Shades of Pain by MEA Sattosh - HTML preview

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The Colourful Inflation(23-6-2011)


The price of items in My Uganda, small consumables like a loaf of bread, one kilogram of bread flour, margarine, etc, these things have increased in price by about fifty percent of their price a year and a half ago. But most of the price increases have happened in this year. Fuel (in this case diesel) has also increased in the same period by about the same amount. A year and a half ago, the least amount that I paid for a litre of diesel was 1850/- which, at the time was equivalent to one US dollar(1US$ was equal to 1850/- at the time). Of recent the cheapest I have paid for a litter of diesel is 3180/-, which is slightly more than the current prices of a US dollar. Even the dollar itself is worth more than it was back then. Just like in the case of the bread it is worth fifty percent more (1US$ is now equal to 2450/-).


To this I would like to add that, our economic analysts haven't once given  me a reasonable explanation for this consistency in inflation. I am not even sure if they understand it themselves.


There are however other products that behave differently from these on the market. There are those like the banana (the big green bunch of bananas) with which the price varies from time to time within a year. In my town it goes from 4000/- when low to 8000/- when high, and then back down again. Then there are other products that haven't change in price ever since I bought them the first time over a year and a half ago. For example, a sac of charcoal has remained for me from the same supplier at the price of 15,000/-. The strangest case for me of price change was when I went out to buy a gas cylinder (about 13.8 kg cylinder) the price of the item changed down from 100,000/- to 90,000/- in the space of a day, the explanation I was given was that it gets a new price each day - that fascinated me... thus goes the colour of inflation in My Uganda.