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Easter Prayer 2012 (8-4-2012)

 I would like to start a regular contribution for this blog. It will be a prayer and I; I hope it will be one of many other regulars that will add longevity to the blog:

There was a time in my life while I was still young, around my late teens early twenties, a time when I was becoming aware of the magic of prayer; the power of prayer; the strength of prayer: a time when I was beginning to rely on prayer as I became aware of my flaws and weaknesses. Although, I must add that it was not these short comings that were pushing me to embrace prayer; it was my family. We used to pray a lot at home and at church, and when we went to visit extended family especially our grandparents both on my Mother’s side and on my Father’s side. First, our arrival would be met with a prayer then a prayer would be said before we all ate together and another before we left, these prayers I distinctly remember doing on every visit. Even today the spirit of praying in our families lives on even when only my Grandmother (Kaka) on my Mother’s side is still alive of all my grandparents.

             The more I became aware of the intrinsic strength of a prayer the more I placed my wishes and desires before God through it. Many of my prayers I have consciously witnessed being answered, but some only later would I realise that that prayer I asked for so long ago was answered while I was unaware. Some yet still, I feel strongly have not been answered, but in those situations my faith in God’s love for me simply saves me. I strongly believe that God loves me.

I recently (a week ago), lost my Father and a year before that my Mother. My Father taught me how to pray and my Mother taught me the value of prayer. The grandparents I lost, I learnt from them the value of having faith in God and living the life of a Christian. From my grandparent I also saw what prayer can really do and even today I still see their prayers being answered, even today! But yet still, when I look further back I remember the way I felt in the presence of Pope John Paul II. For me, while he was alive up until the year that he died, my faith was unwavering and my conviction needed no reasserting. The church had a light and warmth that made the world a great place to be in; with Pope John Paul II that ends the list of the pillars of my faith.

Here my prayer lays; these people showed me miracles, showed me the true meanings of peace and love, they showed me the essence of Christianity and I thank God for this. I think that I have been left yearning and for this I pray:

-         I pray that the memories of these blessed people live on in my heart.

-         I pray for prayers; I pray that prayers grow in their strength and I pray that praying retains its purpose in my life as a Christian.

-         I pray that the light and warmth of the church remains strong.

-         I pray also that my faith as a Christian remains steady and firm.

I ask this all through the bounty of Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit One God for ever and ever Amen.