Shades of Pain by MEA Sattosh - HTML preview

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Shades of pain: The fallible wick flame.(30-10-2014)

So, what is a Coping Journal(Asked and Answered)

Men who take great risks -Quotes from Madiba'sbook(30-10-2014)

Taming the Dragon (29-10-2014)


101 ways to earn 1000 Ugandan shillings(18-10-2014)

An Act Of Faith (18-6-2014)


My take on prayer(18-5-2014)

Some fun With Facebookzero(7-5-2014)

More fun with facebookzeroIV(10-2-2014)

Farewell to thee, Unpleasant two zero one three (2013) (25-12-2013)

Fun with Facebookzero 3 (10-5-2013)

Easter Prayer(31-3-2013)

Fun WithFacebookzero II (29-3-2013)

Wind Dispersal(4-1-2013)

Journalists are like Darwinian Biologists(18-9-2012)


Hope, do we or do we not need it? (alil'bit of philosophy)(20-8-2012)

We are not Olympians(3-8-2012)

Chasing My past(3-8-2012)

Why the sudden unrest?(26-7-2012)

Vibrant River or Shiny butt-cheeks or both?(12-7-2012)

Chess vsTaekwondo(25-6-2012)

Prayer: Tend to it like Adam (10-6-2012)


Colours of Roses and Their Meaning(29-5-2012)

An "atleast", thin though it may be.(24-5-2012)

The Hunger Games: the tale of a job hunter.(18-5-2012)

A Jag a Beemer and an Audi walk into a bar no no, drive into a bar...(13-5-2012)

A most unpleasant feeling indeed (12-5-12)

Easter Prayer 2012 (8-4-2012)

Growth and Development Effortless(22-3-2012)

Shady Music(18-2-2012)

Justice by my understanding (16-1-2012)

The madness in me(7-12-2012)

My take on “photography” in My Uganda(26-11-2012)

More on Colours and their meaning(21-8-2011)

Minute Anxiety(11-8-2011)

Colours and Their Emotions(6-8-2011)

When power goes out.(18-7-2011)

Inspired by my neighbours(11-7-2011)

The Colourful Inflation(23-6-2011)

My Uganda is full of life.(18-6-2011)

Bus Trip to Kampala(8-6-2011)

Elections Sagga(8-3-2011)

Load shedding (the SAD old days)(22-2-2011)

Elections Euphoria(16-2-2011)

To Corporal Punishment or Not To Corporal Punishment; That is the Question(15-2-2011)