A stretch of road racing up the heart of darkness revealed to me that it isn’t so dark after all, but instead it is a radiant golden heart, beating with life and with an aorta, a broad river vibrant with a turbulent flow revealing a breath taking vista as it races past beneath an all too short bridge (the Murchison Falls National Park river).
Now, looking at the vibrant river with his wife and kids and family friends; with beady eyes and facial hair and neck and chest and everywhere hair, and on his tail too but not on his butt; those red or pink or blue or green butt cheeks, bare on the ground as he sat there and watched. Yes those shiny glistering sparkling butt cheeks those cheeks.
But keep driving and don’t stop however slow you may go; for the police guard the bridge and the butt cheek hairy men guard the road and run to your car when you try to stop. Will they attack you or will they just pass or will they jump into your car and never get out?
The beautiful river and the beautiful monkeys mix well in the dramatic heart of golden brightness.