Shades of Pain by MEA Sattosh - HTML preview

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My take on “photography” in My Uganda(26-11-2012)


I think this is the first post I am making where I am going to try and highlight what I find to be a negative thing about what My Uganda is doing. By negative, I mean to say that it makes My Uganda and more importantly my home town look bad. When I saw the "photography" properly and clearly, my first emotion or rather sensation was nausea, after taking it in a little bit more (i.e.: I took a second look), I concluded that Photoshop or MSpaint was used in editing the picture. It had been censored. But who’s to say that the whole picture wasn’t entirely fabricated and the censoring is just being used to make it more believable.


In an attempt not to soil my blog I will continue to refrain from mentioning the word “photography” in its “literal”.


This picture was a front page 4 by 5 inch or 5 by 7 inch centre print. The “publications” are usually mounted on a two column metal rack able to hold six, three in each. Then there is a centre column built along the midrib of these two columns. It is designed to hold three publications but these obtrude over the other columns such that a publication put in it would partially cover those in the other two columns at its level, thus making it standout and be more noticeable. I think the idea behind this design at some level was ingenious considering its serves the purpose very well.


I wanted to buy a daily newspaper that had been placed behind this publication in subject. The daily I was buying is the No.1 seller in My Uganda. So I imagine many more people that had come before me were, for lack of a better word, bombarded with the same image. Furthermore, the display rack was placed outside a supermarket on the pavement in attempt to attract as many buyers as possible (it was out in the open for everyone to see): don’t these guys have kids, don’t they feel the need to protect their kids?!...


In all this breath, I feel the need to discredit, in my own way, three main bodies:


- I say FOR SHAME to the government of My Uganda for the creation of the Ethics Ministry because I believe its conception gave leeway for those who felt the need to test this Ministry’s muscle, while it in itself has tried to as the saying goes “feed on its own foot” with the gay rights bill.


- I say FOR SHAME to Islamic and the Christian super-bodies. These two claim moral authority on behalf of all the people in My Uganda. It is clear that theirs is just a fart in the wind to the people of My Uganda. I find that, because of their shortcomings, the priests in the church that I go to in my town (I’m a Christian), are now preaching like Charismatic preachers, almost as if their frustration has reached the point of overwhelm.


- The last and somewhat least For Shame goes to the people of My Uganda. This one is more of an expression of disappointment. I have so much faith I them as they have given me reason for it. However, it seems here they are giving in; compromising; showing tolerance to something that is neither pleasing in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, nor informative or educational (there is nothing positive that I can think of in the public publication of this “photography”). This is something that needs to be stopped... then we will pretend it never happened and continue on with our lives.