one for Mrs. P once we had crossed the bridge. I then spotted some heavy clouds in the distance and rushed off to avoid the coming rains.


M called me later in the day telling me he is the new president of Madagascar. He spoke between breaths, “we finished all the bullets dude, even the 38s were emptied, yet no one got killed!"


I’m here watching the countdown of MTVBase top ten videos and we’re on #8. It is a dope track about the night-sky, airplanes and shooting-stars. I don’t get why such a dope track is stuck here 8 places from #1.

The next 7 tracks must be melodic ecstasy,

... must be sweet elation,

… great,

… a cool summer breeze,

… alluring,

… very good,

… chics in South America,

… in Paris

… love in Asia,

… college in the US,

… Peace in Africa. the track is ending M switches the station to Aljazeera. Around the world leaders have been issuing statements condemning M’s actions on the coup in Madagascar. The last being BeO the US president.

“What’s his problem?” M asks, but I’m not paying attention, 

“dude this honey is hot.” 

“Yer!” he agrees, 


Aljazeera has a new news-presenter. She looks Middle Eastern, maybe Egyptian, Palestinian, or Saudi Arabian, but her accent is so British that she could be a BBC news-anchor. Her black eyes, the black hair –the studio lighting– they all work together to enhance her beauty. 

“I’m in love man.”  

“Yer, me too.”

In the next moment there is a huge explosion outside. I get my camera and go to film the scene with my journalist. The soldiers spotted a Toyota pickup which, they think, had Taliban fighters with weapons of mass distraction. So they blew it up, they want to go ahead of us to make sure no one survived. While we wait we strap up well with the bullet proof and the big PRESS vests to be on the safe side.



The soldiers guarding us are a little tense. Its dusty around us and a little wind raises a small dust storm as I hide behind the walls of this roofless, doorless and windowless house. Its no use and all my fatigue turns dust brown. My cameras also dressed in protective cloth collects dust at the lenses. I can’t keep them covered cause I don’t want to miss out on any action.


While we wait, I film everyone around us. There are five soldiers waiting with us. They are all kids, a few years younger than me, armed with modern assault rifles dresses in their sand-brown fatigues. Their weapons seem too big for them but they carry them with ease as if the guns are made of plastic.


Suddenly, the trucks that brought us start up. The team that went ahead of us have sent message telling our team that its too dangerous to bring in non-combat personnel. We must be sent back to the base camp. I don’t understand this because we’ve been in some of the most heated battles of this war why are they sending u away? But we leave anyway.


- I am aware of your achievements and they far out way what seem to me to be your flaws. In this regard I reserve my right to hold you in high regard.

- I need my character flaws in order to stay normal otherwise I hold myself against presidents that I cannot sustain.


- We only find a connection in sympathy. The deeper (greater) the sympathy you feel towards a character (hero, villain) the more you appreciate (feel connected with) the character’s role in the story (fiction or real).


- In a fight, war, battle, argument, conflict, the outcome can only be one of these three:




…any other outcome is just a continuation, until one of these three is arrived at.