Talking AZA 1


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Book Description HTML

Talking AZA 1 is a documentation of the first three lessons of the AZA system. These three teachings are aimed at opening (shocking) the mind out of its rigid conditioning. The Masters’ mischievous sense of humor is evident right from the start and his non-serious entertainment attitude turns it into an unforgettable reading experience. To aid comprehension of the rest of the AZA-system, this manuscript is a “must-read-first” document. Talking AZA 1 consists of 10037 words. Written by Jung-Si Eugene

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Eugene Halliday

The Founder of AZA s.o.m.a. (Eugene Halliday) entered this world on 13 May 1963 in Pretoria, South Africa. He started his Martial Art career on 1 May 1969. In 1981, he joined the South African Police Force. In 1983, he entered a clandestine Counter Terrorism unit where he was submitted to severe training in armed and unarmed combat. His experience of reality during the bush war in Angola and the cold war in South Africa contradicted his view of reality he received during his formative years. Because of this, his quest into the deeper levels of Martial Arts that came into manifest after a near death experience at the age seven, intensified greatly. In 1995, he experienced a profound awakening! After this awakening, he initiated a system that concentrates on co-operation instead of competition. When asked at what time he perfected his system, his answer is always, never. He says that nothing in nature is ever... Read more